Yin Yoga for Beginners Gentle Exercises and Simple Asanas for Less Stress, More Relaxation and Holistic Health - Including a Tried-And-Tested Example Sequence - Mira Steen - Hörbuch

Yin Yoga for Beginners Gentle Exercises and Simple Asanas for Less Stress, More Relaxation and Holistic Health - Including a Tried-And-Tested Example Sequence Hörbuch

Mira Steen



Relaxing baths, reading books, calming teas, lavender, walks, breathing deeply: do these aids sound familiar to you in your search for more inner balance and on the path to greater equilibrium? Are you often easily irritable in everyday life and wish you could react more calmly to many situations? Do you often lie in bed at night and wonder when you will finally be able to calm down and fall asleep? Then this guide may be able to help you. It deals intensively with a type of yoga that calms the body and mind and relaxes the soul. Yin yoga - a contrast to the often hectic pace of everyday life, which is dominated by yang. Try it out and find your own daily ritual that you can always look forward to and which is not only good for your body's health, but also brings the peace and inner harmony that so many people long for these days.

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Zeit:1 Std. 3 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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