The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook - Claudia Valsecchi - E-Book

The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook E-Book

Claudia Valsecchi

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This is a recipe book following the principles of the famous “Blood type diet”® of naturopathic physician, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo. On the basis of laboratory tests he found that in the intestine there are specific antigens for each blood type. These antigens, reacting with food lectins, make different foods good, neutral or harmful for the different blood types.The dishes presented in this book have been selected to permit everybody to appreciate the tastes of the Mediterranean cuisine. For each recipe there is advice for each blood type on the most suitable foods and those to be avoided in order to feel better, but never forgetting the all-important factor of taste.The book presents 120 classic recipes, each with specific indications for each blood type as to which are the most suitable foods and which should be avoided, while never forgetting taste. There are also lists of the most suitable foods for the different blood types.

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Claudia Valsecchi

The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook Recipes for the 4 Blood Types

With the collaboration of the Chef Mirella Pirchio Cover by Paola Titonel Translation supervision by Noor Giovanni Mazhar Copyright 2014 by Claudia Valsecchi

In the series “The Music of the Fork”

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Titolo | The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook

Autore | Claudia Valsecchi

ISBN | 9788891155221

Prima edizione digitale: 2014

© Tutti i diritti riservati all’Autore

Youcanprint Self-Publishing

Via Roma 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE)

[email protected]

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Table of Contents



Before cooking

Specific indications for the 4 blood types

First Courses with Wheat

1. Tuna Spaghetti

2. Cod Tagliatelle

3. Bucatini with Sardines

4. Fusilli with Small Cuttlefish

5. Fusilli in the Sicilian Style

6. Small Penne with Broccoli

7. Small Penne in the Leghorn Style

8. Pappardelle with Swordfish

9. Pasta and Mackerel Salad

10. Small Lasagne-noodles with Sardines and Leeks

11. “Hay and Straw” Fettuccine with Mushrooms

12. Small Penne with Liver

13. Stuffed Big Shell-shaped Pasta

14. Bowtie-pasta with Sauce

15. White Stuffed Cannelloni

16. Macaroni Timbale

17. Baked Pappardelle

Wheat Vegetarian Menu

18. Spaghetti with Basil

19. Spaghetti with Sicilian Pesto

20. Trenette with Genoese Pesto

21. Cheese and Pepper Bucatini

22. Fettuccine with Vegetables

23. “Hay and Straw” Fettuccine with Radicchio

24. Macaroni with Pine Kernels

25. Pasta Salad in the Greek Style

26. Pasta Omelette

27. Pasta and Beans

28. Pasta and Lentils in the Neapolitan Style

29. Lasagne with Radicchio

30. Vegetarian Cannelloni

31. Macaroni and Zucchini Timbale

First Courses with Rice

32. Fisherman’s Risotto

33. Risotto with Prawns

34. Rice with Fish and Vegetables

35. Rice with Codfish

36. Champagne Risotto

37. Chicken and Mushrooms Risotto

38. Chicken Liver Risotto

39. Risotto in the Country Style

40. Rice with Meat and Vegetables

Rice Vegetarian Menu

41. Rice and Peas

42. Curry Risotto

43. Saffron Risotto

44. Mushroom Risotto

45. Asparagus Risotto

46. Radicchio Risotto

47. Leeks Risotto

48. Rice with Aromatic Herbs

49. Rice with 4 Cheeses

50. Artichoke Risotto

51. Rice with French Beans in the Greek Style

52. Vegetable Soup in the Lombard Style

53. Stuffed Bell Peppers

54. Stuffed Tomatoes

55. Rice and Spinach Pie

56. Rice Omelette

57. Rice Vegetarian Croquettes “Arancini”

58. Rice Vegetarian Croquettes “Supplì”

59. Rice Salad

First Courses with Spelt

60. Small Spelt Penne with Fresh Salmon

61. Spelt Spaghetti with Turkey

Spelt Vegetarian Menu

62. Spelt Tagliatelle with Zucchini Flowers

63. Spelt Macaroni with Cheese

64. Spelt Rigatoni with Saffron

65. Small Spelt Gnocchi in the Roman Style

66. Small Spelt Gnocchi in the Roman Style with Cabbage

67. Small Spelt Gnocchi with Ricotta Cheese

68. Spelt Soup

69. Spelt Soup with Lentils

70. Spelt with Ricotta Cheese

71. Spelt and Vegetables Country Style

72. Spelt and Cauliflower Pie

First Courses with Millet - Vegetarian Menu

73. Millet Flakes Purée

74. Curried Millet with Potatoes

75. Millet Croquettes

76. Delicate Millet Omelette

77. Millet and Fennels au Gratin

78. Millet Pie

First Courses with Barley

79. Barley with Tuna and Rocket

80. Barley and Vegetable Pie

Barley Vegetarian Menu

81. Barley and Fennel Stew

82. Barley and Spinach

83. Barley Soup

84. Barley and Celery Pie

First Courses with Rye

85. Rye Spaghetti with Seafood

86. Rye Fusilli with Zucchini and Shrimps

87. Rye Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe

88. Rye Gnocchi with Sauce

89. Rye with Braised Beef

90. Rye Pasta with Chickpeas

Rye Vegetarian Menu

91. Rye Penne with Bell Peppers

92. Rye with Mushrooms

93. Baked Rye with Vegetables

94. Rye and Pumpkin Soup

95. Rye Canederli (Knödel) with Artichokes

96. Rye Lasagne with Artichokes

First Courses with Oats - Vegetarian Menu

97. Oats with Swiss Chards

98. Oat Flakes Soup

99. Oat Flour Soup

100. Oat Pie

101. Oat Omelette

First Courses with Buckwheat - Vegetarian Menu

102. Kasha with Peas

103. Kasha with Onions

104. Buckwheat with Artichokes

105. Small Buckwheat Gnocchi with Saffron

First Courses with Corn - Vegetarian Menu

106. Polenta with Cheese

Other first Courses

107. Fish Soup

108. Chicken Soup

Vegetarian Menu

109. Cannellini Bean Soup in the Neapolitan Style

110. Onion Soup

111. Pisan “Bordatino” Soup

112. Tuscan “Ribollita” Soup

113. Cabbage Soup

114. Pea Velouté

115. Leek Velouté in the Mugello Style

116. Cauliflower Velouté

117. Broad Bean Velouté

118. Andalusian Gazpacho

119. Potato Canederli (Knödel)

120. Potato and Brussels Sprouts Pie

Dishes for the different blood types

Beneficial food for the different blood types

Unsuitable food for the different blood types


This book is the answer, after the publication of “50 Original and Delicious Recipes for Blood Type A”, to the many requests for new, blood type specific, cookery books.

That first collection of recipes was nevertheless the result of a great deal of work: they were dishes I had created and adapted for myself over the years, which I then decided to share with other people of my same blood group.

To meet these new demands I tried to go back to the kitchen to create new recipes for the other types. But realizing a dish ex novo requires time and inspiration; so, while waiting to have an adequate number of recipes ready, I decided to adapt, for the different blood types, recipes of the traditional Mediterranean cuisine, well known for being very tasty as well as healthy. I thought this could be a nice reply to my readers’ requests.

I would therefore like, first of all, to thank my readers, since without their urging I would not even have thought of writing this book. And then, as regards the theoretical-practical phase, many affectionate thanks to Mirella Pirchio, a very experienced chef and an expert in Italian regional cuisine, for her numerous and accurate suggestions, and to kind Caterina Serpico who, apart from giving us her famous "Katy’s sauce", spent many hours dictating, reviewing and correcting the drafts of the manuscript. And finally heartfelt thanks to Lora Fabro, for her help in the drafting stage and to Brenda Titonel, a computer graphics expert, who not only produced the cover, but has always been available to solve all the technical computer problems.


This is a book of recipes following the principles of the famous “Blood Type Diet” of the naturopathic physician, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo. As a result of rigorous laboratory tests, he found that in the intestine there are specific antigens for each blood type. These antigens, reacting with food lectins, make different foods beneficial, neutral or harmful for the different blood types.

I was curious about the “Blood Type Diet” and in trying to follow its principles I experienced an ever-greater sense of well-being, eating only the foods which were suitable for my blood type.

The determining factor which convinced me to opt for this type of diet was when I discovered, after having the cytotoxic test for food intolerance, that 90% of the foods I was intolerant to were among those contraindicated for my blood type (A).

Since then my observations have become more accurate: those who do not digest dairy products, for example, belong to groups O or A, those who do not digest bell peppers often belong to group B, and so on. That fascinating theory proved to have precise correlations in practice.

Why recipes and not diets? Firstly, because even though I have a diploma in naturopathy I’m a psychologist and not a physician; secondly, a diet is often associated with diseases and indispositions, while a recipe refers more to taste and pleasure.

Here we are only concerned with eliminating the foods which are thought to be harmful for the different blood types (no matter whether RH-positive or negative) and favouring the beneficial ones, including those considered neutral.

Eating this way, on the basis of one’s blood type, has enabled many people, including those opposed to diets, not only to lose weight but also to regain their health and maintain it. In some cases, people have been cured of their diseases.

The dishes presented in this book enable everyone to enjoy the Mediterranean cuisine, even with the limitations imposed by blood type.

You will find that there are more recipes for blood types B and AB, which can eat more foods of this type of cuisine, while types A and 0 have more restrictions. Nevertheless, these last two types can make use of most of these recipes.

It now only remains for you to try the recipes. If you decide to eat according to your blood type, remember that the feeling of self-denial for the discarded foods lasts only a few days. Our body recognizes the right foods and gets used to them easily and quickly.

It’s important to read carefully the chapter with the specific indications for the various blood types, as well as the notes below each recipe: you will find useful indications to help you follow this type of nutrition better.

Italian cuisine

The origins of Italian cuisine can be traced back at least to the 4th century B. C., when there were Etruscan, Greek and Jewish elements which have, in fact, persisted to this day.

During the Middle Ages, there were also the contributions of the Byzantine and Arab cuisines, including the introduction of rice, one of the main dishes of Northern Italy.

Just as foreign invasions brought about linguistic change, so they also had an impact on the way people prepared food. The most significant changes occurred with the discovery of the New World and the consequent introduction of potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and corn, which have become mainstays of Italian cuisine.

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