You Can't Quit Sex: Taboo Erotica - Mercedes Preston - E-Book

You Can't Quit Sex: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Mercedes Preston

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…

"No English," he growled, shaking his head. "Fuck good! 'Sta bueno!"
Gloria had already picked up enough Spanish to understand the approval carried in that phrase. She found it no comfort, however; she was immediately overwhelmed with a vast sense of shame at what she had done.
"Oh, you utter bastard!" she whispered, her voice twisted with loathing and self-contempt. "You've killed my husband and all these men and then you've raped me! And what's worse, you made me come-oohh, I'll look forward to seeing you dead!"
The Indian ignored her as he fastened the breechclout around his waist and settled the sheathed knife into place. Her heart nearly leaped into her mouth when she saw his fingers touch the heavy, fringed scabbard; she exhaled gratefully when she understood that he was merely adjusting its hang. He moved away and whistled for his horse. The shaggy pony came up to him and he leaped onto its back with a single, easy bound. He caught up the rawhide thong trailing from the animal's lower jaw, dug his heels into its flanks and clattered away. Gloria twisted around in an attempt to determine what he was doing but could not follow his path once he had disappeared behind the wagon.
She eased herself back onto the ground, conscious now of the Indian's sperm trickling out of her pussy. Though it reminded her of the shame which had been forced upon her, she could not help remembering the way her belly and thighs had reverberated with her own pleasure. Though it tore at her conscience to admit it, she could not hide the truth: she had come with a full, mighty rush of feeling, exactly as she had done when it had been her own husband between her thighs!
How could you? she asked herself, shaking her head in wonder. A brute, a savage, and you allowed yourself to come just as though it had been Henry! Are you so complete a whore that you can come with any man? Have you no shame at all?

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You Can'T Quit Sex

Mercedes Preston

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












"Oh? So early in the day?"

Gloria Cramer leaned forward on the driver's seat of the big wagon to catch her husband's words more clearly. He had clattered up beside her with the news, having Just returned from a conference with Ben Magee, the leader of the four-wagon freight train.

"We'll be at the crossing tomorrow," Henry Cramer explained. "They don't want to camp too close to it tonight, just in case there are Indians about. Magee says there's a small creek up ahead where we can stop.

"That will be nice," Gloria said, looking about to make sure that no one else was within earshot. Seeing no rider or wagon closer than a hundred yards, she felt freer to speak openly. "Perhaps you'll accompany me upstream-I'd like to bathe in something besides a bucket for once!"

Her husband's eyes flashed darkly and a knowing smile creased his face. Gloria answered with a knowing look of her own. That was all they needed; although they had been married less than four weeks they already knew each other well enough to be able to form an accurate mental picture of how their sojourn up the creek, if it happened, would end. Henry lifted his big, sun-browned hand in an affectionate salute and galloped away, off to take up his post on the right wing of the small caravan. Gloria slapped the reins across the rumps of the mules pulling their wagon and settled, back for the last hour's drive.

"Yes, my darling husband, it will indeed be nice to be alone with you for even an hour," she said to herself as she watched him ride away. "Ahh, this blasted wagon train-what a place to spend a honeymoon! Thank God we had those few days alone before setting out on this trip! Yes, Henry, I'll take you up that creek with me and when we're out of sight of those others, then we'll see!"

She stirred uncomfortably on the wagon seat as her pussy began to come alive with feeling. The mere thought of being alone with her husband had a strange and compelling power, as she well knew, and she blushed slightly to find herself thinking exactly how they could spend their time together. Gloria had been a virgin when she had made her vows to Henry back in San Antonio, but she had gladly surrendered her hymeneal membrane, along with her freedom, to him on that memorable night when he had taught her things the existence of which she had never even suspected.

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