The ABC of Marijuana - A. C. Daniels - E-Book

The ABC of Marijuana E-Book

A. C. Daniels

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When we are making reference to Marijuana, we shouldn’t forget that growing Marijuana is not just a hobby or killing time, it is in fact, a booming business for others in this line of venture. It goes beyond putting a seed beneath the ground. It goes beyond taking in a few clouds of smoke indoors with your friends. It is a means of survival for others.
The moment you realize this notion about the Cannabis plant, the clearer your perception and narrative about the psychoactive herb would be. It is no doubt one of the most effective and multi-purpose plants grown in the universe. It uses and benefits have been felt in both ancient and recent time.
Now, let me share the turning point of my life with you. Like everyone else, I was once an average stockbroker who had a thing or two for Marijuana back in the 90s. Due to one or two reasons best known to me, I really hadn’t paid real attention to it. Like you, I had always felt Marijuana is only meant to be smoked and forgotten.
I guess I was wrong when I came across Marcus, my very good friend. He had been a small-time Cannabis indoor grower who was always looking over his head due to the criminal law levied against the psychoactive herb. He had explained the economics and numbers behind the Cannabis plant.
He made sure he explained everything to me in details; the stereotypes, the massive benefits, and the good side of the plant. As a small-time stockbroker, I knew I had hit jackpot. With my little knowledge of economics, I knew investing in this line of business would bring back good returns.
Coupled with the fact that many other states in the country had been removing the ban placed on Marijuana, my urge to throw money at this venture increased and at the end produced more than enough returns that changed my life for the better.
This book would serve as an eye-opener and a well-detailed guide towards enlightening you on the economic, medicinal, and environmental benefit of the Cannabis plant. Not everyone knows the importance of this psychoactive herb to mankind. Nevertheless, I will put you through every detail and step.
Mind you, the end result and goal of this book is not to force or cajole you into believing what you don’t wish to believe about the plant. But instead, it is to prepare your mind and make you see the Cannabis plant in a whole new dimension, thereby changing the narrative and stereotype you are stuck with.
In the end, you will come to realize and accept the fact that growing weed is one of the most lucrative and booming business one can invest in. Allow this book to take you into a whole new experience with the new face of medical Marijuana. You will be shocked at how developed and advanced medicine had reached, especially with Marijuana being the centerpiece of that achievement.
With that, I welcome you to my world of Marijuana. Relax, take a deep breath, and learn from my experience!

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A. C. Daniels

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Table of contents

The ABC of Marijuana: The History, Planting, Harvesting, Economics, Spirituality, Medicinal, and Pain Alleviation

Tables of Content


Chapter One: Historical Background of Marijuana

Chapter Two: Face of Marijuana Today

Chapter Three: Unveiling the truth behind Cannabis addiction

Chapter Four: Marijuana Horticulture

Chapter Five: Indoor and Outdoor Growing

Chapter Six: Sowing Phase, Vegetative Growth Phase, and Flowering Phase

Chapter Seven: Harvests of the Marijuana Plant

Chapter Eight: Marijuana Growing as a business venture

Chapter Nine: Steps to take in starting Marijuana business as a novice

Chapter Ten: Investing in Marijuana Growing venture

Chapter Eleven: Medical Marijuana (Traditional)

Chapter Twelve: Medical Marijuana (Today’s World)

Chapter Thirteen: Marijuana (As a chronic pain reliever)

Chapter Fourteen: Marijuana and Spirituality

Chapter Fifteen: Now you know better!


The ABC of Marijuana: The History, Planting, Harvesting, Economics, Spirituality, Medicinal, and Pain Alleviation

Tables of Content

Chapter One: Historical Background of Marijuana
Chapter Two: Face of Marijuana Today
Chapter Three: Unveiling the truth behind Cannabis addiction
Chapter Four: Marijuana Horticulture
Chapter Five: Indoor and Outdoor Growing
Chapter Six: Sowing Phase, Vegetative Growth Phase, and Flowering Phase
Chapter Seven: Harvests of the Marijuana Plant
Chapter Eight: Marijuana Growing as a business venture
Chapter Nine: Steps to take in starting Marijuana business as a novice
Chapter Ten: Investing in Marijuana Growing venture
Chapter Eleven: Medical Marijuana (Traditional)
Chapter Twelve: Medical Marijuana (Today’s World)
Chapter Thirteen: Marijuana (As a chronic pain reliever)
Chapter Fourteen: Marijuana and Spirituality
Chapter Fifteen: Now you know better!


When we are making reference to Marijuana, we shouldn’t forget that growing Marijuana is not just a hobby or killing time, it is in fact, a booming business for others in this line of venture. It goes beyond putting a seed beneath the ground. It goes beyond taking in a few clouds of smoke indoors with your friends. It is a means of survival for others.

The moment you realize this notion about the Cannabis plant, the clearer your perception and narrative about the psychoactive herb would be. It is no doubt one of the most effective and multi-purpose plants grown in the universe. It uses and benefits have been felt in both ancient and recent time.
Now, let me share the turning point of my life with you. Like everyone else, I was once an average stockbroker who had a thing or two for Marijuana back in the 90s. Due to one or two reasons best known to me, I really hadn’t paid real attention to it. Like you, I had always felt Marijuana is only meant to be smoked and forgotten.
I guess I was wrong when I came across Marcus, my very good friend. He had been a small-time Cannabis indoor grower who was always looking over his head due to the criminal law levied against the psychoactive herb. He had explained the economics and numbers behind the Cannabis plant.
He made sure he explained everything to me in details; the stereotypes, the massive benefits, and the good side of the plant. As a small-time stockbroker, I knew I had hit jackpot. With my little knowledge of economics, I knew investing in this line of business would bring back good returns.
Coupled with the fact that many other states in the country had been removing the ban placed on Marijuana, my urge to throw money at this venture increased and at the end produced more than enough returns that changed my life for the better.
This book would serve as an eye-opener and a well-detailed guide towards enlightening you on the economic, medicinal, and environmental benefit of the Cannabis plant. Not everyone knows the importance of this psychoactive herb to mankind. Nevertheless, I will put you through every detail and step.
Mind you, the end result and goal of this book is not to force or cajole you into believing what you don’t wish to believe about the plant. But instead, it is to prepare your mind and make you see the Cannabis plant in a whole new dimension, thereby changing the narrative and stereotype you are stuck with.
In the end, you will come to realize and accept the fact that growing weed is one of the most lucrative and booming business one can invest in. Allow this book to take you into a whole new experience with the new face of medical Marijuana. You will be shocked at how developed and advanced medicine had reached, especially with Marijuana being the centerpiece of that achievement.
With that, I welcome you to my world of Marijuana. Relax, take a deep breath, and learn from my experience!

Chapter One: Historical Background of Marijuana

Historical Background of Marijuana

When weed was discovered in the ancient days, it was strictly used for medicinal purpose. It was highly cherished and completely reserved for the nobles and privileged. That is how much Cannabis became really important during that era.
In the old Chinese empire, the herb was used to treat mostly the privileged (Emperors, Nobles, and so much more) as it was very rare and extremely expensive plant during this era. Also in ancient Egypt, the plant and its seeds were used in treating Pharaohs and most members of the ruling Council.
With these instances and various examples, you would agree with me that the Cannabis plant was highly cherished as one of the most beneficial plants in the world. It’s funny how a plant whose origin is known to be mysterious spreads its roots across nations and kingdoms of the world.
Although many scholars and researchers agree with the fact that Cannabis got its origin mysteriously with its seeds, leaves, roots, and even flowers dispersing all over the universe with the help of dispersing agents. For example, when birds perch the ground, they are likely to pick a seed or two with their claws or beaks, thereby dropping it off in another region as they fly off.
Herds of cattle grazing off a particular area might also get their hoofs attached to few seeds as they walk on the plants unknowingly, thereby, planting the seeds as they run or walk off. These and many more led to the discovery of the rampant state of the plant in the world. We won’t be entirely wrong to say that these diverse agents of dispersion played a very big role in the discovery of the Cannabis plant in the world today.
Ever since it was discovered, the plants had been studied and researched on how it can be further used in a more advanced, improved, and modernized form; tablets, syrups, and so much more. Marijuana was first used in liquid form when it was added to wine by an old Chinese doctor in the 1800s. It had taken lots of form since then.
Let’s take a brief look at the history of Cannabis in different ancient empires and kingdoms.
The Chinese Empire
Long before civilization gets to the west, the old Chinese empires are known to be far ahead of other kingdoms and empires of the world. They had developed their own alphabets, they had learned to read and write, and they are far in terms of medicine and science, and so much more. In Asia, the Chinese empire is no doubt the only powerful hegemony with lots of subsidiary kingdoms and empires. That is how well they were developed.
Marijuana started out as a normal type of plant till the physicians of that era realized the plant could mean so much more if refined and reprocessed. Little by little, Marijuana became the secret recipe of most of the medications prescribed at that period of time. One way or the other, it multipurpose usage got out and in turn became a very scarce herb, especially with the importance and high price tagged on it.
During this era, it was believed to have been used to cure a severe illness like heart failure, skin disease, cancer, indigestion, and so much more. It became even more popular amongst the nobles and privileged of the society in that era. Due to its expensiveness, it could only be afforded by the nobles. Physicians of the era also made improvements to it.
Some other uses of the plant during that era are the use of hemp for clothing materials. At a point, it became the secret weapon of the Chinese in winning wars and battle. Hemp was heavily used to make thicker and stronger fabric which covered both the people and the soldiers.
For example, there had been archeological evidence which was believed to be around thousands of years old and contains details of how hemp was heavily used for clothes. The Shu King which and old poetry also laid emphasis on how China made use of hemp in creating fabrics.
With the firmness and vigor of the plant, it was highly used by the Chinese in archery. Arrows, bows, and bowstrings were made out of hemp. They are much stronger, better, and flexible, thus, making the arrows covers more ground when fired. China can be said to have categorically reached a highpoint in the use of Cannabis.
The Greek & Roman Empire
It won’t be fair if we are discussing the historical background of the Cannabis plant without delving into the contribution of the Greeks and Romans towards this psychoactive herb. According to ancient history, it was believed by some botanists that the plant was given enough recognition during the Greek-Roman era as ancient botanists like Theophrastus (287-371 B. C.) made reference to it in their ancient writings.
Though there had not been many writings on the medical benefits of the Marijuana plant during this era, they had acknowledged the fact that Cannabis is one hell of a plant with lots of outstanding properties. They had further laid emphasis on the seeds and leaves of the plants. The old Greek-Roman writers had made us understand that no part of the plant is entirely useless.
From the buds down to the leaves to the branch to the stems, and connects to the roots. It’s all useful. Additionally, it was popularly known that the man who coined the word CANNABIS is an old Greek Historian known as Herodotus (490 A. D.) As a traveler who was in love with history, he had moved around the areas of old Egypt, Babylon, Tyre, Thrace, Scythia, Arabia, Palestine, and so much more.
He had also written lots of works on the Cannabis subject matter. In one of his work, he had described the Cannabis plant and seeds as a vapor emitting plant. Other notable Greek-Roman philosophers, historians, botanists, and so much more had given their own view and opinion on the plant. With this, you would surely agree with me that Cannabis seeds and plants had been in existence for over a long period of time.
The old Egyptian Kingdoms
During the days of the pharaohs, Egypt can be said to have has been at the forefront with an advanced technological, medical, social, and psychological feat which made other kingdoms around them bow to their might. The story of Joseph in the Bible should serve as evidence of these assumptions.
Medically, the old Egypt had found solace in the eyes of Marijuana. Over time, they had been able to get the optimal benefit of the plant in the best possible form. As a form of medicinal purpose, the Cannabis plant, as found in the ancient Ebers Papyrus (a book penned down in the 1550 BC), the Cannabis was used to cure lots of illness both chronic and mild.
The Ebers Papyrus made emphasis on how to prepare and apply the herbs, when to apply the herbs, and where to apply it. It shed more light on how Marijuana can be used to move pass depression and other psychological issues one might be passing through during this era.
As old as 2000 BC, this medicinal herb is used for curing disease like glaucoma, cataracts, hemorrhoids, vaginal bleeding, and so much more. Even when the Cannabis plant does not entirely cure these diseases completely, it goes a long way in ensuring that the diseases are reduced to the barest.
In ancient Egypt, Marijuana moved towards a whole new dimension entirely. It no longer served the purpose of just being a cure or psychoactive substance, it graduated into a way of life. It moved into a movement. It became a culture and a religion to many old Egyptians. For example, archeologists had found traces of weed in the tombs of notable personalities in Egyptian history.
This only signifies one thing, Cannabis had indeed eaten deep and made a very good mark in their society. It had grown to be generally acceptable by everyone including the Pharaohs of the era. Now, picture Cannabis as an aspect of their religion, making sense right? If their Pharaohs can accept the plant and even be buried with it, isn’t that an evidence to our religion narrative of the era?
Aside from that, the pictures of the goddesses of the old Egypt (Goddess of Wisdom and Goddess of War) Seshat and Bastet also have the Cannabis plant in it. This is, even more, stronger evidence towards categorizing the Cannabis plant as part of the religion of that era. As a way and process of fulfilling the religious beliefs, festivals, and culture of the Egyptian era, Cannabis is highly used. It is also believed to have been used for witchcraft and rituals.
The Islamic Kingdoms
It is important to know that the Koran and the Prophet himself didn’t really lay a direct emphasis on the prohibition of Cannabis, however, it is still a haram (forbidden) in the religion of Islam just as pork is forbidden. This doesn’t change the fact that the Cannabis plant had been imbibed into the cultures of diverse Islamic nations and kingdoms with historical backgrounds up to a few centuries.
Many Islamic countries like Afghanistan, Morocco, Iran, and so much more even turn this plant into hashish. In recent time, the possession of these plants in many Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are met with the harshest of punishment. Thus, even if these Islamic kingdoms and empires acknowledge the existence of the Cannabis plant, they had been able to ban it in their environment.
Nevertheless, some kingdoms still made good use of the Cannabis plant, most especially in treating diseases and making hashish. Let’s take a look at old Morocco, Turkey, and Iran, shall we?
Morocco, in the 7th down to the 15th century, had really been characterized by a lot of tribal and cultural activities that is before the introduction of Islam into their system. Cannabis growing had really thrived under this era with lots of businessmen and women moving into Morocco with caravans.
The next century witnessed a change in the face of Cannabis as the then king ordered the large production of the plants. Farmlands were given out, seeds were shared, and planting techniques were taught to people during that era. What followed after this was surplus cultivation of the plant all over Morocco, though only practiced by a tribe.
This was however curtailed by King Hassan I when he issued new laws and restrictions on the cultivation of cannabis in the 18th century. Instead of the art of growing Cannabis being reserved exclusively for a particular tribe, it now became an art that can be practiced by more than four different tribes. This boosted the economy of Morocco.
The modern-day Turkey which is now characterized by a high number of Muslims has a long time history with Cannabis. With the diverse tribes and religious beliefs scattered all over old Turkey, Cannabis production had been acceptable during that era. There had been evidence such as paintings, old texts, writings, and medicinal formulas as far back as 100 BCE.
Even the Ottoman setting in Turkey made good use of the Cannabis plant. According to ancient history, the 1631 era of the Sultan Murad IV ushered in a severe punishment levied on the possession of tobacco, wine, and coffee, but interestingly, he allowed weed and opium legal. You can see how much of importance the Cannabis plant was to this era.
In old Iran, the connection between Cannabis and its people is quite deep. The Scythian tribe which were quite popular in old Iran starting from 700 BCE had been known to be quite synonymous to the psychoactive herb. Their name had appeared in more than a dozen ancient texts. They mostly use the Cannabis plant for lots of purposes like recreational, medicinal, and even spiritual purposes.
Just like the Scythians, other tribes and religion like the Zoroastrians also recognized and made use of the Cannabis plant for religious and medicinal purpose. It was even indicated in their holy book, Zend Avesta as Bhanga, the Sanskrit meaning of Marijuana. Afterward, the production of Cannabis fell heavily under the introduction of Islam.