52 Devotions for Dog Moms - BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - E-Book

52 Devotions for Dog Moms E-Book

BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC



Your canine companion can teach you a lot about the unconditional love and loyalty of God. Is there anyone happier to greet you after a long day at work, a trip to the store, or even a quick shower, than your furry friend? It's like they've been waiting to welcome you since the moment you left. And if you pay them no attention, they'll sit patiently, ready to playfully engage when you are. 52 Devotions for Dog Moms is filled with cute stories, inspiring devotions, prayers, thought-provoking questions, and fun facts about dogs that demonstrate the faithfulness, joy, comfort, and goodness of God. Grab your sweet pup and be encouraged as you spend a few moments with God. Let his affection and devotion give you strength and confidence for each day, and remember how much he delights in being with you! • Beautifully designed full-color interior • Spot gloss, debossed, pearlescent cover • Inspiring devotions • Encouraging Scriptures • Prayers • Ribbon marker

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BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA



© 2019 by BroadStreet Publishing®

978-1-4245-5913-8 (hardcover)

978-1-4245-5914-5 (ebook)

Devotional entries composed by Michelle Cox, Carol Hatcher, Lori Brown, Jessica Chenoweth, Edie Melson, and Sylvia Schroeder.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. zondervan.com. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Lockman.org. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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I Will Love You

True Beauty

Take a Taste

Waiting for You

Best in Show

What to Do

Smile Therapy

Be My Friend?

Faith of a Child

Train Up a Puppy

Be Still

Furry Blessings

Mud Puppy

Face Time

Power of Touch

When You Need Me


Who Am I?

Super Power

Protective Pooch

Tiny Me, Big You

No Pouting

You Can Run

Willing to Wait

Doggie Diva

Sanctified Soul

Pawsitively Protected

Top Dog

Feeling Inadequate

Using Our Gifts

The Puparazzi

Walk with Me

Guard Your Heart

Imitating the Master

The Right Moment

All Eyes on Me

Give the Dog a Bone

Never Far


Rescue Me

Removing Tangles

Always Found

Distracted Consequences

Hold My Hand

When No Is Best

Facing Your Fears

Night Watch

Can’t Give Up

Good to Be Picky



Devoted to You

Sources for Did You Know?


Dogs are called man’s best friend for a reason. They’re loyal. They protect us. They give us love. They’re happy to see us when we return home. And who can resist those furry faces and wagging tails?

We think we own them, but truth be told, it might be more accurate to say that they own us. Many canines have us trained to do their bidding. When they show us some doggy affection, we’re perfectly fine with them being in charge.

Dogs sense when we’re not feeling well, and they excel at giving comfort. That’s why they’re so good as service or therapy dogs. Oh, the joy they bring! What could be finer than an afternoon playing with our dogs or sharing a walk on a perfect day?

Dogs also provide us with wonderful spiritual and life lessons. That’s what you’ll find in the pages of this book. Each chapter contains a devotion, a prayer, a Bible verse, a question for reflection, and a Did you know….

Curl up with your favorite pup and enjoy reading about the God-moments we discover while hanging out with our furry canine friends.


The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying:

“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;

Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”


My friend, Lynn, had been excited all day long. A special delivery was flying in for her and she couldn’t wait. She was supposed to pick the delivery up early in the afternoon, but there was a flight delay. Then there was another delay, and another, until it was after midnight that she headed to the airport.

She was tired but excited to meet the newest members of her family—two rescue dogs. Both had been mistreated and abandoned. Lynn knew they had scars, both physically and emotionally. She was nervous about the days ahead, but ever since she’d seen their photos and read their stories on the adoption center’s website, she’d known they were her dogs. Without even meeting them, she’d fallen in love with the pair. Her heart was touched and pained by all they’d been through.

After a long travel day, the dogs were tired and nervous as well. Lynn spoke softly to them and stroked their fur with gentle hands. She whispered, “I know things have been bad in the past, but you have a forever home with me now, and I’m going to show you nothing but kindness and love. You’ll see.”

It took a while for the wounded dogs to trust her, but as time went by and she fed them and gave them loving attention, they began to thrive. Their once lackluster fur gleamed from her care. Their tails wagged with joy, and they played with carefree abandon. They knew they were loved.

In much the same manner, the Almighty God looked down from heaven and spotted us, wounded by circumstances and desperate for someone to love us. His heart was touched by us and pained by all we’d been through. He whispered, “I know things have been bad in the past, but I have a forever home for you, and I love you enough that I gave my life for you. You are mine.”

With tender care, he brought joy into our lives. He fed us with mercy and grace. His gentle, nail-scarred hands brought healing into our once-wounded hearts. And we knew we were loved.

Dear Lord, the wounds of my past have affected me in so many ways. There have been times when I felt like I was on the fringe as I watched others who were loved and whose lives seemed so blessed. Then you stepped into my life and showed me that I could trust you. You treated me with kindness and patience, even though I messed up so many times. You healed the broken places in my heart and filled them with your love. How do I even begin to express my gratitude? Words don’t suffice. Thank you for the gift of your love and the promise of a forever home with you.


How has the assurance of God’s

love changed you?


There are nearly fourteen thousand

animal shelters and rescue groups

across North America.


Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair

and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—

but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart

with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,

which in God’s sight is very precious.

1 PETER 3:3-4 ESV

Cindy has a miniature dog named Princess. Princess has a precious little face, fluffy fur, and is downright adorable. She is even cuter when Cindy dresses her in little doggy clothes—beachwear, rainwear, Christmas sweaters, and frilly outfits. Princess wears them with pride, and the cute-ness quotient is off the charts!

Princess gets noticed everywhere she goes. Sometimes, it’s for the cowgirl outfit she’s wearing, or for the princess dress and tiny dog tiara. Friends on social media share photos of Princess, and likes on the photos sometimes number into the thousands.

Princess wasn’t always so cute. She was once a rescue dog—unwanted and dirty, her fur was matted and muddy. With the love and care of her new master, the previously unkempt dog became a stunning creature.

Though outward beauty and cute clothing are what folks notice first, after they are around Princess for a while, they discover something else that makes them love her even more. The little dog is affectionate and well-behaved. She loves everyone equally, from the janitor at the school to the millionaire at the coffee shop. Her inner beauty far outshines what is on the outside.

The same is true for us. There’s nothing wrong with fixing our hair and makeup and wearing pretty outfits. The problem comes when we spend more time on that than we do working on our inner beauty.

What if we put as much effort into our hearts and souls as we did with our daily beauty routines? What if we cleansed away the imperfections that keep us from being like God? What if we clothed ourselves with kindness and love?

God thinks a gentle and quiet spirit is beautiful. As many of us have discovered, outward beauty fades, wrinkles appear, and hair thins and turns gray. Inner beauty will never perish—and it will always please the heart of our Master.

Father, the desire of my heart is to be beautiful for you. Help my character to reflect yours. Give me a depth of kindness and love for others to make me an extension of your loving hands. Remind me to work on my inner beauty routine—to spend time in your Word, to get rid of my imperfections through repentance and confession to you, and to clothe myself in your love. Give me a quiet and gentle spirit so that whenever people look at me, they’ll see a reflection of you.


Think of three people who excel at inner

beauty. What makes them inwardly

beautiful? What can you do to enhance

your inner beauty?


Dog grooming is not just for cosmetic appeal;

it’s important for their health.


O taste and see that the LORD is good;

How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. As a new bride, I was still honing my cooking skills. I’d tried my first batch of fried chicken that evening, and I was thrilled because everything had turned out perfectly. The chicken was golden brown and crispy. It looked like something out of a magazine. I put the platter of fried chicken on the table and turned around to finish dishing up the vegetables.

When I turned to place the vegetables on our kitchen table, I let out a scream that made my husband come running.

We had purchased a house up the street from my in-laws. It didn’t have a screen door, but it was warm that afternoon, so I’d opened the door to get some air. When I turned around to place the vegetables on the table, I discovered my father-in-law’s beagle, Ouncie, had trotted up the street to see us. He’d climbed on a chair and was eating my fried chicken!

He’s not the only dog who sneaks a bite of food. My friend had a huge St. Bernard named Lucy. She was so big that her head could comfortably reach the counter. One night, my friend left the kitchen for a few minutes while her stir fry cooked. When she returned, she discovered Lucy had stuck her head in the wok and eaten half of the contents.

Another time, Lucy polished off a platter of brownies. On a third occasion, Lucy devoured tater tots from a takeout restaurant.

When dogs are hungry, they dive right into what is in front of them.

What if we were that hungry for God’s Word? What if we devoured those pages with the same delight as hungry dogs? A feast of promises, comfort, advice, and instructions for living are right in front of us. A heaping helping of inspiration, worship, and praise are ours for the taking. And for dessert, there are sweet moments where God sits with us and whispers to our souls.

Isn’t it time we followed Ouncie and Lucy’s examples and helped ourselves to what God has waiting for us?

Father, I’ll be honest. I know I don’t read my Bible like I should. If I do, it’s in hurried little snatches. It’s your love letter to me, yet I allow it to gather dust. Please give me a hunger for your Word. Help it to come alive for me. Help me to see things I’ve never noticed before. Open up time for me to savor what I’m reading, to allow the words to seep into my soul and make a difference in my life. I don’t want to miss the messages you have for me. Thank you for this precious gift.


Why don’t you read your Bible more

often? How can you gain a hunger

for God’s Word?


Chocolate, macadamia nuts, cooked onions, or

anything with caffeine can be harmful to dogs.

evidently that didn’t bother Lucy’s bulk when

she gobbled up brownies and stir fry!


Let us not grow weary while doing good,

for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.


Our family has a home in Florida with a guest cottage behind it. Our son and his family live in the house. My husband and I use the cottage when we are in town, and we get daily visits from our grandchildren—and also our grand-dog, Gus. He comes over every morning. My husband lets him in, and that small black ball of fur hops up on the bed with me for snuggles.

Gus is a sweet dog. He’s good with the kids, doesn’t disturb anything (most of the time), and he’s a vocal guard dog whenever someone comes near the house. He’s a member of the family, and he loves hanging out with everyone.

On one of our visits, some friends were in the cottage, so we stayed in the house. After we left, my daughter-in-law sent me a picture of Gus standing at the front door, waiting for us to come back. She said he sat there for hours. I loved that.

On our next trip, we stayed in the cottage. Gus again made regular visits to see us. And then after we returned home, my daughter-in-law sent a picture that totally melted my heart. Gus was standing patiently on the porch of the cottage, waiting for us to come back.

Did you catch that? Gus was waiting patiently. That’s a lesson most of us could learn. I’ll admit I’ve often been guilty of praying about something and then getting impatient when the answer didn’t arrive as fast as I thought it should.

I’ve learned a valuable lesson the past few years. Just because an answer doesn’t arrive on my timetable, it doesn’t mean that God isn’t busy on my behalf. In fact, if the answer arrived when I expected it, important pieces of God’s plan wouldn’t have been in place. His idea was bigger than mine, and the waiting was necessary to accomplish it.

I don’t want to rush God. Instead, I want to be like little Gus, waiting patiently.