Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Scruffy Sea Otter - Amelia Cobb - E-Book

Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Scruffy Sea Otter E-Book

Amelia Cobb



Zoe is SO excited when Great Uncle Horace brings THREE gorgeous sea otter pups to live at the Rescue Zoo! The orphaned pups are very fluffy and cheeky - and the youngest pup, Sasha, is the cheekiest and fluffiest of all. Zoe uses her special skills to talk to the otters and gets to know them all very well. But Sasha feels sad when her older, more confident, siblings are chosen to take part in a special otter display. Can Zoe and Meep persuade Sasha the scruffy sea otter not to give up and to bring her own special skills to the show?

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Zoe gasped as the little otter scampered out. She had bright eyes and scruffy, tufty brown fur, sticking up in all directions. Zoe thought she was one of the most gorgeous things she’d ever seen!

Chapter One

A Monday Morning Mystery

“Brrrriiing! Brrrriiing!”

Zoe Parker’s eyes flew open as the telephone rang downstairs. It was still very early in the morning, and Zoe could tell from the dim light coming through her curtains that the sun hadn’t properly come up yet.

“Who’s calling so early?” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

Usually on school days Zoe was woken by the sound of Oscar the African elephant trumpeting noisily in his enclosure! That was because Zoe lived somewhere very special: the Rescue Zoo.

The Rescue Zoo was an amazing place where animals who had no home or who were lost or hurt could find a safe place to live. Zoe’s great-uncle, Horace Higgins, had started the zoo several years ago. He was a famous animal expert and explorer, and he was off on one of his adventures around the world right now.

Zoe’s mum, Lucy, was the Rescue Zoo’s vet, and she and Zoe lived in a cosy little cottage on the edge of the zoo. This meant that Zoe could visit the animals any time she wanted! Zoe thought she was the luckiest girl in the world to live where she did. She loved animals more than anything!

As the telephone continued to ring, Zoe heard her mum’s bedroom door creak open and footsteps pad downstairs. “Hello?” she heard her mum say sleepily.

Suddenly Zoe had a thought. “Meep, are you awake?” she whispered anxiously. “I hope one of the animals isn’t poorly!” Zoe knew that the night keepers would ring Lucy in an animal emergency, no matter what time it was, so that her mum could rush out and help.

There was silence for a moment. Then, at the foot of the bed, next to Zoe’s toes, the duvet cover wriggled. A little furry face with big golden eyes popped out!

Meep was a grey mouse lemur with soft fur and a long curly tail. He was Zoe’s best friend and he lived in the cottage with Zoe and her mum. Zoe and Meep did everything together – including talking!

On her sixth birthday, Zoe had realised that she could understand animals’ grunts, barks and roars, and speak back to them too. It had made living in the Rescue Zoo even more fun! Zoe had always kept this a secret from other people though – even her mum.

Meep’s pointy ears were pricked up, so that he could listen to what Lucy was saying. Zoe knew that lemurs had excellent hearing – much better than humans’! “I think she’s laughing, Zoe!” he chirped.

To Zoe’s relief, she realised that Meep was right. She could hear now that Lucy was chatting happily with whoever was on the other end of the telephone. That must mean that none of the animals were hurt or ill. “So what do you think’s going on, Meep?” she wondered.

Meep’s ears twitched. “She’s coming back up the stairs now,” he squeaked. “Maybe we’ll find out!”

Zoe heard footsteps on the stairs again, and a moment later there was a gentle tap on Zoe’s bedroom door.

“Zoe, are you awake?” asked Lucy, popping her head inside the room. Zoe and her mum had the same dark curly hair and freckles. Lucy was beaming with excitement. “I’ve got a surprise for you!” she said. “Quick, hop out of bed and come with me.”

“What is it? Where are we going?” asked Zoe, climbing out of bed.

“You’ll see!” replied her mum. “Put some clothes on and meet me downstairs.”

Zoe stared as her mum disappeared back into her own bedroom, humming cheerily. “This is so weird!” she whispered to Meep as she quickly put on some clothes and laced up her trainers.

Meep jumped from the bed and perched on her shoulder. “I’m coming too!” he chattered eagerly.

Zoe and Meep were waiting by the front door when Lucy appeared. She smiled when she saw them. “Let’s go!” she said, ushering them outside and locking the door behind them.

“Where are we going?” Zoe asked again. “What’s happening?”

“You’ll find out very soon, I promise,” her mum assured her.

To Zoe’s surprise, her mum walked towards the Jeep that was parked round the side of the cottage and got in.

Zoe climbed into the Jeep and strapped herself in, with Meep nestling in her lap. Lucy started the engine and they began to drive slowly through the zoo. The early morning sun was casting a warm light over the flowerbeds bursting with spring flowers and the tall rooftops of Higgins Hall. This was the huge manor house that had belonged to Great-Uncle Horace’s family for years and years, and was now home to some of the Rescue Zoo’s reptiles.

Lots of the animals were beginning to stir as Zoe and her mum drove along. The giraffes were stretching out their long necks, just like Zoe always stretched her arms in the morning, and the hippos were plodding into their mud bath for an early morning dip. But Zoe spotted the owls cuddling together on a branch in their enclosure with their eyes starting to close. Most of them were nocturnal animals, just like bats, which meant they slept through the daytime instead of at night.

Zoe smiled to see Rory, the little lion cub, yawn widely and stretch out his paws before nudging his friend Leonard awake. As the Jeep rumbled past the lions’ enclosure, Zoe saw Rory stare at them in surprise and growl curiously. The little cub wanted to know where Zoe was off to in the early hours of the morning – almost as much as Zoe herself did!

“I love seeing the zoo like this!” Zoe said. “It’s so quiet without any visitors.”

Lucy nodded. “This is one of my favourite times of day too, when the only people around are the zoo keepers.”

Just as she said this, Zoe spotted Jess, the otter keeper, walking along the path in the direction of the otter enclosure. Her blonde hair was tied back in a plait and she was carrying a big red bucket of fish. “Jess must be about to give the otters their breakfast!” Zoe said, waving.

They drove right through the zoo and out of the gates, which were carved from wood and showed lots of different animals. Zoe frowned as she noticed which road her mum was taking them down. “We’re heading towards the river!” she realised.

“That’s right,” said her mum, grinning.

Zoe was beginning to feel very excited – and very curious!