You Can Never Outgrow I Am - Neville Goddard - E-Book

You Can Never Outgrow I Am E-Book

Neville Goddard

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Experience the life-changing power of Neville Goddard with this impactful book.

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By Neville Goddard

A man can never outgrow or lose the God he knows in a first person, present tense experience. And when he finds this God he tells his brothers, saying: "If I had not come and spoken to you, you would have no sin, but now you have no excuse for your sins." God reveals himself to man as his eternal contemporary, saying: "Unless you believe that I am he, you will die in your sins," but man finds it almost impossible to keep the tense. He thinks of God in the third person, addresses him in the second person, but can only know God in a first person, present tense experience. Just imagine - no one can sin until God reveals himself to the individual in a first person, present tense experience. Only then can man have no excuse for his sin. And when one who finds God tells his brothers, he receives no greater reception than the first one did, because they see him as a man of flesh and blood, and cannot see this invisible being who says: "I came down from heaven." Man is looking for Christ to come from without, but his revelation is whispered from within.

"I tell you: I have been crucified with Christ. It is not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." In that act he, whose name is I AM, became me. And if I do not believe that my I amness is he, I will die in my sin.

When asked to identify his Father, he said: "If you knew me, you would not ask, for no man can know me without knowing God, for he and I are one." This is not a physical man speaking to another, but self speaking to self. What child is not aware that he (or she) is? And to be aware is to say, "I am," the name God revealed to Moses on the mountaintop. All things are possible to God, but man has difficulty keeping the tense. He speaks of God in third person, prays to God in the second person, but can only know God in first person, present tense, for "I am the Lord, thy God and besides me there is no other God." In the 50th Psalm these words are put into the mouth of David: "Against thee and against thee only have I sinned." Only I, who must know myself in a first person present tense experience, have sinned and I have only sinned against myself!

Do you believe that Jesus Christ is in you as your very self? Are you willing to test yourself? Let me tell you of one lady who did. Many years ago while living in a rooming house in Brooklyn, with very little money, this lady started each day with these words: "I am a very wealthy woman. I have $50,000 in cash." Every Sunday morning she would go to the corner and buy a Sunday Times for her neighbor, Miss Mead, who was a little old lady living frugally and rarely left the house. Within a year after this lady began starting her day claiming her wealth, Miss Mead died, leaving her $50,000 in cash, plus jewelry valued in excess of $30,000. She received an estate of over $100,000 by keeping God in the present tense.

My friend has now found him and I want all who hear me to find him, for when you find this God you will never outgrow - and therefore never lose - him, for you can never grow outside of self. You may believe in astrology, and outgrowing that belief you may then believe in tea leaves. Outgrowing that, you will find something else to believe in as you grow and outgrow, grow and outgrow; but you cannot outgrow the God you find in the first person, present tense, for when you find him to be your I amness, you have found the only God. One day everyone will find him and join their brothers who, already awakened, are in eternity contemplating this world of death, watching for the little stir of life.

I have been sent to tell you these things, for if I had not come and spoken to you, you would have no sin. You could not miss the mark because you did not have any, but now you have no excuse for missing it. I have revealed God to you in first person saying: "He who sees me sees him who sent me." I was sent by my Father, he whom you call God, only I know my Father and you know not your God, for I know that I and my Father are one.