Be Brave - BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - E-Book


Being brave isn't something you can do on your own. God creates boldness as you trust in him. The more you put aside your strength and lean on his, the more he can develop courage in you. Spend time with God and let him show you how to be brave. All you who put your hope in the Lord be strong and brave. Psalms 31:24 NCV

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BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

be brave

© 2020 BroadStreet Publishing


978-1-4245-5963-3 (ebook)

Devotions composed by Janelle Breckell, Cari Dugan, Rachel Flores, Laura Krause, Brenda Scott, Carole Smith, and Christina Asmus.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Scripture quotations marked (NCV) are taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked (NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (TPT) are taken from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2018 by Passion & Fire Ministries. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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19 20 21 22 23 24 25   7 6 5 4 3 2 1

All you who put your hope in the LORD be strong and brave.




January 1: thrive during winter

January 2: germinating in winter

January 3: resolution to abide

January 4: rod and staff

January 5: the shepherd’s role

January 6: owner’s manual

January 7: the right fuel

January 8: all things new

January 9: still praying

January 10: glorious design

January 11: my enemies

January 12: fertile soil

January 13: accused

January 14: heart truth

January 15: your spot

January 16: a new song

January 17: great leadership

January 18: remembering

January 19: not a waste

January 20: a good student

January 21: routines

January 22: gazing

January 23: let not

January 24: brave belief

January 25: unquenchable

January 26: a helper

January 27: clean

January 28: all truth

January 29: exact representation

January 30: look up

January 31: trustworthy


February 1: many cares

February 2: to seek

February 3: to taste

February 4: his eyes

February 5: greater will

February 6: numbering

February 7: old age

February 8: dust

February 9: payment

February 10: steadfast

February 11: remember

February 12: power

February 13: perfectly patient

February 14: self-promotion

February 15: the whole world

February 16: my eyes see

February 17: good deeds

February 18: unjust suffering

February 19: walk in victory

February 20: be with him

February 21: love my children

February 22: walk boldly

February 23: rest your heart

February 24: the only plan

February 25: preserved

February 26: thought chamber

February 27: blessed to give

February 28: sleeping mask

February 29: consistent hope


March 1: inside out

March 2: the other shoe

March 3: belonging

March 4: giver of life

March 5: rhetorical or not

March 6: caterpillars

March 7: light and momentary

March 8: heart decision

March 9: divine expectation

March 10: just cause

March 11: icebergs

March 12: futile arguments

March 13: living words

March 14: devoted disciple

March 15: spiritual wisdom

March 16: forgive them

March 17: representative

March 18: one way

March 19: soak it in

March 20: the maker

March 21: a high price

March 22: approach bravely

March 23: resistance

March 24: let grace win

March 25: the charitable church

March 26: a gentle approach

March 27: as long as life

March 28: peace work

March 29: offer to others

March 30: redeem the wrong

March 31: your story


April 1: step back

April 2: the desire beneath

April 3: yet to come

April 4: getting better

April 5: from the heart

April 6: lost and found

April 7: unto others

April 8: pure practices

April 9: a safe arrival

April 10: poor posture

April 11: healing

April 12: sparrows and locks

April 13: the dance

April 14: building it up

April 15: calloused

April 16: blessing

April 17: hopeful

April 18: diamond in the rough

April 19: rejoice always

April 20: perspective

April 21: wiser

April 22: generational wisdom

April 23: good guidance

April 24: patient understanding

April 25: extinguish the fire

April 26: well timed

April 27: the dam

April 28: being supportive

April 29: insults

April 30: loyal


May 1: poverty

May 2: go get it!

May 3: good guarding

May 4: gentle persuasion

May 5: pitfalls

May 6: settle down

May 7: acceptable

May 8: restored confidence

May 9: undivided

May 10: even before that

May 11: powerful virtues

May 12: his strength

May 13: everlasting peace

May 14: restoration and grace

May 15: genuine servanthood

May 16: jars of clay

May 17: spiritual hunger

May 18: a new spirit

May 19: peace wins

May 20: his lamb

May 21: security

May 22: soft clay

May 23: faithfulness

May 24: one master

May 25: surrender and rest

May 26: a peaceful community

May 27: abandoned masks

May 28: joy thief

May 29: deep contentment

May 30: a found love

May 31: humble hearts


June 1: a strong foundation

June 2: destructive pride

June 3: the best medicine

June 4: blind faith

June 5: a strong weapon

June 6: true strength

June 7: tethered trust

June 8: ability

June 9: loving shepherd

June 10: a liar

June 11: loving counsel

June 12: be still

June 13: our rock

June 14: waiting patiently

June 15: a new song

June 16: our home

June 17: unending kindness

June 18: unbroken gratitude

June 19: love and laws

June 20: overwhelming love

June 21: always was

June 22: no more tears

June 23: a new life

June 24: act of faith

June 25: genuine love

June 26: our gatekeeper

June 27: peaceful friendships

June 28: unity in friendships

June 29: words of integrity

June 30: worth celebrating


July 1: when temptation calls

July 2: choosing to trust

July 3: the golden rule

July 4: compassionate and gracious

July 5: before and after

July 6: wise counsel

July 7: fear

July 8: comfort

July 9: good thoughts

July 10: seek advice

July 11: gratitude

July 12: being trustworthy

July 13: compassion

July 14: choose joy

July 15: little white lies

July 16: patience

July 17: potential

July 18: gentle breaking

July 19: forgiveness

July 20: serenity

July 21: doing good

July 22: ask away

July 23: wisdom

July 24: loving yourself

July 25: always faithful

July 26: words matter

July 27: salvation

July 28: bickering

July 29: give me joy

July 30: priorities

July 31: eternal perspective


August 1: a love story

August 2: success

August 3: mercy and grace

August 4: in the whisper

August 5: aware of needs

August 6: simplicity

August 7: a gentle answer

August 8: a gentleman

August 9: obedience

August 10: speech

August 11: enough to share

August 12: just believe

August 13: agape

August 14: keep the faith

August 15: heaven

August 16: firm foundation

August 17: slow to anger

August 18: be brave

August 19: compassionate step

August 20: love deeply

August 21: builders of humans

August 22: grateful always

August 23: over the top

August 24: on your heart

August 25: precious child

August 26: eternal motivation

August 27: character

August 28: the proper time

August 29: grow your gift

August 30: each important

August 31: consider


September 1: partnering

September 2: avoiding traps

September 3: not abandoned

September 4: brave work

September 5: a gift

September 6: mouthguard

September 7: laying down dreams

September 8: be-loved

September 9: patient decision

September 10: loyal love

September 11: spinning plates

September 12: applause

September 13: association

September 14: humble gift

September 15: weight of worry

September 16: waiting spaces

September 17: by your walk

September 18: the right fear

September 19: wild freedom

September 20: wisdom to please

September 21: tethered

September 22: carrying the weight

September 23: external confidence

September 24: where to fight

September 25: awe inspiring

September 26: battling envy

September 27: get back up

September 28: in a name

September 29: sharing wisdom

September 30: number your words


October 1: righteous roads

October 2: bravely waiting

October 3: mountain mover

October 4: sanctification celebration

October 5: spelunking

October 6: inheritance

October 7: no comparison

October 8: darkness

October 9: right and left

October 10: encouraging bravery

October 11: a steady heart

October 12: spiritual gifts

October 13: accomplishing holiness

October 14: harvest time

October 15: your part

October 16: acts of service

October 17: the prize awaits

October 18: pilgrimage

October 19: sharing truth

October 20: musical expression

October 21: intertwined

October 22: crown of creation

October 23: peaceful truth

October 24: endurance

October 25: true hospitality

October 26: people of courage

October 27: hypocrisy

October 28: living in wisdom

October 29: audience of one

October 30: provision promised

October 31: seeking affirmation


November 1: light

November 2: faulty thinking

November 3: the point

November 4: before a wreck

November 5: mature choices

November 6: lighted path

November 7: anchor and sail

November 8: love indeed

November 9: otherworldly

November 10: never quelled

November 11: heart truth

November 12: fearless love

November 13: living hope

November 14: faith before sight

November 15: chosen ones

November 16: respect for all

November 17: joyful suffering

November 18: goal of likeness

November 19: put it to bed

November 20: no island

November 21: penetrating word

November 22: quiet and free

November 23: humble people

November 24: heaping

November 25: content

November 26: obedient hearing

November 27: peaceful holiness

November 28: pray with gratitude

November 29: made whole

November 30: training for steak


December 1: move forward

December 2: unswerving

December 3: forgetful

December 4: weightlifting

December 5: faith is proof

December 6: heavenly hiding place

December 7: hold on

December 8: every good thing

December 9: stimulating relationships

December 10: joyful captain

December 11: brave trust

December 12: good food

December 13: guarded heart

December 14: trustworthy intentions

December 15: present

December 16: sowing and reaping

December 17: examined

December 18: hope sprung

December 19: known before

December 20: prayer starter

December 21: an angle

December 22: it will happen

December 23: good intentions

December 24: with me

December 25: great joy

December 26: enduring friendship

December 27: true judgments

December 28: a new future

December 29: relent

December 30: a reason

December 31: unleash your love


Courage isn’t something that comes naturally to most. The only way to truly be brave is to walk in the confidence that comes from knowing God and relying on him to be your strength. When you spend time with him, he will fill you with peace and hope for the future. When you finally see yourself as God sees you, you will recognize the talents and abilities you have been blessed with and start operating in the fullness of those gifts.

Be encouraged with truth as you spend time with God, reflecting on these devotions, Scriptures, and prayers. Let him show you that you are radiant, you are strong, and you were created with a purpose. Take courage in God’s love for you and be ready to conquer each day!


“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”



thrive during winter

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.


Winter can be a time of inactivity. For farmers, winter is their slow season. For others, just the snow, rain, and chill make it difficult to be outside. But stillness and slowness do not mean nothing is happening. In nature, things are always happening below the surface. Birds are still eating, animals are still sleeping, and trout are still swimming under frozen ice.

Sometimes slowing down can be one of the most powerful acts in the life of a believer. It is a declaration of trust that the one who made us is still working and fighting for us. We allow the work and the seeds he has planted in us to grow and take even greater root in our hearts. Sometimes in our stillness, we have the greatest victories over our giants because we exhibit trust that God is still moving mightily.

God, teach us to not resist the slowness of winter. Give us the faith to see that you are still moving and working even if our physical eyes don’t perceive it.

Can you believe God is working, even in winter, or have you become a complainer?


germinating in winter

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”


When winter comes, although things look quiet on the outside, there is much life and growth brewing under the surface. Just because we don’t see life budding up from the ground, it does not mean that no growth is happening. It is hidden from our eyes. Many trees and plants that pop up in the spring were able to do so because the seeds were germinating in the winter months. And scientists have found that some seeds do better with a layer of snow on top of the soil.

This is true of us as well. There are seasons we feel like we are dripping with the evidence of God’s activity in our lives. And other seasons where the work of God feels deeply internal—shifting our preferences and loyalties. Rest assured that any beautiful work you see externally in a child of God was first cultivated internally. God knows when to plant, water, and prune. The work is in his hands; we have only to abide.

God, give me the courage to believe you are at work even when I can’t see it. Help me to trust in your love. You will complete that which you began.

Are you resisting God’s blessings in winter by only looking toward spring?


resolution to abide

I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.


The start of a new year can bring about a lot of emotions. Culturally we are told to quickly come up with a resolution. Often, we look back at our previous year and reflect on what we want to change. This has the potential to cause regret for a lost year or shame for what we did or didn’t do.

With God, however, all things can be made new, regardless of if it is January first or mid-October. He is our good shepherd who promises to be our steady leader. It takes courage to trust him and not grow anxious as we abide in him. The thing that pleases his heart most is our trust in him. As we trust, our courage and bravery will increase.

Jesus, thank you that you will be my ever-faithful guide throughout this year. Thank you that I can rest assured you are always working on me, and because of that, I can simply abide in you and trust you to complete your work.

Are you sure, like Paul says, that God will complete that which he began in you?


rod and staff

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


It takes courage to follow God where we sense him leading. Sometimes the path is clearly obvious—a well-worn trail blazed by the saints that have gone before us. However, there are other times that we sense him leading in a new direction, on a new path. In some ways, it’s not even a path; it’s an uncharted trail that has yet to be traversed.

In these times, we need the assurance from God that this is the direction we are to walk in. When we are told he is our shepherd, it means that he knows how to usher us in the right direction for our lives. While we might be afraid that our bravery may cause us to take the wrong path, his staff will keep us from doing so. The hook of the staff will curl around us and pull us back. As the Psalmist says, that staff will be a comfort to us. We never have to worry because our good shepherd is always on the watch.

Jesus, thank you that you are good at using your staff of comfort. Thank you that you’re quick to pull me back if I am wandering. I trust you to guide me.

Do you doubt God’s skill as a shepherd?


the shepherd’s role

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays his life down for the sheep.”

JOHN 10:11 ESV

For first century readers, a comparison to sheep was not lost on them. They knew sheep were vulnerable animals with no way to protect themselves. They knew that sheep responded well to leadership. And they knew that if sheep were to accomplish anything noteworthy, it was to the credit of their shepherd.

When Jesus announced that he was a good shepherd, it brought an incredible sense of security to his followers. It meant that they had a protector, defender, and leader. Shepherds care for their sheep and they are equipped to do what it takes to carry this out. The instinct to lead and protect sheep is so strong that they are willing to take on a predator, even unto death, so their sheep won’t die. The benefit of following our shepherd is that we don’t have to be brave and fight for ourselves—that is his job, and one he does quite well.

Father, thank you that you are my shepherd. When I am afraid, remind me that you fight my battles for me.

Are you comforted by the protection of your shepherd?


owner’s manual

To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.


All new phones come with an owner’s manual. The manufacturer produces one specific to each phone they make. One phone might have GPS tracking installed while another has a great camera. If owners want to enjoy the phone to the fullest extent, they will read the manual. Our maker designed us even more intricately than a complex phone; we were fearfully and wonderfully made.

Without using our manual, the Bible, we will miss many of the unique features God put in us. Through his Spirit, he apportions each of us with giftings. May we take the time to draw near to him and inquire of him what special features he has put in us, for it will not only benefit us but also those around us.

Lord, thank you for gifting me with special abilities. Remind me to walk in my giftings so others can see you and your love.

Do you believe that God knows you better than you know yourself?


the right fuel

It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning.


There are many different fuel options at the pump. A driver can choose from regular, premium, and at some stations, an ethanol-based fuel. All three options will work in most cars, but some vehicles were designed to run best with premium gasoline. The engine will not operate at its optimum on regular gas, and long term it has the propensity to break down sooner.

God designed us not to simply trudge through our days but to thrive. In Psalm 92, he admonishes us to begin our days reflecting on his unfailing love. His intent is that we would be strengthened in our spirits to know that no matter what comes our way, we have been loved with a love that is incapable of failure. Can we function without knowing this? Sure, just like a car on regular gasoline. But we were designed to run on premium, each day remembering that we are loved so we dwell in grace and peace instead of anxiety and fear.

God, thank you that your love will never fail me. Please write that truth on my heart that I might never forget it.

Do you refuel with God’s love every day or trust in something cheaper?


all things new

You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus was: though he was so very rich, yet to help you he became so very poor, so that by being poor he could make you rich.


We can’t imagine a king in all of his splendor and richness, full of wealth and abounding in power as Christ was in heaven. We can try our best to picture the most majestic earthly kingdom, and then assume we would multiply that by one million. This is what Christ left when he came to dwell among us. He was born to parents on the move, not owning a home. When he ended his life, he didn’t even have any financial means to take care of his mother; he had to entrust her to John. He was the epitome of poor.

He did this to abide with you. Not to hand you a variety of earthly riches, that will rust and fade away, but to pick you up out of your low estate, wash you clean, and hand you a robe of righteousness. You are wealthy in every sense of the word. All that the King has is yours. His promises for provision are abundant.

God, thank you for all the ways you have blessed me richly!

How do you see the richness of Christ in your life today?


still praying

He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.


Some people have the benefit of being prayed for their entire lives. From birth, they have had a steady stream of prayers by faithful family members. That isn’t the case for everyone. Some didn’t grow up in Christian homes or, even if they did, they weren’t necessarily praying homes. Do not dismay if you fall into the latter category.

There is one who has prayed for you from the beginning. His name is Jesus. It is his delight, and a sign of his inheritance for you, that he prays. He sits right beside his Dad, with scarred hands, asking for the reality of the completed work on the cross to become your daily victory.

Father, please strengthen me as I receive the availing prayers of your Son.

Do you believe Jesus hears you when you pray?


glorious design

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”


You only need to pause and take a look outside to see God’s glory reflected in every part of nature. Whether a delicate rosebud or full array of stars at night, his beauty and magnificence are evident. Not only do we see his creativity, but his intellect in the design of the interrelationships of the natural world. The way the wind creates the waves, the moon affects the tides, and a bird gathers sticks for its nest, are just a few examples of his remarkable design.

You are a part of this amazing nature as well. He created you as an image bearer, someone who reflects his glory. Be proud of the way he created you! You may not feel perfect, but he designed you with the same beauty as the rest of his creation; you are his handiwork.

Worthy Lord, thank you for all the amazing things you have created around me. Help me to stop and notice your creative design in nature. May I accept that I am beautiful because you have made me according to your will, and your will is perfect.

What can you appreciate about God’s creation today?


my enemies

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.


This psalm wasn’t a cute thought to David. He had tapped into the truth that even when enemies were lurking around every corner, God himself could be found preparing a table. David felt served, cared for, and covered even when the enemy was upon him.

This is an incredible picture of God. He delights in serving us not just when things are calm but also when trials are upon us. In the moments we want to explode into frantic activity to protect ourselves from our enemies, God says, “Have a seat, child. Look, I have prepared a table for you, and I will serve you. Even though you are in a trial, your cup will overflow.”

Father, thank you that you fight my enemies and serve me at the same time.

Have you experienced a time that you felt served by God in the middle of a trial?


fertile soil

“Go, and sin no more.”


A woman was caught in the act of adultery. Unlike the Pharisees who wanted her to die, Jesus gave mercy. Minutes before, she was covered in shame and humiliation—standing at death’s door. She knew the Pharisees were right. She deserved death. Jesus saw this moment as an incredible opportunity to reach someone at their lowest point. The woman’s heart was fertile ground for a Savior.

In God’s gracious way, he uses sin as an opportunity to draw us close to himself. He knows that in the moments after we choose sin we are most vulnerable to the outpouring his love and forgiveness. When we sin, we should run to the arms of our forgiving God. It is one of the most courageous acts we can do.

Jesus, thank you that you delight to give mercy and forgiveness. Help me run to you and not away from you after I have sinned.

After you sin, do you run to God or away from him?



Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers?”


God silences the enemy by speaking truth in the presence of their accusations. Sometimes we are so beaten down by discouragement or fear that we lack the strength to run to the Lord—especially when we feel like the enemy’s camp is surrounding us.

The women caught in adultery knew she was powerless to escape her enemies and accusers, so God chose that to be the very place to save her. It wasn’t in a private cave or at the temple. In their presence he stood and delivered her.

Jesus, give me the humility not to be self-absorbed. Help me to look to you in the moments when I am being accused.

Do you run to Jesus when your accusers surround you or do you listen to their lies?


heart truth

O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent? He who speaks the truth in His heart.

PSALM 15:1-2 ESV

Our thoughts need coaching because most of the time they will derail. It is natural to become self-focused throughout the day. In doing so, insecurities and fears can subconsciously be strengthened. It’s important to pause throughout the day and take stock in what we have given our minds to.

There is great value in actively controlling your mind. It is critical to speak the truth to our hearts. Don’t be discouraged when you see that you aren’t walking closely with God. View it as a revelation from God to help you correct your course. He will give you the strength you need to align your mind with his truth.

Holy Spirit, I invite you to remind me to speak the truth in my heart today. Please show me when I am not and give me the grace to change my course.

Are you speaking truth in and to your heart?


your spot

“The place where you are standing is holy ground.”


When God called Moses into ministry it was a sacred, holy moment. The Creator and the created came alarmingly close. Moses was only allowed to stand at a distance. But make no mistake, the encounter happened because the Creator wanted the connection.

You are invited to come close—very close—to your Creator. When you make time to draw near, a holy moment transpires. You are being invited to draw near to the one who can satisfy all your desires and heal your pain. Never feel guilty about carving out time for God—it is the best expense of energy there is.

Jesus, thank you for inviting me into a relationship where I am allowed to come close to you. Your blood has made a way, and I am forever grateful.

Do you have a place that you draw near to God?


a new song

He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.


Since the beginning of time, songs have been written. One could assume that every topic has been covered: sorrow, heartache, hope, joy, healing—the list goes on. Yet, repeatedly we hear in Scripture that God has given us a “new song.” It would seem as though something entirely fresh has come from the songwriter. With the millions of songs written, could it truly be a new song?

God’s knowledge and wisdom are unmeasurable, and no created being will ever fully grasp the depth of God’s persona. Even if they have walked with God their entire life, they will never arrive at a full knowledge of him. Therefore, not only has everything not been written about him in song, it never will be.

Jesus, thank you that there are still songs to be sung. And thank you that as I sing them, you receive worship and I receive joy.

Do you believe that God wants a new song from you?


great leadership

“The LORD will fight for you, you have only to be still.”


Moses led the Israelites when their fear was high. They had left Egypt but were now stuck between a sea and Pharaoh’s army. They were certain death was coming. Moses knew he was powerless to save the people. But, it seems he also knew their salvation wasn’t on him. It wasn’t his job to save them; it was his job to point them to the one that could.

As a brave leader, Moses rallied the people around God’s strength and not his own. He assured them they would be okay because God would fight for them. This was the reminder they needed. Great leaders don’t encourage people to lean on them; instead, they speak courage to your heart to look to the God.

Father, help me remember that you love to fight for your children.

Do you choose courage and trust during adversity or fear and anxiety?



Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the LORD.

PSALM 107:43 NLT

A struggling church called a prayer meeting so that the congregation would seek the Lord. During this meeting, a 93-year-old reminded everyone that God would be faithful. When questioned, he went on to list the countless times God had been faithful. In fact, in all his 73 years of attending the church, he never knew a time when God wasn’t faithful. That simple reminder was all that many in the meeting needed. Instead of remaining a desperate prayer meeting, it turned into a worship service of gratitude.

In Psalm 107, the Psalmist spends 43 verses recounting the deeds of the Lord to those who needed that same reminder. When the way forward looks scary, sometimes it’s wise to look back and see that there was never a time we weren’t cared for or carried. Because of that, we know we can have peace now.

God, remind me of all the times you have been faithful to your church at large but also to me.

How has God been faithful to you?


not a waste

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”


In this parable, Jesus says the value of heaven is so large that it is worth selling everything you have for it. The price of the field in this story must have been high—so high that the man couldn’t just use his savings to get it. He had to cash in everything he had to purchase it. But it was worth everything he had.

The parable applies to us as well. The kingdom of heaven is of incalculable worth. We won’t be left in want if we choose to give up everything for it. Whatever we lose will pale in comparison to what we gain. It is not wasteful to give all our life’s energy to pursuing God. When all is said and done, the wisdom of our decision will be glaringly obvious.

Father, when I get weary, remind me of the value of pursuing you.

Are you hesitant to give God everything in exchange for his kingdom?


a good student

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.


A seasoned teacher was sharing some highlights over her years of teaching. Regardless of personality type, there was one trait she enjoyed teaching the most—the humble learner. When she had a humble student—even if the student was fiercely behind—she was able to do great things with them in just one year. This, she reasoned, was because they did not resist her correction or direction.

In Psalm 25, David reminds us of this timeless truth. It is the humble who are able to be led. The humble don’t insist they know the right path, the right answer, or the right opinion. Because of this, God can easily move them where he wants them. They don’t resist his leadership. They enjoy it.

Father, help me to remain teachable and humble. I want your path for my life more than I want my own.

Do you resist God’s leadership in your life or submit to it?



It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening.

PSALM 92:1-2 NLT

Psalm 92 gives direction for celebrating the Sabbath. Because God is not only our maker but also our designer, we can trust that if he gives us perspective on how to rest, it must be precisely what our created frames need.

We are told to declare his steadfast love in the morning—to meditate on the fact that he has unfailing, steadfast love for us before we even begin our day. Additionally, we declare his faithfulness at night. Recounting the ways God has been faithful to us will be the best expenditure of our mental energy. Instead of mindlessly looking at other things, or anxiously worrying about tomorrow, reflecting on how God has never failed us will equip us for what is to come.

Father, thank you that you offer unfailing love and faithfulness to me.

Do you lean on God’s love and faithfulness to refresh you?



You, O LORD, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.


A gaze is different than a look. It is slower and more observatory in nature. A quick look might reveal some leafless trees, dirty snow, and ice in the driveway. But a gaze might show you some buds on that brown tree, some small animal tracks in the snow, and intricate ice crystals frozen in time.

The Psalmist declared that when we pause to enjoy God’s handiwork around us, it will do something to our emotions—it will invoke gladness. As we recognize God’s work we are met with great joy.

God, as I look at the work of your hands, I marvel that it was all by design and not accident. Surely you have given me joy.

Have you taken the time to gaze outside today?


let not

“Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

JOHN 14:27 ESV

In John 14, Jesus told his disciples not to let their hearts be troubled or afraid. The one who has the power to calm every storm—past, present, or future—knew that there was no need for fear in the heart of his children. God alone can silence every tormenting thought and plaguing anxiety.

As the omnipotent Prince of Peace, it is crystal clear to him that our hearts should never be troubled. But he knows that he can’t force his peace on us. When dwelling on fear, we are allowing our hearts to be troubled. Let us heed his call today. We have the power, because of Jesus, to rebuke fear and receive peace.

Jesus, remind me, when I give way to fear, to turn and look at you. Thank you that you have all the peace I will ever need.

Do you let your heart become troubled or do you take captive thoughts of fear and anxiety?


brave belief

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”

JOHN 14:12-14 ESV

One of the bravest, most courageous things we can do as children of God, is simply to believe him at his word. He takes great delight when his children trust that all his promises are good and true.

Beloved, today may you refuse cynicism, skepticism, and arrogance and instead courageously say to the Father, “I will trust you and, by faith, ask great things in your name.”

Jesus, help me truly believe you today.

Have you resisted through doubt something God has asked you to believe him for?



Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.


Love is everywhere. When you stop to consider what love looks like, you begin to recognize it all around you. Love is in the mother kissing her child goodbye at the school drop off, love is in the coffee you share with a friend. Love is in the offer of help to move to a new house, it is in the playground when a child helps their friend get up after a fall. Love is such a precious and powerful gift that there is no price on it.

That’s why you would laugh at someone for selling all their possessions to acquire love—it simply can’t be bought. God is love and there is no limit or end to his love. If you are feeling a little discouraged today, lift yourself up with the reminder that his love for you will remain no matter what.

God, I need to feel your love in this moment. Thank you that your love is so strong that nothing can take it away. Help me to treasure your love, for it is priceless. Help me to share your love with the world.

In what ways can you pass on the unquenchable love of Christ to others?


a helper

“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”

JOHN 14:26 ESV

When Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure from this earth, he told them they would be given a helper in his place. The first title Jesus gives the Holy Spirit in this teaching is The Helper. This helper came alongside the disciples and helped them preach the gospel in the face of adversity, find joy in their trials, remember all the things Jesus had taught, and remain steadfast in their testimony that Jesus was worth living for.

The Holy Spirit is your helper. He’s willing to help you. He’s competent. And he is always attentive. Ask him for what you need today.

Thank you, God, for sending the Holy Spirit to by my helper.

Is there a problem in your life that you have been trying to fix on your own instead of asking the Helper?



“You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.”


In John 15, Jesus teaches what it means for his children to remain in his love. The entire chapter is directed to those who call him their Lord. Before he gets too far into his word picture, he makes sure his followers know something critical. He reminds them that they are already clean. It’s as if he knew they needed this reassurance before he went any further in his lesson that day.

Sin separates us from God. It is not uncommon that even after confession, we still feel dirty. But we aren’t. When we turn to him in humility and repentance, he makes us clean. He no longer sees the dirt, and neither should we. We are already clean.

Father, thank you for making me clean the moment I humble myself before you.

Have you unwittingly been listening to the lie that you are still dirty because of your confessed sin?


all truth

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.”

JOHN 16:13 NLT

In John 16, Jesus prepares his disciples for his departure. He knows that they will be well cared for after he goes because he is sending the Holy Spirit. This is a strange concept for his followers who have clung to his every word and left everything to be near him. He takes time to still their fears by making sure they know that the Holy Spirit will be there to guide them into all truth.

We are also on the receiving end of this gift. The Holy Spirit is active today, and he leads God’s children into all truth. He is good at his job. He is there to lead you as you lean on him. Ask him today; he will not fail to lead you to truth.

Father, thank you for reminding me to lean into the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction.

Do you look to Jesus as a source of all truth or do you lean on something, or someone, else?


exact representation

“The Father himself loves you.”

JOHN 16:27 NIV

We know that God is fully represented in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three perfectly represent God. It is quite easy to picture how Jesus walks and speaks because we have a number of firsthand accounts. However, sometimes when we are trying to picture God the Father, things can get fuzzy. This can be particularly true for those who have a poor picture of their human father.

That is why this declaration from Jesus is so precious. He makes sure his followers know that he is not representing only himself but also the one who sent him—the Father. The love they receive is not just from Jesus but also from their heavenly Father. If you want to know what God the Father is like, simply look at his Son, for they are the same.

Father, thank you that Jesus’ love is an exact representation of yours.

When you think about God the Father, do you envision the character of Christ or a stern taskmaster?


look up

Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.


The writer of Hebrews compares our Christian journey to that of running a race. When we run a race, particularly a long one, we need perseverance to not quit when it gets hard. Races often start out feeling quite manageable, but inevitably there comes a point when completing the race seems not only daunting but perhaps impossible.

When this happens, it seems like the runner’s eyes lower to the ground and rest on the monotony of watching one foot after the other slowly propel them forward. When you watch the ground while running, your distance gained is almost imperceptible. However, when you look up, toward your goal, you become reinvigorated to endure and persist. Your call as a runner is to fix your eyes on God. If you watch the ground or look behind you, you’ll grow weary. But eyes staid on him will give you all the strength you need.

Father, help me keep my eyes on you and not on myself today.

Do you stare at your discouraging circumstances more than at Jesus?



Your royal laws cannot be changed.


The Psalmist proclaims that all of God’s laws can be trusted. This means anything he asks of us or calls us to do is the best thing in that moment. He doesn’t just give pleasant ideas or suggestions. His decrees aren’t to be equally compared to our ideas. His are the best. The best solution and the best direction in any situation is whatever God is asking us to do.

We need not fear that his directives will lead us astray. You must know that you can entirely trust God. Whatever he is asking you to do is the most trustworthy path in your situation.

Father, thank you that with you I will find the most trustworthy path for my life.

Do you doubt that God will be faithful to lead you on the path that he called you to?


You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued my enemies under my feet.



many cares

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.


Life can be wearing. Children of God are not exempt from trials. In fact, we are told we should expect them. We suffer alongside those who don’t know God. The difference to our suffering, however, is in how we cope.

We can turn to God, the lifter of our heads, and allow him to take burdens off our shoulders. We can see him sitting with us in our pain and suffering. Mary and Martha actually saw the Lord weep with them. We have the privilege of receiving his consolation. When God consoles us in pain, it is not with empty words of wishful thinking; it is with authority and hope that anchors our soul and ultimately brings cheer.

God, remind me to turn to you when I am in pain, for your consolation brings joy to my soul.

Do you draw near to God or away from him when you are hurting?


to seek

I sought the LORD, and he answered me.


In this simple verse, there are two characters: God and man. For each character, there is a simple task. These tasks appear to work beautifully together—in harmony. We seek, and he answers.

Though we are children of God, we still live in a fallen world. Thus, our trials in this age will be innumerable. However, we are given a constant communication line with our Creator. We are told to seek him, to actively engage in prayer, contemplation, and worship. We forsake other things so that we can draw near to God. We needn’t worry that this is wasted energy. God’s delight is to answer his children. He loves when we pursue him, and he is happy to answer.

Father, please remind me to seek you above all else. Thank you that you will answer me.

Is there an area of need that you have been seeking from everyone but God?


to taste

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!


Cookbooks and food magazines are filled with photos of food. There is an art to capturing food that makes the reader salivate when viewing the photo. However, you can never really know what something tastes like until you make it yourself and take a bite. You might buy the cookbook and even recommend it to others, but until you taste it, you don’t truly know it.

In Psalm 34, David invites us to not be mere spectators of God but to jump in and experience his goodness for ourselves. He knows he can talk about how good God is but until we choose to engage God ourselves, we will never know his goodness firsthand. It’s possible to talk about God, tell others about God, and even read about him, but never actually taste his goodness ourselves. The invitation remains today: taste and see! He is good.

Father, thank you that as I draw near to you, there is nothing but goodness to behold.

Do you have any accusations in your heart against God that challenge his goodness?


his eyes

The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous And His ears are open to their cry.


You have God’s attention. Do you remember when you were a child and you wanted your parent to watch you perform a new trick on the playground or at the pool? It was a precious moment when their conversation ceased, and you knew you had their full attention. You knew they were watching you. It gave you courage and emboldened you to show them something new.

Beloved, God the Father has his eyes on you as well. He is watching you because he loves you. In the same way that a parent is delighted by seeing their child try something new, God’s eyes of kindness are drawn to you. This is particularly true when you need him. Rest assured you have his attention.

Father, thank you that I am loved and that you hear my every cry.