A Daily Dose of Stoicism in our Lives - A. C. Daniels - E-Book

A Daily Dose of Stoicism in our Lives E-Book

A. C. Daniels

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When we hear about the word Stoicism, Stoics or even Stolidity, one thing keeps ringing in our head; Indifference! Indifference to pain, Indifference to pleasure, Indifference to our sense of reasoning, and Indifference to our raging emotions. Nevertheless, Stoicism goes way beyond just Indifference. It encapsulates our very existence. 
It is important to know that Stoicism as a philosophy started more than a thousand years ago. As a matter of fact, early Stoicism dates back to the days of the old Athens in the Greek setting. Zeno was the father of early Stoicism with lots of scholars and thinkers doting on his philosophy after his death. 
Many centuries later, the term Stoicism became synonymous with thinkers of antiquities such as Kant, Montaigne, Deleuze, and Nietzsche. According to these scholars, the world and humans are two connected but distinct components which should work hand in hand for a better cosmos. 
They further believed that the world is materially and secularly inclined with humans playing a big role in this formation, especially as a rational animal. However, the rise and introduction of the Modern Stoics saw the regression of the views, tenets, and beliefs of the early Stoics as it contradicts with the true nature and set up of the modern world. 
This gave birth to the paradigm shift in some of the core values of the principles of Stoicism. The Modern day Stoicism now focus on the acknowledgment of facts ahead of nature, elimination of violent emotions towards much better reasoning, and upholding virtue as the only gateways towards being happy. 
In other words, a clear mind devoid of emotions is a perfect mind. Be that as it may, what this book seeks to do is to familiarize and enlighten you on the concepts of Stoicism. It also seeks to take you through a stress-free journey of being a better version of what you were yesterday. 
A lot of people had made their mistakes from making what could have been a simple problem into a cumbersome one. If only they had added a little bit of logic and emotionless attitude, the problem would have been dealt with accordingly. But most times, we tend to let our emotions take total control of us, thereby making decisions the will leave us unhappy in the end. 
This book would equip you with the right mindset towards making a better judgment, even in the face of adversities. It would enlighten you on how to beat depression and anxiety even without trying. Read through the chapters with rapt attention, and I can assure you of coming out stronger, better, and wiser in making decisions that influence your life. 
We all deserve to be happy. We all deserve to lead a good life. Clear your mind and allow us take you through this breathtaking experience. Happy reading! 


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A. C. Daniels

A Dose of Stoicism in Our Lives

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Table of contents

Tables of Content


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


Tables of Content


Chapter One – Stoicism: Historical Background
Chapter Two – Stoicism Today
Chapter Three – Knowing Oneself
Chapter Four – Meditation and Its Power
Chapter Five –Virtue Over Immortality
Chapter Six –Bye to Emotions
Chapter Seven – Being Logical at all times
Chapter Eight – Live a Stress Free Life
Chapter Nine – You can Defeat Depression With Stoicism
Chapter Ten – Staying Calm Amidst Adversities
Chapter Eleven – Indifference: Unveiling The Goodness In You
Chapter Twelve – Stoicism In Our Daily Lives; Embrace Yourself
Chapter Thirteen – Stoicism: A Pathway To Joy, Happiness, and Positivity
Chapter Fourteen – After The Storm, Comes Peace,
Chapter Fifteen - A New Dawn!


When we hear about the word Stoicism, Stoics or even Stolidity, one thing keeps ringing in our head; Indifference! Indifference to pain, Indifference to pleasure, Indifference to our sense of reasoning, and Indifference to our raging emotions. Nevertheless, Stoicism goes way beyond just Indifference. It encapsulates our very existence.

It is important to know that Stoicism as a philosophy started more than a thousand years ago. As a matter of fact, early Stoicism dates back to the days of the old Athens in the Greek setting. Zeno was the father of early Stoicism with lots of scholars and thinkers doting on his philosophy after his death.
Many centuries later, the term Stoicism became synonymous with thinkers of antiquities such as Kant, Montaigne, Deleuze, and Nietzsche. According to these scholars, the world and humans are two connected but distinct components which should work hand in hand for a better cosmos.
They further believed that the world is materially and secularly inclined with humans playing a big role in this formation, especially as a rational animal. However, the rise and introduction of the Modern Stoics saw the regression of the views, tenets, and beliefs of the early Stoics as it contradicts with the true nature and set up of the modern world.
This gave birth to the paradigm shift in some of the core values of the principles of Stoicism. The Modern day Stoicism now focus on the acknowledgment of facts ahead of nature, elimination of violent emotions towards much better reasoning, and upholding virtue as the only gateways towards being happy.
In other words, a clear mind devoid of emotions is a perfect mind. Be that as it may, what this book seeks to do is to familiarize and enlighten you on the concepts of Stoicism. It also seeks to take you through a stress-free journey of being a better version of what you were yesterday.
A lot of people had made their mistakes from making what could have been a simple problem into a cumbersome one. If only they had added a little bit of logic and emotionless attitude, the problem would have been dealt with accordingly. But most times, we tend to let our emotions take total control of us, thereby making decisions the will leave us unhappy in the end.
This book would equip you with the right mindset towards making a better judgment, even in the face of adversities. It would enlighten you on how to beat depression and anxiety even without trying. Read through the chapters with rapt attention, and I can assure you of coming out stronger, better, and wiser in making decisions that influence your life.
We all deserve to be happy. We all deserve to lead a good life. Clear your mind and allow us take you through this breathtaking experience. Happy reading!

Chapter One

Stoicism: Historical Background

The old Greek settings had been quite popular for its wonderful and soul-captivating theories, principles, and philosophies which are still very vital in today’s world. Even after these theories, principles, and philosophies had been conceived for over thousands of years, they still remained very vital in today’s world, thereby forming the roots of all modern works.
For instance, the great Greek scholars of antiquities like Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato has become tenets and foundations which had given birth to lots of modern works out there. Notwithstanding, it is important to know that philosophies during the old Greek setting feature every aspects and corner of the world in general.
From war to love, nature, science, geography, biology, and so much more. With that being said, our focus would be on one of Greek finest philosophies; Stoicism.
Ancient Stoicism was first started as a movement in the late 300 BCE by the great Zeno of Citium before it gradually graduates into a school of thought. As a movement, the believers of this early philosophy met at the popular “Painter Stao”, which is located at the market place of Greek mist populous city, Athens. Little wonder why the school of thought got its name “Stoic.”
Unlike the already well established school of Plato (Academy), Aristotle’s school (Lyceum), Epicurus school (Garden) which was gaining momentum as at that period, Zeno’s Stoic movement was just beginning to establish itself as an upcoming and new school of thought. They never had the opportunity and facilities these other schools had.
As a matter of fact, they only met at various public spots situated in the city of Athens. It is important to know that Stoicism started gaining much popularity only after the death of its founder; Zeno of Citium. Little by little, Cleanthes (Zeno’s student) carried on with the propagation of his teacher’s work.
People of Athens now begin to infuse and inculcate Stoicism in their daily life, thereby giving the school of thought a heavy boost throughout the city.
Stoicism and The Roman Empire
Within the course of time, Rome rose to become the center of power and politics during the first century BCE. Romans, on the other hand, had studied the Stoic philosophy and deemed it perfect for their fast-growing nation. The ideologies and principles of Zeno’s school of thought became the guiding force towards leading the glorious Rome.
This was evident in the Summaries Cicero introduced to the Latin-speaking world on the importance of mastering Stoicism. Afterward, there was a large acceptance and reception of Stoicism all over Rome and especially in other cities of the world; Seneca, Lucan, Perseus, Musonius, Rufus, and Epictetus.
Romans now saw life from a whole new perspective, unlike what the other schools had posited. Stoicism taught them rationality. Stoicism thought them accountability for their actions. Stoicism thought them the real meaning of life. It teaches them what is right for wrong.
To this effect, Stoicism encapsulates different core theories ranging from ethics, epistemology, and ontology. It opens up your mind in seeing the true nature of the world. Nevertheless, before Zeno got inspired by this philosophy, there are chunks of previous philosophies that had laid emphasis on this line of thoughts.
So the question remains what makes Stoicism stands out? The difference is very clear in the central tenets and focus of the Stoic philosophical system. The stoics posit that the world is materially inclined. It is driven by a material force which is created by a supernatural being.
It also argued that for us to be eternally happy, we must uphold virtue and morality alone. Material benefits are totally irrelevant in giving genuine happiness. Furthermore, our emotions shouldn’t guide our judgments and deductions. In fact, it is merely a product of our irrationality and should be eliminated.
Thereby, making you rational, devoid of emotions, and indifferent to events, phenomena, and activities revolving around you. The principle of Stoicism had painted its school of thought around a picture of a perfect man who would only attain true happiness even in the face of torture by upholding morality and virtue, thereby becoming highly rational, emotionless, and indifferent.
Stoicism later grew in followers over time. The loss of major traditional text which points to the early principles of the school of thought led to its high regression in the third century BCE. However, the philosophy started gaining grounds back as modern philosophers started building on the origin of the school.
The Cicero’s Summary which was written in Latin, fragments of the “Painted Stao” gathering written by early authors, and other early works gave credence to the school’s postulations. This further boosted their influence in the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
Key Concept of the Philosophy
1. Virtue and Morality: Early Stoics believe that there is more to life than just reckless living. The only way to attain real happiness is via upholding virtue and morality. When many of the schools in the old Greek settings contradict this concept, Stoics believes these two concepts are what we need to live a meaningful life.
They believe morality and virtue define courage, good character, justice, and good traits. Not many people possess this kind of outstanding qualities. Thus, mastering and studying the philosophy of Stoicism is the only way one can truly understand the principles.
To this effect, it is pertinent to know that in other to live a stress-free life, one must not only study the principles of Stoicism academically but also infuse it into our way of life practically.
Stoics also posit that all humans have the tendency and free will to choose from what is right or what is wrong. They have the tendency to follow the path of morality or virtue and not immorality or evil. In other words, we are accountable for every one of our actions, irrespective of either good or bad.