Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Eager Elephant - Amelia Cobb - E-Book

Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Eager Elephant E-Book

Amelia Cobb

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When Great-Uncle Horace brings back lost and homeless animals from his travels around the globe, it falls to Zoe, and her mum, the zoo vet, to settle them into their new home. She's good at this, because she can understand what they say and talk to them, too. But that's a secret. In the fifth book in the series, a playful baby elephant arrives at the zoo. But how can Zoe prevent him from rushing into big trouble.

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Zoe gasped, her heart thudding in her chest. Bertie had waded even further into the lake – and now he was struggling to stay above the water. The little elephant was in big trouble…

Chapter One

Meep Gets into Mischief

Zoe Parker wrinkled her nose and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. “Aaaa-chooo!” she sneezed as dust went up her nose. “Aaaa-chooo!”

Zoe was raking up the minty-smelling leaves in the koala enclosure at the Rescue Zoo. All around her, tall green trees stretched up from the dusty, pebbly ground. Every time Zoe moved her rake, a small cloud of dust puffed into the air – and straight up her nose!

As the branches above her head shook, Zoe glanced up. Perched in the tree was Matilda, one of the koalas. Zoe thought she was one of the cuddliest animals at the Rescue Zoo, with her soft grey fur, cute black nose and big fluffy ears. But right now Matilda didn’t look at all cuddly – she looked cross!

The koala gave a noisy chatter, and a tiny creature scampered out of the leaves and shot down the tree trunk. He stuck his pink tongue out at Matilda before leaping on to Zoe’s shoulder.

“Meep!” Zoe said, grinning at the little mouse lemur. Meep was her very best friend. He was so small he could easily ride on Zoe’s shoulder, and he was always getting into mischief!

The koala chattered again crossly, and Zoe looked up in time to see her fluffy bottom disappear further up the tree. Zoe giggled. Being with all the animals was her favourite thing about her zoo home, even when they were cross!

Zoe was very lucky – because she lived at the Rescue Zoo! Her Great-Uncle Horace was the zoo owner, and knew almost everything about animals. Zoe didn’t see him very often, because he spent lots of time travelling around the world, looking for animals that needed help. Whenever he found an animal in trouble or without a home he brought them back to live at the Rescue Zoo! Zoe’s mum, Lucy, was the zoo vet, and she and Zoe lived in a cottage on the edge of the zoo.

Matilda shook her furry head and chattered crossly again at Meep, and Zoe smiled. “You’re right, Matilda,” she replied. “Meep is the naughtiest lemur I’ve ever met, too.”

Living at the Rescue Zoo was the first exciting thing about Zoe, but the second thing was even more special. Zoe knew a very big secret: animals can understand what people say, and talk to them all the time! But only a few lucky people can talk back to them. Zoe was one of these special people. Ever since her sixth birthday she had understood every growl, grunt, squeak and roar the animals made! But she could never tell anyone the animals’ secret – not even her family.

“What were you doing this time, Meep?” said Zoe as the lemur snuggled into her shoulder.

“I wasn’t doing anything naughty, Zoe,” Meep complained grumpily. “I just wanted to try one of Matilda’s special leaves. They look so green and juicy, and they smell so nice. But I had one tiny bite and then I spat it straight out. It tasted horrible!”

“Oh, Meep!” Zoe sighed. “Those are eucalyptus leaves, and they’re poisonous to most animals! They would have made you very sick. Matilda can eat them because koalas have special tummies that protect them. She was just trying to help you.” She smiled up at Matilda. “Thank you,” she told the koala gratefully. “No wonder you were upset with cheeky Meep!”

Matilda nodded her furry head and quickly chattered back.

“No, I’m sure he won’t do it again!” Zoe replied. “Will you, Meep?”

Meep’s big golden eyes were wide as he shook his head. “I’ll stick to bananas from now on. And apples. And maybe nuts too … and sunflower seeds…”

Zoe giggled as Meep started listing all the foods he liked. Meep was a little animal with a big appetite!

Up in the tree, Matilda suddenly gave an excited squeak and began chattering eagerly.

“What is it?” Zoe asked curiously.