Animals Are The Best Lovers - Alethea Stampley - E-Book

Animals Are The Best Lovers E-Book

Alethea Stampley

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Animals Are The Best Lovers

Alethea Stampley

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Animals Are The Best Lovers

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

"Yeah, you know how to get a cock hard, just rub it over that honey hole of yours, baby, and I'll ream it out good for you!"

Eileen Tremaine reached down to grasp Hank Barstow's flaccid cock as he knelt between her widespread thighs and leaned over her prostrate body. As she did, she cursed herself for having delayed the exciting moment; she had had him firm and hard while she had been mouthing his cock but then she had conceived a sudden desire to have his mouth running over her hot-lipped pussy. Hank had been willing enough to eat her pussy--he was no laggard in that department--and in fact, had brought her to a pair of sharp orgasms through adroit use of his tongue. But the climaxes had been localized and had seemed to affect only her clitoris and the outer surfaces of her pussy. She had been left hungry for a deep penetration, a bull-like thrust of a prick which would reach into the very depths of her womb and release the tension still knotted there.

"Mmmm, feels so good! So totally sexy!" she murmured, rubbing the soft tool over the wet, aroused lips of her pussy.

His prick really did feel good against the tender flesh, though she had said so mainly in order to give him another spark of excitement. Hank was one of those men who needed a bit of verbal cooperation from his women in order to reach his full peak of effectiveness and Eileen had no qualms about giving it. She loved saying the love words, the sensual phrases, and merely uttering them never failed to make her pussy and nipples throb more powerfully.

"Ahhh, I love to feel a cock growing hard against my pussy," she whispered, rubbing it into her slit harder. "I'm getting my pussy-drip all over your prick; I'm getting you ready to fuck me!"

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