A Ball With Mommy: Taboo Erotica - Alethea Stampley - E-Book

A Ball With Mommy: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Alethea Stampley

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

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A Ball With Mommy

Alethea Stampley

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












This was something she had done as a small girl, something that had excited her then and excited her now. In the hand mirror on the floor, she could see the way her panties fitted her crotch. She could see the slight bulge of her cunt, the little indentation as they pulled into the split of her rounded, swelling ass.She didn't know why she was so fascinated with looking at herself in this unusual way. But then it was not only herself she enjoyed looking at; she enjoyed looking at others too -- boys and girls.When as a girl, she found she could see the bulges in the front of boys' pants, she went through a period of staring openly at them. Those mysterious bulges occupied her attention for a number of years, then she went through a stage of ignoring boys, and looking at the girls. In high school, when the girls stripped for gym, Marla had felt an almost overpowering urge to touch the girls, to feel their saucy tits, caress those pretty asses, and best of all, feel their fuzzy pussies.Looking down at the mirror, Marla slipped her hands under her skirt and adjusted her panties, exposing her softly curling dark cunthair. Her excitement increased as she gazed at her reflection.Marla was almost out of high school she experienced her first fucking. She had been eager for it, very eager. Being popular with both boys and girls, she could have dated much earlier, but Marla had been afraid. Not of the boys, but of herself. She had been afraid to be alone with a boy, afraid she would be unable to control herself, that she would grab those lovely bulges without warning.When she finally consented to go out with a popular young man, she had managed to control her urges, to a point. She had pot grabbed his cock as she had desperately wanted. At least, until the teen placed a hand on her tit.That was all it took. Marla had melted immediately. She pressed the teen's hand hard against her tit, and tilting her mouth to his for a kiss, moved her hand to his cock. The first feel of a throbbing, hard cock had caused her to come, and she had squirmed her mouth against the teen, mewling as her cunt went through a series of contractions, gripping his cock through his pants. By the time the guy had his cock inside her cunt, Marla was almost out of her mind. She thrashed and churned beneath the guy in the tight confines of his car, screaming and shrieking with more ecstasy than she knew there could be. Her cunt had throbbed into orgasm again as soon as his hard cock penetrated her cunt, and the contractions kept going constantly as the guy fucked frantically, pounding his cock into her gripping pussy.He had told all his friends what a wild fuck Marla was. Most had trouble believing that the exceptionally beautiful girl was such a hot one, but the guys did start pressing her for dates. But Marla, afraid of her own sexual responses, almost became a recluse.From becoming known as the easiest, hottest fuck in school, she became known as a stuck up, frigid bitch. Only Marla knew she was by no means frigid. She had a terrible time controlling herself, and spent almost every night using her fingers on her body, plunging them into her cunt and coming so hard and often, she had difficulty walking the next day.She looked at her reflection, becoming more excited. She could see the moisture growing on her panties, feel the heat of her cunt. Her sharp pointed tits began to push at her blouse, her nipples sensitive. So absorbed in her erotic activity, Marla failed to hear the soft breathing behind her.Peering around the door, Bob and Sally were watching their mother. It wasn't the first time they had spied on her, but it was the first time they had seen her using the mirror this way. Bob's cock was pressing at the front of his pants, very hard, his balls aching slightly. Sally, a year older than her brother, was experiencing a delicious, moist heat between her thighs. Her tits were swollen inside her summer sweater, her tiny nipples making points against it.Marla pulled upward on her skirt, gripping her panties at the same time. She saw the wet crotch pull into her cunt and ass, the reflection between her legs exposing all. She saw the puffy lips of her pussy, the creamy texture of her shapely ass. Staring hard into the mirror, she began to sway her hips, watching her crotch.Sally stuffed her fist into her mouth to choke back a lewd giggle.Bob was starting to breathe loudly, and his sister poked at him to make him stop.Marla bent her knees slightly, staring down into the mirror and watching her crotch. The hairy lips of her cunt were exposed since her panties were now pulled into her pussy slit. She made a soft gasp as she bent her knees further, half-squatting.At the door, her son and daughter watched with big eyes."Oooooh, it's so pretty!" Marla whispered to her reflection.Sally choked as she tried to swallow her giggles, and Bob was about to burst.But Marla heard nothing.She squatted over the mirror, drawing her skirt up to her narrow waist. She was unaware that her son and daughter were there, that they could see her pantied ass now. She was so absorbed in staring at her reflection, at her cunt, she gave thought to nothing else."You pretty pussy!" Marla said, her voice husky. "You hot, pretty cunt!"Bob moaned when he heard his mother, pressing his palm hard on his throbbing cock. Sally was writhing as she fought to keep from giggling.Marla ran a fingertip along her thigh, touching the crotch of her panties lightly. She moved her ass, swinging it in a tight gyration."Suck a hot, wet cunt," she purred softly, her voice carrying to her son and daughter. "So hot and wet! Ohhh, you need something hard in you! You need a big, beautiful, hard cock! That's what you need, you wet cunt!"She slipped her panties away from her pussy, gazing into the mirror at the glistening pink wetness of hair-fringed cunt. She saw her clit bulging outward and pressed her finger against it. She moaned, her eyes glazed with passion. With her son and daughter watching her, Marla moved her middle finger into her cunt, pushing it deep. She sobbed at the sensation, and plunged it in and out of her cunt, watching in the mirror. Her ass moved, wiggling erotically. Her knees were wide apart, her head between them as she watched her finger disappear into her juicy cunt. Although Bob and Sally couldn't see very well, they could see her hand under her crotch. They knew what their mother was doing, they knew very well.With a squeal of pleasure, Marla pulled her finger out of her cunt, lifting it to her mouth. She shoved the cunt-wet finger into her mouth and sucked it."Oooh, sweet," she purred. "Sweet cunt!" Then she plunged her finger into her pussy again, almost violently. She cried out and fucked herself in a frenzy, no longer staring at her reflection. Her head was lifted up, eyes closed, lips parted. She cried out with hunger as her finger pounded wildly into her cunt, making soft, wet sounds that could be heard by Bob and Sally."Ooooh, come!" Marla whimpered. "I want to come!"Her finger pounded faster and with more violence at her burning cunt. She leaned over, bracing herself with her other hand. She lifted her ass in the air, bringing it up front the mirror. Since her skirt was bunched at her waist, her son and daughter stared at her thighs and ass. They could see their mother's fingers pounding into her cunt. Marla twisted her ass about wildly, ramming her finger in and out of her cunt with soft cries of ecstasy.Then Marla screamed. Bob and Sally darted away from the door swiftly, making a great deal of noise.But Marla was seized by her fiery orgasm and didn't hear them. Her legs became weak, and she finally squatted above the mirror again, gasping heavily, her finger no longer inside her cunt. She watched her pussy pulsate and drip for a while longer, letting strength return to her shaking body.Marla had not given much attention to her son and daughter in the past few months. She noticed nothing, really. Her fantasies took up most of her time, and even when Bob and Sally were around, watching television or playing some game, she was hardly aware of them.But this evening, she noticed they weren't around and she became curious.She heard their voices from Sally's bedroom. Sally's door was closed, and Marla pressed her ear to it."Sweet pussy," she heard Sally saying.A flush came over Marla's face. It was not the flush of shame or embarrassment, but the flush of quickly rising desire."You're supposed to wiggle, Sally," she heard her son say."Okay," came Sally's voice."Now you say it." Bob said, his voice low. "Sweet pussy," Marla heard her daughter's voice. "You hot, sweet cunt! You need a hard cock, you hot cunt."Marla turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.Sally was standing over a hand mirror similar to her own, with her dress about her waist. Sitting on his sister's bed, Bob was watching. Sally's tight panties clung to her ass, and both she and her brother were looking at the reflection of her cunt, only Bob was lifting his eyes to the front of his sister's panties as often as he looked into the mirror.Marla's hand moved to her throat, her eyes wide. She saw the bulge of her son's cock inside his pants, and there was a lurching, sucking feeling in her cunt.Bob jumped, seeing his mother in the doorway.Sally turned quickly, shoving her skirt down as she faced her mother.Marla started to say something; she swallowed, looking at her son, who was trying to cover up his hard-on, then at the mirror on the floor. She saw her daughter's reflection in it, the crotch of Sally's panties.Sally's giggle broke the tension."Oh, God!" Marla said throatily."You do it, Mother," Sally said, not in the least embarrassed."But... not in front of Bob," Marla managed to get out. "Not in front of anyone.""Well," Sally replied, lifting her pretty face almost as a challenge, "I do."Marla stared at her daughter, then at her son. She couldn't say anything. Sally was right. She did it, and they had seen her do it. She had no right to say a word. She turned and left.In the living room, Marla tried to sort out the whirling thoughts in her mind, but the vision of her daughter with her skirt at her waist, and of her son's cock pressing at his pants, refused to leave her mind.She wondered how often they had watched her, what they had seen, and what their thoughts were."Are you mad at us, Mom?"Marla looked up and saw her son entering the room. Her eyes went immediately to the front of his pants. She didn't see a hard-on, but there was a lovely lump there. Behind him Sally peered at her.Marla shook her head."Well, you shouldn't be, Mother," Sally said, walking past her brother and flouncing into a chair, drawing her feet up and crossing them. Her slim thighs were showing as she tucked her skirt between them, looking at her mother. "Why get mad at us for doing what you do?""I'm not... I'm not mad," Marla replied. "I think I understand it."Bob sat down on the floor near his sister, lifting one knee and pulling it to his chest."I know you two have watched me," Marla went on in a low voice. "Hearing you, seeing the mirror, is enough to tell me that. Any other mother would probably be very angry with you, but I understand."Sally and Bob said nothing. They sat and listened to their mother."Do you have something to say, Sally?""I think Dad was a fool, Mother," Sally replied.She had her hands between her crossed thighs, and it looked to Marla as if her daughter was cupping her concealed cunt."He had it made, didn't he? I mean, that's what men want, right? You gave him everything, made all his dreams come true, and he walked out on us. See, be was a fool."Marla watched her daughter's hands, suspecting Sally was creating pressure upon her cunt, perhaps trying to make herself come. She glanced down at her son, who rested his chin on his uplifted knee. He wasn't looking up at her, Marla noticed, but at her knees.Glancing down, she saw that her knees were about six inches apart. She wondered if her son was seeing under her skirt, between her thighs, perhaps her panties. The idea sent a ripple of excitement through her. She had the urge to swing her knees wide-open, give him a good long look at her panties.She wondered if her son was like she was, like his sister was showing herself to be. After all, he did watch his sister imitating her with the mirror. The idea sent a shudder through her. Not a shudder of revulsion but one of excitement."What do you know about men, what they want?" she asked her daughter. "You've never gone out on a date yet.""I know what I want," Sally replied, with a soft giggle of lewdness. "And if I want it, I'm sure the guys want it, too."Marla gazed at her daughter. Sally's green eyes seemed alive with fire."And you, Bob?" Marla asked, her voice shaking slightly.Bob's eyes burned, and without any hesitation, he blurted, "I wanna do it, Mom. I wanna do everything you and Sally do."Marla trembled, her cunt pulsating with more wildness than ever.