Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Messy Meerkat - Amelia Cobb - E-Book

Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Messy Meerkat E-Book

Amelia Cobb



Zoe loves living at her uncle's rescue zoo because there's always something exciting going on. And Zoe also has an amazing secret... She can actually TALK to the animals! Max the meerkat loves to dig tunnels and go exploring, and so do his baby brothers and sisters! With the big treasure hunt coming up, can Zoe find a way to keep the messy meerkat family out of trouble?

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Zoe smiled as she watched Max shake the dirt from his fur. Something told her life certainly wasn’t going to be dull with this messy little meerkat around!

With special thanks to Siobhan Curham

Chapter One

A New Animal Family

Zoe Parker dipped her brush into a pot of bright-yellow paint. The Rescue Zoo was having a special treasure hunt in a couple of days, just before the end of the summer holidays. The treasure hunt had been Zoe’s idea, and she was looking forward to having a brilliant day before school started again!

The zoo had just closed for the evening and Zoe and her mum Lucy were on the grass outside the hippo enclosure, making a banner to let people know about the treasure hunt. Zoe added some long golden rays to the smiley sun at the centre of the banner.

“There – it’s finished,” she said, feeling proud of her work.

COME TO OUR SUMMER TREASURE HUNT! THIS SATURDAY AT 11, the banner said in bright, colourful letters. As well as the sun, Zoe had painted cheery pink, red and orange flowers clambering around the words.

“It looks lovely, Zoe,” Lucy said as she began packing away the paints. “It was such a great idea of yours to have a treasure hunt. Lots of people have bought tickets for it.”

Zoe grinned. She loved it when the zoo was full of visitors. But Zoe wasn’t a visitor to the Rescue Zoo. She actually lived there! Her Great-Uncle Horace had started the zoo a long time ago, as a home for any animals who were lost, poorly or didn’t have a home. Zoe’s mum was the zoo vet, and she and Zoe lived on the edge of the zoo in a cosy little cottage.

Just then, a little mouse lemur scampered over and looked at the banner, his golden eyes gleaming with excitement.

“Hello, Meep.” Zoe picked him up and stroked his silky grey fur. Meep was her very best friend and he lived with Zoe and Lucy in their cottage.

A young hippo called Henry trundled over to the edge of his enclosure and grunted loudly. His grey skin was covered in splotches of mud. Zoe smiled. Henry loved nothing more than taking a mud bath in the lake in the middle of his enclosure – all the hippos loved the mud! Henry grunted again and nodded at the banner. He was telling Zoe how much he liked it. Zoe knew this because she had a special secret – she was able to talk to animals! They understood her and she understood them. But nobody knew, not even her mum or Great-Uncle Horace. So she just smiled at Henry and nodded.

“And what, may I ask, is going on here?”

Zoe turned to see Mr Pinch standing on the red-brick path with his hands on his hips and a frown on his face.

“Uh-oh!” Meep muttered, and hopped on to Zoe’s shoulder.

Mr Pinch was the Rescue Zoo manager. He was tall and thin and nearly always grumpy.

“We’re making a banner for the summer treasure hunt,” Lucy replied as she packed away the last of the paints.

“Well, you’re certainly making a mess,” Mr Pinch said. “Look!” He pointed to the grass.

“What?” Zoe asked, puzzled.

“Paint!” Mr Pinch snapped.

Zoe moved closer to where he was pointing and spotted a tiny splash of yellow paint on the grass. “But it’s only a speck,” she said.

Henry the hippo snorted with laughter.

Mr Pinch turned and glared at him. “And look at that messy hippo,” he said, shaking his head. “All covered in mud.”

“Hippos are supposed to be covered in mud,” Zoe said. “It keeps them cool in this hot weather. Are you looking forward to the treasure hunt?” she asked, trying to change the subject.

“No, I am not,” Mr Pinch retorted. “Loads of people scrambling about looking for prizes is not my idea of fun.” He turned on his heel and marched off.

Meep hopped down from Zoe’s shoulder and marched up and down crossly, pretending to be Mr Pinch. Zoe giggled, Meep was very cheeky indeed!

Just then, Mo the hippo keeper walked past with a wheelbarrow full of sand.

“Hi, Zoe. Hi, Lucy,” he called.

“Hello, Mo. What are you doing with that sand?” Zoe called back.

“I’m preparing a new enclosure for some special animals,” Mo replied with a grin.

Zoe’s tummy fluttered. She loved it when new animals arrived at the Rescue Zoo!

“What kind of animals are they?” she asked.

“You’ll have to wait and see!” Mo replied. “Your Great-Uncle Horace wants it to be a surprise. But if your mum says it’s OK you can come and help me get the enclosure ready for them.”

Zoe looked at Lucy excitedly.

“Go on,” Lucy said with a smile. “I’ll join you after I’ve hung up the banner.”

Zoe skipped along the footpath after Mo, with Meep scampering along beside her.

“Why do you think he’s got all that sand?” she whispered to Meep. “What kind of animal needs sand?”

“Er – a sand hippo?” Meep suggested.

Zoe looked puzzled. “I don’t think there’s such an animal as a sand hippo.”

Meep looked disappointed. “What about a sand panda?”

“Nope.” Zoe shook her head.

“How about a sand-wich? I’m starving!” he said, rubbing his tummy.

“You’re always starving,” Zoe giggled. She took a pack of seeds from her pocket and gave Meep a handful.

They followed Mo round to the back of the hippo enclosure, where a new glass-walled enclosure gleamed in the setting sun. The enclosure was full of dirt and sand. A few logs and rocks were dotted about but apart from that the enclosure was empty.

Zoe watched as Mo let himself in and tipped in the sand from the wheelbarrow. Her mind whirred as she tried to work out what kind of animal the enclosure could be for. Sand was usually found in the desert in hot places like Africa. And Mo was the zookeeper who looked after the hippos, which also came from Africa. Zoe quickly thought of other animals that came from Africa. Lions and leopards and elephants and giraffes… But the Rescue Zoo already had enclosures for those animals, and they were much bigger than this one!

All of a sudden Zoe heard a low hum coming from the sky, which became louder and louder.

Around the zoo the sound of animals bellowing, roaring, trumpeting and chirping filled the air.

“Goo! Goo!” Meep chattered, jumping up and down.

Zoe felt like jumping up and down with excitement too. Goo was Meep’s nickname for her Great-Uncle Horace and the noise was coming from the Rescue Zoo helicopter! Zoe spun round just in time to see the helicopter coming in to land on the other side of the new enclosure.

“Great-Uncle Horace!” she cried, racing round to greet him as soon as the blades on the helicopter roof had stopped.

The door to the helicopter opened and Great-Uncle Horace clambered from the cockpit. He was