Your Love Guru - Nikita Singh - Hörbuch

Your Love Guru Hörbuch

Nikita Singh

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Your Love Guru tells the story of three women's friendship with each other, and explores obstacles in their romantic relationships. Pari seems to have it all: an outrageously popular relationship advice account on Instagram and a dream boyfriend. Seema, her childhood friend, is getting increasingly frustrated by Pari's unsolicited advice about her love life. Heather worships Pari, for having saved her from a "toxic" relationship and giving her a new life. During an unsuspecting Saturday brunch, things begin to unravel, and through the course of one day, the truth about all of their relationships comes to light in a sequence of unexpected twists and turns.

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Zeit:0 Std. 50 min

Sprecher:Jasleen Bhalla
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