4 – Hour Interviews in Hell - NEW ENGLISH EDITION - Yemi Bankole - E-Book

4 – Hour Interviews in Hell - NEW ENGLISH EDITION E-Book

Yemi Bankole

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4 – Hour Interviews in Hell

This is a message from the far country. It is meant for the world; read by millions; believed by the humble; prayed about by the wise. Though, sea shall be crossed and island explored; though knowledge shall multiply and wisdom form a pyramid, yet every soul shall outlive the sun, and the human spirit will never sail into
extinction. In a country, in a year, in a day in a place, the body and the soul shall separate. No complaint, no excuse, no appeal, no lawyer, when our souls shall answer the home - call of God. The beautiful for the ugly earth, the high for the dust below, dust back to the dust, but the soul flies away. The last drama is for the deceased to sit quietly as if alive under the word “Obituary” and be honoured with ‘‘'Late” the 4-letter title that follows his name for the rest of eternity, to tell every man who can read that he was once a dweller of this patched land. We are fragile and limited. We are all birds of passage. We are accorded but with a fleeting glory.
My humble reader, arise, the sun is setting and darkness is coming, take advantage and grasp opportunity. It has been religion all the while, now it’s time for true salvation, now is making holiness your heartbeat. Get enlisted for heaven while salvation is cheap and your spirit is willing.

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4 hour interview in hell New English Edition

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Table of contents

4 – Hour Interviews in Hell

By Yemi Bankole

About the Book

About God’s Eagle Ministries - Otakada.org

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – Interview started

Chapter 2 - Interview Continued 2

Chapter 3 Interview Continued 3

Chapter 4 Interview Continued 4

Chapter 5 Interview Continued 5

Chapter 6 Interview ends

Remember, these are steps you must take to be saved

What Must I do after Salvation?


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4 – Hour Interviews in Hell

By Yemi Bankole

About the Book

This is a message from the far country. It is meant for the world; read by millions; believed by the humble; prayed about by the wise. Though, sea shall be crossed and island explored; though knowledge shall multiply and wisdom form a pyramid, yet every soul shall outlive the sun, and the human spirit will never sail into

extinction. In a country, in a year, in a day in a place, the body and the soul shall separate. No complaint, no excuse, no appeal, no lawyer, when our souls shall answer the home - call of God. The beautiful for the ugly earth, the high for the dust below, dust back to the dust, but the soul flies away. The last drama is for the deceased to sit quietly as if alive under the word “Obituary” and be honoured with ‘‘'Late” the 4-letter title that follows his name for the rest of eternity, to tell every man who can read that he was once a dweller of this patched land. We are fragile and limited. We are all birds of passage. We are accorded but with a fleeting glory.

My humble reader, arise, the sun is setting and darkness is coming, take advantage and grasp opportunity. It has been religion all the while, now it’s time for true salvation, now is making holiness your heartbeat. Get enlisted for heaven while salvation is cheap and your spirit is willing.