50 Delicious Original Italian Recipes for Blood Type A - Claudia Valsecchi - E-Book

50 Delicious Original Italian Recipes for Blood Type A E-Book

Claudia Valsecchi

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This book includes original and tasty recipes that have the good flavors of Italian cuisine. The recipes also follow the principles of the “blood type diet:” choosing foods appropriate to your blood type. The theory that each blood type should eat certain types of foods is based on Doctor Peter J. D’Adamo’s well known discoveries, which proved that following a few rules about how to eat can help improve or maintain your health. This book will make everything easier. It is the first in the Musical Fork Collection and presents 50 delicious but easy-to-make recipes for Blood Type A, almost all of them also adaptable to types 0, B and AB You will find delicious recipes not only for you but also for your family and friends!Following some simple advice and tips will make it easy to eat right and improve your health! In a short while your body will thank you for its new-found wellbeing!

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Claudia Valsecchi

50 Delicious Original Italian Recipes for Blood Type A

With adaptations for other blood types

Fork Music Collection

Titolo | 50 Delicious Original Italian Recipes for Blood Type A

Autore | Claudia Valsecchi

ISBN | 9788891143662

Prima edizione digitale: 2014

© Tutti i diritti riservati all’Autore

Youcanprint Self-Publishing

Via Roma 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE)

[email protected]


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Claudia Valsecchi 50 Delicious Original Italian Recipes for Blood Type A Translated from the Italian by Karen Lundquist Copyright 2014 by Claudia Valsecchi © Claudia Valsecchi The Musical Fork Collection Published by: Claudia Valsecchi


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

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The 4 blood types

Blood Type A

Before cooking -- advice and tips

10 Special One-Dish Meals for Blood Type A

1. Chicken and Spinach Risotto

2. Rice with Salmon in Green Cream Sauce

3. Sauteed Fusilli

4. Pennette with Broccoli and Sardines

5. Escarole Soup with Turkey Balls

6. Country Soup

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