365 Days of Faith - BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - E-Book

365 Days of Faith E-Book

BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC



Faith is actively choosing to believe in something or someone. Living by faith is not circumstantial, and it is not produced by accident. In a world where people live their own truths, it can be hard to discern what living out your faith in God really looks like. Although some may tolerate your faith, many believe there is not one right way, but no one can argue with your personal experience of knowing Christ and having a certain peace that comes from believing the promise of your future with him. This daily devotional encourages you to build your faith through pondering inspiring messages, reading God's Word, and spending time in his presence. As you do, you will notice other virtues being added to your faith. With belief comes goodness, knowledge, and self-control, and that produces the kind of fruit that is a testimony of your faith in Christ. When you suffer hardship, you know where to turn. Jesus' faithfulness is a cornerstone for your own faith. You can trust him because he has proven himself trustworthy, and faith that withstands the fire of adversity brings blessings beyond all imagining. Be filled with hope, courage, and confidence as you step out in faith each day.  

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BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC.

Savage, Minnesota, USA


365 Days of Faith

© 2022 by BroadStreet Publishing®

978-1-4245-6497-2978-1-4245-6498-9 (eBook)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. zondervan.com. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Scripture quotations marked (NCV) are taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Lockman.org. Scripture quotations marked (NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (TPT) are taken from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission of BroadStreet Publishing. All rights reserved.

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JANUARY 1: Proclaiming Faith

JANUARY 2: Mindful Discipline

JANUARY 3: Faith Explanation

JANUARY 4: Unstained

JANUARY 5: Influencers

JANUARY 6: Add to Faith

JANUARY 7: Priceless Faith

JANUARY 8: Faith Before Sight

JANUARY 9: Hearing God

JANUARY 10: Looking for Laborers

JANUARY 11: Acknowledge

JANUARY 12: Keep the Faith

JANUARY 13: Seek Him Out

JANUARY 14: No Holding Back

JANUARY 15: Confident in Christ

JANUARY 16: Confident Faith

JANUARY 17: Conviction

JANUARY 18: Faith Is Confident

JANUARY 19: Yours

JANUARY 20: Because We Know

JANUARY 21: Building Faith

JANUARY 22: Out of Nothing

JANUARY 23: All About God

JANUARY 24: He’s the One

JANUARY 25: Mountain Movers

JANUARY 26: Earnestly Seek

JANUARY 27: Faith Without Sight

JANUARY 28: Steady Hearts

JANUARY 29: Idols

JANUARY 30: Childlike in Faith

JANUARY 31: Safe in Him


FEBRUARY 1: Without Limit

FEBRUARY 2: Run Free

FEBRUARY 3: Pioneer and Protector

FEBRUARY 4: Above All Else

FEBRUARY 5: The Beautiful Prize

FEBRUARY 6: Lasting Virtues

FEBRUARY 7: Never Give Up

FEBRUARY 8: Lots of Room

FEBRUARY 9: Step of Faith

FEBRUARY 10: Bear the Weak

FEBRUARY 11: Respond in Love

FEBRUARY 12: Abide

FEBRUARY 13: Spiritual Achievement

FEBRUARY 14: A Yes Faith

FEBRUARY 15: Faithful and Strong

FEBRUARY 16: Losing to Gain

FEBRUARY 17: The Rest Will Follow

FEBRUARY 18: Call Upon Him

FEBRUARY 19: Mustard Seed

FEBRUARY 20: What We Know

FEBRUARY 21: Increase Our Faith

FEBRUARY 22: Living Water

FEBRUARY 23: Emerging from Darkness

FEBRUARY 24: Feeling Trapped

FEBRUARY 25: Assurance of Eternity

FEBRUARY 26: Address the Need

FEBRUARY 27: Value of Faith

FEBRUARY 28: Hold On


MARCH 1: Law and Faith

MARCH 2: Built Together

MARCH 3: Faith and Works

MARCH 4: Rooted

MARCH 5: Not of Yourself

MARCH 6: Work of Faith

MARCH 7: Clear Views

MARCH 8: Firm Foundation

MARCH 9: Great Hunting

MARCH 10: Run the Race

MARCH 11: Believe in the Son

MARCH 12: A Blazing Furnace

MARCH 13: Heavenly Citizenship

MARCH 14: Directed Paths

MARCH 15: Play Well

MARCH 16: Ready Help

MARCH 17: Great Faith

MARCH 18: Firmly

MARCH 19: Hold onto Truth

MARCH 20: The Unseen

MARCH 21: True Worshippers

MARCH 22: Discouragement

MARCH 23: Look No Further

MARCH 24: Construction Workers

MARCH 25: He Is Willing

MARCH 26: Continuous Faith

MARCH 27: Come Home

MARCH 28: Faith in Love

MARCH 29: Faith or Sight

MARCH 30: Eager for More

MARCH 31: Compelled


APRIL 1: Shield of Faith

APRIL 2: Shared Feelings

APRIL 3: Exciting Adventure

APRIL 4: If Only

APRIL 5: Saving Faith

APRIL 6: Good Stories

APRIL 7: Eagerly Waiting

APRIL 8: Mountain Mover

APRIL 9: How Rich

APRIL 10: Pilgrimage

APRIL 11: Love and Truth

APRIL 12: God First

APRIL 13: Ways to Remember

APRIL 14: Fools for Him

APRIL 15: Eternal Legacy

APRIL 16: My Living Hope

APRIL 17: Goodness of God

APRIL 18: Persist

APRIL 19: Wherever You Go

APRIL 20: So Far Away

APRIL 21: Power of Kindness

APRIL 22: Listen in the Dark

APRIL 23: Good News

APRIL 24: Satisfied Hunger

APRIL 25: Take That Leap

APRIL 26: Faith Wins

APRIL 27: Faith in Action

APRIL 28: Give Thanks

APRIL 29: Sustained by Love

APRIL 30: Fear of the Dark


MAY 1: The First Thing

MAY 2: In Times of Doubt

MAY 3: I Look to You

MAY 4: Belief in God

MAY 5: Stay Calm

MAY 6: The Way

MAY 7: Heard

MAY 8: Stretched Out

MAY 9: Righteous through Faith

MAY 10: Sweet Rain

MAY 11: Pleased

MAY 12: Hunger Pangs

MAY 13: Under Control

MAY 14: Turning Back

MAY 15: Childlike

MAY 16: Seeing Clearly

MAY 17: Desperate for You

MAY 18: Hurled into the Sea

MAY 19: Alive Together

MAY 20: Small Delights

MAY 21: Eleventh Hour

MAY 22: Unseen Mysteries

MAY 23: Shout for Joy

MAY 24: Blessing Untold

MAY 25: More than Anything

MAY 26: Open My Understanding

MAY 27: Focused on Him

MAY 28: Taking the Risk

MAY 29: Have Discernment

MAY 30: A Single Gift

MAY 31: Better Days


JUNE 1: Efficiently

JUNE 2: For the Run

JUNE 3: Perfection

JUNE 4: Bound Together

JUNE 5: Providing an Answer

JUNE 6: All You Ask

JUNE 7: In the Story

JUNE 8: Lukewarm

JUNE 9: A Blazing Furnace

JUNE 10: Confident in Hope

JUNE 11: Until We Know

JUNE 12: Loneliness

JUNE 13: Sure Foundation

JUNE 14: Choosing Praise

JUNE 15: Get Back Up

JUNE 16: Penetrating Word

JUNE 17: The Sword

JUNE 18: Light and Momentary

JUNE 19: Let Wisdom Pour

JUNE 20: Favor

JUNE 21: He Calms My Soul

JUNE 22: Nourish

JUNE 23: Believe in Jesus

JUNE 24: Get Wisdom

JUNE 25: Hope in God

JUNE 26: He Is Willing

JUNE 27: Maturity

JUNE 28: Salt and Light

JUNE 29: Character

JUNE 30: Just Believe


JULY 1: Victory Won

JULY 2: Family Values

JULY 3: When I Am

JULY 4: Be Strong

JULY 5: Always Ready

JULY 6: A Holy Calling

JULY 7: Daring Faith

JULY 8: Seek First

JULY 9: No Show

JULY 10: Don’t Lose Heart

JULY 11: On My Side

JULY 12: Shared Feelings

JULY 13: Thirsty Soul

JULY 14: Founded on Faith

JULY 15: Flowing Rivers

JULY 16: Source of Hope

JULY 17: We Cannot Lose

JULY 18: The Whole Thing

JULY 19: Family History

JULY 20: He Won’t Forget

JULY 21: Prayer of Faith

JULY 22: Held Together

JULY 23: Fully Trust God

JULY 24: Step Out in Faith

JULY 25: Mystery and Hope

JULY 26: Brave Belief

JULY 27: Out of the Pit

JULY 28: In Charge

JULY 29: A Description of Glory

JULY 30: A Little Wobbly

JULY 31: Allowed to Enter


AUGUST 1: Anchored in Truth

AUGUST 2: Losing Courage

AUGUST 3: Be Brave

AUGUST 4: Believe in the Son

AUGUST 5: Celebrate

AUGUST 6: Choose His Way

AUGUST 7: Congregation

AUGUST 8: Convinced

AUGUST 9: Cornerstone

AUGUST 10: Easier than Breath

AUGUST 11: Fellowship

AUGUST 12: Fountain of Life

AUGUST 13: Fully Armed

AUGUST 14: Good News

AUGUST 15: Truly the One

AUGUST 16: Hunger

AUGUST 17: Hypocrisy

AUGUST 18: Illusion of Control

AUGUST 19: In His Example

AUGUST 20: In Our Sight

AUGUST 21: It Will Be Done

AUGUST 22: Listen to Your Heart

AUGUST 23: Never-ending Kingdom

AUGUST 24: No Other Gospel

AUGUST 25: No Other Name

AUGUST 26: Open Door

AUGUST 27: Peaceful Truth

AUGUST 28: Remember

AUGUST 29: Thirsty Soul

AUGUST 30: Train to Win

AUGUST 31: Praising Together


SEPTEMBER 1: Promises

SEPTEMBER 2: Righteous Answers


SEPTEMBER 4: Small and Significant

SEPTEMBER 5: Something Is Different

SEPTEMBER 6: Everything with Love

SEPTEMBER 7: Still Good

SEPTEMBER 8: Strong and Healthy

SEPTEMBER 9: The Little

SEPTEMBER 10: Voices

SEPTEMBER 11: Where You Live

SEPTEMBER 12: Willing to Turn

SEPTEMBER 13: A Tent Maker

SEPTEMBER 14: Ask for Help

SEPTEMBER 15: Abide in Him

SEPTEMBER 16: Rock of Safety

SEPTEMBER 17: Return

SEPTEMBER 18: Don’t Be Ashamed

SEPTEMBER 19: Faith with Patience

SEPTEMBER 20: Firm Faith

SEPTEMBER 21: Palm Trees

SEPTEMBER 22: Heroes

SEPTEMBER 23: Textbook of Life

SEPTEMBER 24: Wishful Thinking

SEPTEMBER 25: Our Present Hope

SEPTEMBER 26: Saved by Faith

SEPTEMBER 27: Set on the Spirit

SEPTEMBER 28: Steadfast Hope

SEPTEMBER 29: Supported

SEPTEMBER 30: Soul Vacation


OCTOBER 1: Provision for the Generous

OCTOBER 2: Brisk Walk Deep Talk

OCTOBER 3: Get Together

OCTOBER 4: Presence

OCTOBER 5: Take No Offense

OCTOBER 6: Breath of God

OCTOBER 7: Still Hope

OCTOBER 8: Continual Surrender

OCTOBER 9: A Way Prepared

OCTOBER 10: In the Meantime

OCTOBER 11: An Excellent Fight

OCTOBER 12: Welcomed In

OCTOBER 13: No Doubt

OCTOBER 14: Moving Mountains

OCTOBER 15: He Has Delivered

OCTOBER 16: Sinking Sand

OCTOBER 17: Always Good

OCTOBER 18: New Self

OCTOBER 19: Promised Inheritance

OCTOBER 20: Never Lack

OCTOBER 21: Soul Restoration

OCTOBER 22: Every Day Refreshment

OCTOBER 23: Content in Christ

OCTOBER 24: Keeping Pace

OCTOBER 25: Drawing Closer

OCTOBER 26: Grow Up

OCTOBER 27: Invitation to Surrender

OCTOBER 28: Stick With It

OCTOBER 29: Walking

OCTOBER 30: Gift of Faith

OCTOBER 31: All Your Heart


NOVEMBER 1: The Perfect Pattern

NOVEMBER 2: Healing Power

NOVEMBER 3: Soil of His Love

NOVEMBER 4: Not in Vain

NOVEMBER 5: Springs of Living Water

NOVEMBER 6: Way of the Good

NOVEMBER 7: Nothing Impossible

NOVEMBER 8: Beautiful Mystery

NOVEMBER 9: No Greater Law

NOVEMBER 10: Appropriate Standards

NOVEMBER 11: Pursuit

NOVEMBER 12: Legacy of Jesus

NOVEMBER 13: Have Faith

NOVEMBER 14: Credit

NOVEMBER 15: Satisfaction

NOVEMBER 16: Gracefulness

NOVEMBER 17: Warmth

NOVEMBER 18: Righteousness

NOVEMBER 19: Value

NOVEMBER 20: Cut the Static

NOVEMBER 21: Faith-Building Words

NOVEMBER 22: Gift of Salvation

NOVEMBER 23: One Who Knows

NOVEMBER 24: Being Known

NOVEMBER 25: Eye on You

NOVEMBER 26: Before Birth

NOVEMBER 27: In Your Hand

NOVEMBER 28: Magnificent

NOVEMBER 29: A Heart Truth

NOVEMBER 30: Be Patient


DECEMBER 1: Boasting in Weakness

DECEMBER 2: Chosen Ones

DECEMBER 3: He Remains Faithful

DECEMBER 4: Heart of Integrity

DECEMBER 5: Imago Dei

DECEMBER 6: In a Name

DECEMBER 7: Jesus Rep

DECEMBER 8: No Offensive Way

DECEMBER 9: Reassurance

DECEMBER 10: Something Different

DECEMBER 11: The World Will Know

DECEMBER 12: Wired For Connection

DECEMBER 13: God’s Workmanship

DECEMBER 14: The Right Armor

DECEMBER 15: Your True Identity

DECEMBER 16: Truly Known

DECEMBER 17: Measuring Sticks

DECEMBER 18: Who He Is

DECEMBER 19: For Sensitive Souls

DECEMBER 20: Already Qualified

DECEMBER 21: Consider It

DECEMBER 22: Rightful Pursuit

DECEMBER 23: Guarded by Wisdom

DECEMBER 24: All Come True

DECEMBER 25: Journey of Faith

DECEMBER 26: On the Horizon

DECEMBER 27: You Are Perfect

DECEMBER 28: Spiritual Heritage

DECEMBER 29: Recognize

DECEMBER 30: Labels

DECEMBER 31: Grow Spiritually

“Everything is possible for one who believes.”



Faith is actively choosing to believe in something or someone. Living by faith is not circumstantial, and it is not produced by accident. In a world where people live their own truths, it can be hard to discern what living out your faith in God really looks like. Although some may tolerate your faith, many believe there is not one right way, but no one can argue with your personal experience of knowing Christ and having a certain peace that comes from believing the promise of your future with him.

This daily devotional encourages you to build your faith through pondering inspiring messages, reading God’s Word, and spending time in his presence. As you do, you will notice other virtues being added to your faith. With belief comes goodness, knowledge, and self-control, and that produces the kind of fruit that is a testimony of your faith in Christ. When you suffer hardship, you know where to turn. Jesus’ faithfulness is a cornerstone for your own faith. You can trust him because he has proven himself trustworthy, and faith that withstands the fire of adversity brings blessings beyond all imagining.

Be filled with hope, courage, and confidence as you step out in faith each day.


“Whatever you ask in prayer,you will receive, if you have faith.”



Proclaiming Faith

May he give you the power to accomplishall the good things your faith prompts you to do.


Have you ever been afraid of what others will think of you when they learn that you are a Christian? Do you ever worry that people may assume you are some sort of weirdo if you proclaim your faith? It can be hard enough to fit in without giving society another reason to shun you.

Be assured, there is no reason to be afraid! God has given us his Holy Spirit to guide us through tough conversations. Be bashful no more; he has equipped you with all the talent you need to share his love with those around you. There will be some who will laugh, and there will be some who will scorn you for your beliefs. God himself tells us through his Word that we have nothing to fear.

Shake off your timidity! Picture yourself shedding it like a winter coat in the warmth of spring. Be prepared to share your faith without fear. God has sent his Holy Spirit to give you power when you lack it. Take advantage of it!


Mindful Discipline

Prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves;set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ willbring you when he is revealed.


Living by faith is not circumstantial, and it is not produced by accident. Faith is an active choosing to believe in something or someone. In the world of spirituality, discipline can get a bad rap. However, when we look into the practice of spiritual disciplines, they benefit our faith by training us to align to God’s kingdom ways.

Have you been floating along in your faith, or have you been able to regulate your mind and actions in partnership with the Spirit? There is no condemnation or judgment for where you are today. Take hope in the grace that God freely gives to empower you to live liberated in his law of love.

If you don’t know where to begin, start by directing your heart toward him through his Word and through prayer.

Ask God to fill you with grace that gives you the strength to live aligned with his life and light. Expand the boundaries of your heart as you actively restrict where your attentions go.


Faith Explanation

I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ.It is the power of God at work, saving everyone whobelieves—the Jew first and also the Gentile.


It can feel strange to be a Christian in this day and age; people are living their own truths. Although they may tolerate your faith, many believe there is not one right way, or they don’t even care to know if there is a right thing to believe. Instead of fighting this philosophy and mentality, make some effort to explain your faith in a way that is meaningful in today’s context.

No one can argue with your personal experience of knowing Christ and having a certain peace with knowing the promise for your future. If you get a chance this week to mention your faith, be brave and not ashamed of the gospel that has freed you and can free others.

Look for opportunities where you can share your personal experience of knowing Christ with someone. Think of all that you have been blessed with and start giving God the glory for those things.



Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our Godand Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in theirdistress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.


Simply calling ourselves Christians, attending church, and participating in religious activities does not make us followers of Jesus. Following Jesus and living as he lived is what defines true faith. When we begin to act the way God tells us to, we will look different from those around us.

We are part of this world, but we are of a different kingdom. Our pursuits are considered as having little importance to the world. Rather than pursue riches, we seek to help the distressed. Instead of taking care of ourselves, we take care of others.

Ask God to lead you to those who are in need of help. Keep your eyes open to the oppressed and destitute. Reorient your values and live by the laws of God’s kingdom rather than appeasing the world’s insatiable wants.



I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dweltfirst in your grandmother Lois and your mother Euniceand now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.


Who are Lois and Eunice? From this verse, we can gather that they are the grandmother and mother of Timothy. If this verse had been omitted from the Bible, however, you would never know. They don’t have a book of the Bible named after them. They probably didn’t go on any missionary journeys. But this sentence about them speaks volumes. They had faith, and they taught this faith to their children. They discipled Timothy in the faith of Christ, and he went on to preach the gospel and fulfill his calling. Without Lois and Eunice, would there be a Timothy? Would Paul have written two letters to encourage him?

You cannot fathom the great things God wants to do with what you think is your small circle of influence. Be faithful in the small, and God will bless it. You are called to share the gospel and live out your faith, whether you disciple one person or millions. Maybe you only ever see your kids, grandkids, nieces, or nephews. It matters. Your influence matters.

Ask God to remind you of the impact of your spiritual influence. Whose life can you speak into today?


Add to Faith

Make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and togoodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control;and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance,godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and tomutual affection, love.

2 PETER 1:5-7 NIV

If you see this list of virtues as a checklist, then you are looking at it the wrong way. You know that God isn’t about a list of right things to do. Instead look simply at where it all starts: with faith.

When you build your faith through reading God’s Word and spending time in his presence, you will notice the other virtues begin to be added to your faith. With belief comes goodness, knowledge, and self-control. Where is your faith right now? Remind yourself of your salvation through belief in Christ, and let the rest work itself out from there.

Your belief in Jesus is what saves you, not all the good or right things that you do. Ask God to build those other characteristics as your faith increases. Ask for me knowledge, self-control, godliness, and love.


Priceless Faith

These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure.This purity of faith is worth more than gold, which canbe proved to be pure by fire but will ruin. But the purityof your faith will bring you praise and glory and honorwhen Jesus Christ is shown to you.


In difficult times, it’s tempting to sink into questioning. We want to know why. Most of the answers are not ours to know on this side of heaven, but Scripture can provide powerful encouragement while we wait. Gold is so precious it was once a universal standard for measuring wealth, yet, according to this verse, faith that remains strong through adversity is even more valuable. Such faith is priceless.

Regardless of the struggles we face, when we keep hold of our faith, we gain a glorious reward: the praise, honor and glory of Christ the King. Faith that withstands the fire of adversity brings blessings beyond all imagining.

Invite God to use your pain, both now and in the future, to test and prove your faith. Understand that a struggle that deepens your trust in him is a struggle worth enduring, and sorrow that increases your comprehension of his goodness is sorrow you can face.


Faith Before Sight

Though you have not seen him, you love him.Though you do not now see him, you believe in himand rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filledwith glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith,the salvation of your souls.

1 PETER 1:8-9 ESV

The longer we walk with the Lord, the more we appreciate and enjoy his salvation and his unending companionship. Jesus’ faithfulness is a cornerstone for our own faith in him. We know we can trust him because he has proven himself trustworthy.

One day, you will reach a point where you need to know God is real in your own situation. You won’t be able to look at him physically. You won’t be able to call and hear his audible voice, perhaps. But you will know, from past experience, that he knows you intimately and is there for you. There is not a thing you face, not a thought that crosses your mind, that God hasn’t dealt with yet. He is there for you. You can trust him.

The unseen is more tangible, eternally, than the visible. Place your faith in Jesus to become eternally tangible.


Hearing God

So faith comes from hearing,and hearing through the word of Christ.


The best way to know if something is true or right is to hear it for yourself—straight from the source. You believe you nailed the interview, but you don’t believe you got the job until you get the phone call. You think you might have aced the test, but you wait for the results before telling anyone. The same is true for bad news—ideally. You get wind of a rumor about a friend’s indiscretion, but you wait for their side of the story before believing a word.

So what about God? How can we hear from him? How do we discern his will for our lives? We may not have a hotline, but we do have his book. God speaks to us through his Word, so if you are waiting for confirmation, direction, validation, or conviction, pick it up. Read it. And listen.

God can speak to you through his Word. Are your conversations as frequent and meaningful as you’d like? Share your heart with him right now and listen for his reply.


Looking for Laborers

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Askthe Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workersinto his harvest field.”


Roy could tell that this year was going to yield the best harvest he’d ever had. The peach tree limbs were drooping from the weight of the fruit. There was a bumper crop of beans, corn, and squash, and there would be hundreds of bushels of tomatoes to send to the market. You’d think he would be excited, and he was, but his biggest emotion was worry. The Farmer’s Almanac predicted major storms for the next few weeks, the kind that would bring heavy winds and hail that would ruin the crops. He and his family had spent long days in the fields, but they weren’t making a dent with all that needed to be harvested. He was looking for laborers, but couldn’t get the responses he needed.

God is also looking for good workers. There are people all over the world who are waiting for someone to bring them the gospel—a harvest of souls for God—but so few people answer the call. There are people all around us who need to hear about God’s love. Will you be one of his laborers today?

There is a plentiful harvest of souls around you. You can be one of God’s laborers by sharing the good news with someone today.



“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will alsoacknowledge them before my Father in heaven.”


Have you ever been at a party where the host is making introductions and when it comes to you, your name slips their mind? It is embarrassing. No one likes to be forgotten. It does not have to cause an offense, yet you worry that possibly you were an afterthought, or that the host was pressured to include you.

Someday, we will all stand before the Father, and he will open the book of life. The ultimate lack of acknowledgment would be if Jesus turned to the Father and said, “This one is not mine. Depart from me; I never knew you.” At that point, it will be too late. You won’t have the option to explain your decision to neglect accepting the Savior during your earthly life. You won’t be able to excuse not speaking his glorious name to win others to him. The die will be cast.

Today you have time. You have a choice. Align yourself with the name and life of Jesus, and he will do the same for you. Share your faith in Jesus with someone today.


Keep the Faith

Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord.Remember the great reward it brings you!


Have you ever waivered in your faith? Was there a time when you felt that living for God was just too hard? Perhaps he seemed distant and unhearing. Many Christians across the ages have felt just like that. Even giants in Christian history have had their doubts. C.S. Lewis concluded there was no God in his early adulthood, finally coming back full circle to not just believing but spending the rest of his life writing and lecturing about Jesus. Millions have read his books.

God loves you. He understands what you are going through. He knows you have doubts. He wants to remind you that this time is fleeting. Put your trust in him and get through this hard situation. God is always there listening to you. There is great treasure awaiting you. Be brave, be fearless, have courage, and continue to trust the Lord who guards your heart.

Even though it may seem God is far away at times, he never is. Listen for his voice today and renew your devotion to him. When you are low, ask for encouragement and believe he will send it.


Seek Him Out

Seek more of his strength! Seek more of him!Let’s always be seeking the light of his face.


If only we could carry the feeling we get from a great church service, Bible study, concert, or conference everywhere we go. When we are filled with the Spirit, God’s strength is our strength. When we are inspired by praise, we see the world through the Lord’s eyes. When open to his amazing power, our wounds can be healed. How pleasant it would be to continuously seek more of him and bask in his light.

Life tends to make continual basking impossible, though. We have bills to pay, tests to study for, and things to clean. We are worn down by stress. These all distract us from seeking God. Having wandered from that wonderful place, the place we felt him closer than our own skin, we are reminded of how much we crave it—how much we need it. We’re reminded to seek, to search, to pursue his presence. When we can’t feel his light, we need only turn toward his face. Arms open, he’s right where we left him.

If you’ve wandered away from your closeness with God, come back. Find him in the obvious places where love, light, and life are present.


No Holding Back

Go ahead—let everyone know it!Tell the world how he broke throughand delivered you from the power of darknessand has gathered us together from all over the world.He has set us free to be his very own!


How many people know the story of how you first fell in love with Jesus? How many are aware of the intimacy you share with him: the nudges, the whispers, and the dreams? Let nothing hold you back. Imagine your life without him and realize the importance of sharing the amazing truth of how you came to live with him.

Maybe because your story is so familiar to you, you’ve never thought of it as important enough to share, or as something everyone needs to know. But everyone does need to know God. They need to hear your experience of discovering his perfect love and saving truth. It might help someone else meet him, and that should fill you with a new sense of urgency to make sure they hear all about him.

Write down your faith story. Whether a paragraph or several volumes, write it out and be prepared to share it with others.


Confident in Christ

I am confident of this very thing,that He who began a good work in youwill perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.


When disappointment meets you, what is your response? Are you prone to wallowing in self-pity? If this is your goto, know that there is grace for you in every single moment. Grace to empower you in the power of God’s Spirit. Grace that is abundant and able to transform you and give you strength in your weakness.

Instead of relying on your own ability to grow, you get to lean on the confidence of Christ, who is in you, to perfect you in every single way. There is no need to strive for his love and acceptance. You already have it! Stand strong on the Word of the Lord that set you free from the chains of sin and shame. Perfectionism is not the goal; dependence on God is!

Lean on the confidence of Christ over your own abilities today.


Confident Faith

Faith is confidence in what we hope forand assurance about what we do not see.


The word faith can seem so abstract. It’s a word you paint in calligraphy and hang on signs in your house, yet it feels a little ambiguous. What does this verse mean? To have faith in God is to stand confidently and take as fact that God exists and he is at work even if we can’t see him at work. Our faith doesn’t have to stay the same.

If you struggle with the concept of faith as well, take heart that you can grow in it over time. It is a gift from God: step one is asking for it! Step two is acknowledging that you don’t have to settle for the same amount of faith you’ve always had. Ask for more. Step three, let your faith be developed by trusting in God’s ways. The ways you can see, and the ways that leave you with whys. All of these steps rely on God.

Faith is for the wonderful seasons and downright challenging ones alike. Ask God today to fill you confidently with faith.



Let us draw near with a true heart in full assuranceof faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evilconscience and our bodies washed with pure water.


Hebrews 11 is known as the faith chapter in the Bible. It recalls those who lived their lives tenaciously clinging to the promises of God especially when those promises were far off and it was not clear how God would fulfill them. We have the hindsight of history that oversimplifies the process from promise to fulfillment. However, when we consider the humanity of the founders of our faith, we can see the same threads that ran through their lives run through ours.

They faced uncertainty and trials of many kinds although different than those we face. May we echo the faith they clung to, believing that the same God who came through for them will also come through for us. He is faithful to his Word and to his people. May our conviction in God’s goodness run deeper than the doubts that shifting circumstances bring.

God is always faithful. His character doesn’t change. You can take courage in the the testimonies of those who have walked with him before you.


Faith Is Confident

God did this so that, by two unchangeable things inwhich it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fledto take hold of the hope set before us may be greatlyencouraged.


Our hope in Christ is not a wish or a gamble. We are confident that things will happen exactly as the Bible predicts them. We have a hope so certain it leads directly to our faith. We do not need to see the future to know the end of the story, because everything has happened to this point exactly as God detailed that it would.

We have faith in the unseen, but not the unknown, because we know God. He has proven himself and his character over and over again for as long as we have existed. Because of him, we have faith to follow him confidently into the future. Our faith is not simply a verbal confession. It is an active and obedient way of living that proves we hope in the Lord.

Although you have not seen the future, you can know who God is. Throughout the recorded Scriptures, he has proven that he is loving, faithful, and true. For this reason, you do not need to fear the future.



This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe forwhatever you ask for in prayer—be convinced that youhave received it and it will be yours.

MARK 11:24 TPT

Faith is confidence. Do you usually associate confidence with pride? That’s because the world shows us that confidence comes from pridefully putting our trust in ourselves. It is a selfish ambition only when the source is yourself. But children of God are called to be confident, and it’s actually humble to do so! Confidence is trusting in Jesus.

You have the assurance of who Jesus is and who you are to him. Your identity is completely wrapped up in him, and with Jesus as your source, you can walk out your days full of faith displayed for all to see. The power comes from the one who lives inside of you. Dare to live with faith and confidence today.

Be filled with new faith! Ask God boldy for what you need and trust him to come through for you.


Because We Know

Through his creative inspirationthis Living Expression made all things,for nothing has existence apart from him!


Could you prove creation in a court of law? Could you prove the Creator? What physical evidence do you have to back up your faith? And yet, could you deny him? Could you deny what, by faith, you know to be true? Faith is a beautiful mystery. While proof exists in the physical world, faith lives in the heart. We know what we know simply because we know. The instant the Father called us to him, all that was speculation became truth.

Once we get past childhood, we typically need to see in order to believe. Hearing that out of nothing that can be seen came everything we see, skepticism is not a surprising response. But for faith, we’d never move past it. Look at those first three words: faith empowers us. Without faith, believing God created the universe—believing he exists at all—isn’t just a stretch; it’s impossible.

You can have more faith in God than everything you can prove. Have you been changed by his Word, healed by his love, or felt his presence in your soul? All of that should be proof enough. Be empowered by the knowledge you aquire through faith.


Building Faith

Faith empowers us to see that the universe was createdand beautifully coordinated by the power of God’swords! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to allthat is seen.


Faith can be a difficult, abstract concept. What are we really saying when we say we have faith? At the beginning of Hebrews 11, we are not told what faith is, but rather what faith does. It fortifies what we hope for. It is the foundation of our relationship with God. When you are building, you start with a foundation and work your way up, much like God started with nothing and built the heavens and the earth with his spoken Word. We start with faith, the belief of Jesus Christ’s work on the cross.

But it doesn’t stop there! Your faith should continue to build from belief into confidence as you enter into a deeper relationship. As your relationship matures, confidence deepens trust. Different aspects of faith can be at different levels, for the character of God is vast and unmeasurable. You can trust that he is good while just beginning to believe that he is just.

Is there an aspect of the character of God that evades your hope? By faith, take hold of your ability to rightly understand that aspect.


Out of Nothing

By the word of the LORD the heavens were made,their starry host by the breath of his mouth.


As Christians, we believe that God created the universe with just the power of his word. Everything he made, he made to be beautiful and to bring him glory. God’s power goes beyond our comprehension. He did not need existing materials to change and shape into what he wanted; all he had to do was speak the world into existence, and it was.

God speaks incredible things into being, even when we cannot see their origin. We may not see the ways God works in our lives, but God reveals to us just what we need to know at exactly the right time. His wisdom is perfect, and we can trust that wisdom. Our faith is all he asks for in return.

God’s power is high above your words. Praise him for using it for the good of those who love him. Trust him through the process of figuring out his plan for your life.


All About God

From him and through him and for him are all things.To him be the glory forever. Amen!


“She is very religious; she’s always talking about God!” What was meant as an insult was really quite a compliment. Has this ever been said about you? Maybe it has, and it shut you up. With cheeks flushed, you felt judged and misread by the person you were with. Do not be ashamed. What some meant as harm is really a reflection of the gift God has given you. If you have tunnel vision for Jesus, you are not on the wrong path. The Bible, and this verse in Romans, makes it pretty clear that we are to be all about the kingdom of God!