Zoe's Rescue Zoo: Puzzled Penguin - Amelia Cobb - E-Book

Zoe's Rescue Zoo: Puzzled Penguin E-Book

Amelia Cobb

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When Great-Uncle Horace brings back lost and homeless animals from his travels around the globe, it falls to Zoe and her mum, the zoo's vet, to settle them into their new home. Zoe's good at this, because she can understand what they say and talk to them, too. But that's a secret! In this second book, a tiny penguin arrives at the zoo. He's really cute, but a bit of a puzzle - he just doesn't seem to know he's a penguin!

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Zoe reached out and touched the penguin’s fluffy belly. She didn’t think she’d ever felt anything so soft! As she stroked him, the little chick opened his beak and made a happy peeping sound...

With special thanks to Natalie Doherty

To Mum and Craig, Dad and Jackie x

Chapter One

Summer at the Rescue Zoo!

Zoe Parker grinned as she ran out of the school gates, swinging her bag beside her. Her mum, Lucy, was waiting for her. “It’s the summer holidays!” Zoe yelled, giving her mum a big hug.

Lucy smiled and ruffled her daughter’s wavy brown hair. “How was the last day of term?” she asked.

Zoe began to skip excitedly along the pavement. “It was fun, but I just couldn’t wait for the holidays to start. Six whole weeks!” She smiled at her mum. “And I get to spend every single day at my favourite place.”

As they got closer to home Zoe heard noises ahead: roars, bellows, screeches and squeaks. Animal noises!

Finally they turned a corner, and there in front of them stood a pair of tall, beautiful gates, with a line of lush oak trees on either side. The gates were made of golden wood, and covered with delicate carvings of every sort of animal you could think of. There were majestic tigers, soaring eagles, snapping crocodiles and elegant gazelles. About halfway up, two words were carved across the gates in swirling letters: RESCUE ZOO. Right at the top, a golden hot-air balloon twinkled in the sunlight.

A queue of excited visitors were streaming through the gates, but Zoe and her mum walked straight past them. As she stepped inside the zoo, a familiar warm, happy feeling spread through Zoe’s tummy. “Home sweet home,” she whispered.

Zoe and her mum weren’t visiting the zoo – they lived there! Zoe’s Great-Uncle Horace was a famous explorer and animal expert, and on his travels around the world he had met lots of animals in need of help. That was why he’d decided to build the zoo, so it could be a safe place for any creature who was lost, injured or in trouble. Now it was home to hundreds of amazing animals!

Zoe’s mum was Horace’s niece, and the zoo vet. She and Zoe lived in a little cottage on the edge of the zoo, so that Lucy could be there whenever the animals needed her. Zoe couldn’t imagine a better place to live!

Beyond the gates, a red-brick path wound its way through the zoo. On a warm summer’s day like this, there were hundreds of visitors, chattering as they wandered past each enclosure. Now that school had finished, lots of families were starting to arrive. Zoe spotted Jack and Nicola from her class, still in their green-and-white school uniforms. She smiled and waved at them, and they waved back.

“That’s Zoe, the girl I told you about,” she heard Jack telling his dad. “She lives here. It’s so cool!”

As Zoe and her mum made their way through the crowds to their cottage, Zoe heard an excited chattering noise above her. She looked up, shading her eyes from the bright sunlight. From the top of a sycamore tree, a tiny, furry face peeped cheekily down at her.

“Meep!” called Zoe, smiling. “Come down from there, you cheeky thing!”

With a swift leap, the little creature bounded down and landed nimbly on Zoe’s shoulder. Zoe gathered the soft, warm bundle into her arms for a cuddle. Meep was a tiny grey mouse lemur with enormous golden eyes and a long, velvety tail. Great-Uncle Horace had rescued him when he was just a baby, and had brought him to the Rescue Zoo. Now Meep lived in the cottage with Zoe, and was her very best friend.