Adventurous Wife - Roxanne Emerson - E-Book

Adventurous Wife E-Book

Roxanne Emerson

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"Got to taste your nipples first," Jody said, and moved his head down. His tongue came out red and wet, flicking over the coral-tipped mounds, trailing across the small, hard breasts as the girl's back arched and her pelvis ground insinuatingly against his palm.Thunder roared in Elizabeth's ears when she saw the boy hang his mouth over on of the small globes and draw most of it between his lips. She watched Charlene's hand seek and find the heavy shaft of her brother's organ. The thin fingers clenched around the meat, moved up and down it lovingly, wandered across the swollen head and teased at the seepage there.Then Charlene gripped, the penis strongly, and she made a deft, rolling motion of her narrow hips that slid her pelvis beneath the boy's body. Hungrily, she guided the flanged pink knob into the feathery hair of her mound, and Elizabeth stared at the lithe positioning of Jody's slim body between the outspread and uplifted legs. It was going into the girl's body; his thing, his penis, was pushing relentlessly into the mossy crotch, the head already vanished, the shaft slowly disappearing, Inch by inch.

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Adventurous Wife

Roxanne Emerson

Copyright © 2017




Table of Contents

Adventurous Wife

















They were sitting around in the spare bedrooms upright now, making sounds in a big house that had been silent far too long, and she was here In the kitchen, putting together a lunch for them that was probably too imagine, and one she might make a mess of, but it was the maid's day off. She could be grateful for one thing-her husband wasn't home, either; she'd gone through enough uproar with Sherman about bringing in the foster children, and thought he'd make them feel uncomfortable at first, if not permanently.

But if Sherman still had his hackles up, she would simply face him down about that woman he was keeping, the mistress she had never seen-and hoped never to see. It was only his guilt about that shameless association that had made him finally give in about the kids. Elizabeth knew it and he knew it, but of course, it had never been brought out into the open. She and her husband never brought out anything, but skirted around the edges, always carefully polite to each other-and always distant

She fluttered about the kitchen, anxious to make the children feel at home, eager to have them be friends, at least. Elizabeth had been jittery ever since the welfare worker called and said he was bringing them out.

You're doing a fine thing, Mrs. Anderson, the man said; few people will take a teenager into their home these days. They all want cute and cuddly little ones, and for you to accept three...

They're a family, she said, brothers and a sister; it wouldn't be right to break them up. And she didn't tell him she was doing it more for herself than for the kids, that she had just gotten so damned lonely she couldn't stand it any more.

Now the children were in her home, and she was excited. Was it because of the way the older boy had looked at her, as if he was appraising the good body she kept hidden beneath a usually shapeless dress? Jody had a somehow adult look about his eyes, a penetrating and too-wise quality beyond his years, but surely, the boy couldn't have actually been leering at her. It was all in her mind, because of what her husband was doing lately, having sex with some-some kind of prostitute. Elizabeth shook her head and continued preparations for lunch, but she couldn't quite erase that first image of Jody Goodall as he'd stood just inside the front door.

The child's eyes had seemed to reach right through her dress and caress her breasts, to go sliding down across her tummy and to linger overlong at the joining of her thighs. She'd known a strange warmth between her legs, a stirring that she Immediately denied, because she was certainly not that kind of woman, even if Jody wasn't only a boy.

Setting out the salads, Elizabeth felt an unfamiliar sensitivity in her breast tips, even though she wore a heavy bra. Just the newness of having someone in her home, she told herself, or perhaps she was overly stimulated because she'd forced her husband into something, for once.

Certainly It couldn't be a sexual arousal; Elizabeth had never known what that was like, and didn't really care to. There at the first, when she was a frightened bride, maybe she had hoped there might be more to It than just a wifely duty, despite what she had always been told. But there wasn't anything more, only the pain and disgust, only the realization that mama had been right, and men were no more than animals. Elizabeth had been glad when her husband finally accepted the fact that she was a good woman, and moved into his own bedroom. Now, at thirty-five years of age, she couldn't possibly be feeling something inherently evil, and not because of a child she meant to accept her as his own mother.

Elizabeth didn't remember If the younger boy had stared at her in anything near the same way, or If the girl had noticed her confusion. She had only been conscious of that alien flush of warmth In her lower tummy, and the sudden straining of her nipples against the confining bra when Jody's eyes lingered upon her body.

She heard them coming down the stairs and hurried to get everything just right upon the table, straightening to brush back her hair. Jody led them into the room, the natural leader at eighteen; Timothy was a year younger, and their sister only eighteen. Elizabeth knew she'd have to do something about their clothes, get them out of those shabby jeans and teeshirts and into something respectable. Her face went all warm again, and she wondered why the thought of getting them out of their clothing should embarrass her.

"I-I hope you all like hamburgers," she said. "There's a salad and milk and some pudding later. When the maid returns tomorrow, there'll be a more proper meal."

"Looks great," Jody said, and the others sat down silently to begin wolfing food as if they were starved. The older boy ate more slowly, and his eyes made Elizabeth fidget as she had a cup of coffee for herself. Must he stare so at her? Somehow, he made her feel as if she was undressed, and she'd seldom even allowed her husband to see her totally nude. It was indecent.

They weren't much for conversation, and she put that down to the newness, to their trying to get adjusted to a different environment. The poor kids hadn't ever had a real home life, according to the social worker. She chattered a little, and looked them over again, trying not to catch Jody's probing eyes. That boy was truly beautiful, all that long bronze hair and blue eyes; his brother was more slim, shorter, a pale blond with eyes about the same shade. Charlene was striking, a stunning redhead with vagrant streaks of gold in her hair, lean almost to the point of being thin, but seeming lithe and supple, with an aura of something smoldering beneath a quiet exterior, a disquieting radiance.

But Jody kept pulling Elizabeth's attention as he ate, and she couldn't help looking at his slender body, the narrow hips and flat tummy, and the certain, casual way he moved. She thought that his jeans were much too tight, and gnawed her lower lip because she had been even, noticing the way they clung to his thighs, and that forbidden bulge.

"If you'd all like to shower," she said as they finished the dessert, "fresh towels and soap are ready."

"We're not dirty," Charlene said softly, startling Elizabeth by the husky quality of her voice, but Jody cut in and said, "Sure; we should all freshen up. I saw bathrooms all over the place; do we use any special one?"

"There's one for each bedroom," Elizabeth answered. "My husband's room is at the end of the hall, and mine is near the stairs; the rest are yours. And if there's anything you need, anything at all-"

Jody smiled, showing her even, white teeth, and his eyes seemed smoky. "Anything I need, I guess I can get for myself-but thanks, anyhow."

The others trooped after him, and Elizabeth stared. It would take some getting used to, she thought, and found herself following the swing of the boy's hips as he climbed the carpeted stairs. She looked away quickly and began to gather the dishes. As she put them into the washer, Elizabeth felt her breasts surging against the confinement of the bra, and an uncomfortable tingle in her loins. Shaking off the sensations, she busied herself about the kitchen, tidying up.

She would have to have a talk with them, she thought, let her new children know that this was to be their home, that she'd try to be a mother to them, and what she might expect in return. But no prison-like rules, Elizabeth decided; no rigid discipline; the poor kids had already had enough of that. Hesitantly, she climbed the stairs, deciding that they'd had time enough to get clean and hoping they'd changed from the disreputable jeans-If they had a change.

When she knocked softly at the first door, she heard nothing inside, and knocked again; still nothing, and her heart fluttered. Could they have run away? The social worker had warned her that something like that might happen; that tendency was why they had been confined for awhile, separated from each other in a juvenile home. Elizabeth opened the door, hoping desperately that they hadn't done anything foolish.

That first moment was like having a pall of Ice water thrown In her face. Shock raced through her body, stunning her mind and Immobilizing her feet, almost stopping her heart. Elizabeth felt her skin go cold, felt her breath hang in her throat.

Because Jody and his sister were on the bed together, stripped to the skin, their naked bodies glistening as they held each other close and kissed. Elizabeth couldn't believe what she was seeing, and the Impossibility of it was paralyzing. Her hand clung to the doorknob for support, or else she might have gone to her knees.

There It was-it-the boy's sex organ, and the thing was standing out stiff and erect, all swollen and hard, and she could see the throbbing of the distended veins along the creamy white shaft. Its end was shining, a deep pink that looked as if It had been highly polished by some master artisan. Far down, there in the thick bronze curls of Jody's pubic hair, lay the wrinkled sack containing testicles.

Mesmerized, Elizabeth's eyes clung there for a long and breathless moment, then slid questingly back along the pulsing staff, back to that beckoning glans, and a sharp little aftershock jolted her as she made out a growing droplet of some clear fluid that was gathering upon the blunt tip.

She had never seen a man's thing so clearly, nor had she ever wanted to, but now the sight held her in a weird, frightening grip; it was the serpent, and she was the immobile sparrow. Wanting to flee, to slam the door and run screaming into the yard, Elizabeth just stood there In full view of the couple upon the bed. If either of them turned their head, she would be seen. Yet she couldn't run, couldn't force her legs into action, couldn't even stop looking.

Elizabeth saw their hands moving, caressing, sliding over nude bodies pale and smooth, and the boy reached down to cup his hand between his sister's slender thighs. She saw the dark red fur of the girl's mound just before Jody's palm closed over it, and heard the sigh that broke from Charlene's lips at the loving touch. There was grace in the straining rhythm of their bodies, and although part of Elizabeth's mind screamed that it was wrong, another part admitted to the beauty of them.

"Oh baby, baby," Jody whispered, "I missed you so. I missed this sweet pussy and your fine ass, and the feel of your tits."

The girl said throatily, "And my pussy has been lonesome without your nice, hard pick sliding in it. Come on, man-stick it to me.

Those words slapped across Elizabeth's consciousness; she and her husband had never talked when they were doing it, much less said such raw things to each other. She tried to let go the doorknob, but her fingers stuck to the metal.

"Got to taste your nipples first," Jody said, and moved his head down. His tongue came out red and wet, flicking over the coral-tipped mounds, trailing across the small, hard breasts as the girl's back arched and her pelvis ground insinuatingly against his palm.

Thunder roared in Elizabeth's ears when she saw the boy hang his mouth over on of the small globes and draw most of it between his lips. She watched Charlene's hand seek and find the heavy shaft of her brother's organ. The thin fingers clenched around the meat, moved up and down it lovingly, wandered across the swollen head and teased at the seepage there.

Then Charlene gripped, the penis strongly, and she made a deft, rolling motion of her narrow hips that slid her pelvis beneath the boy's body. Hungrily, she guided the flanged pink knob into the feathery hair of her mound, and Elizabeth stared at the lithe positioning of Jody's slim body between the outspread and uplifted legs. It was going into the girl's body; his thing, his penis, was pushing relentlessly into the mossy crotch, the head already vanished, the shaft slowly disappearing, Inch by inch.

Elizabeth waited for the outcry, the choked gasp of pain, but there was none. The girl said, "Ahh-oh, Jody-yes, yes-that feels so good, moving up inside my cunt. I'm only alive when I have a prick in me, and I like yours best of all. Oh, oh-shove it deep, darling-push your cock all the way In me, until I feel your balls against my ass. Ahhh!"

No, Elizabeth thought dazedly; no. This wasn't what It was like. No girl should enjoy doing it like this, wiggling and moaning with pleasure as a man's meat pushed into her most intimate part. And the way Jody was moving-not just. pumping up and down hard and fast, but rolling his buttocks, grinding slowly and sensuously, his hands stroking his sister's hips, her cheeks, back up to fondle the resilient mounds of her young and budding breasts.

"Hot little cunt," Jody said softly. "Sweet little pussy, all slick and hungry for my prick. Fuck me, baby-fuck me for a long time, slow and easy."

"Nice hard prick," Charlene answered hotly. "Sticking me deep, so I can roll my pussy around on it. Oh Jody, Jody-I can feel your balls."

Right out in the open daylight, Elizabeth thought; not hidden in the dark and shamed in the awkward fumbling, but openly and eagerly, as if they were very proud of what they were doing. And it was much worse, because they were not married, and could never be; Jody and Charlene were breaking one of the strongest, oldest taboos of all. Brother and sister, they were committing incest.

"Ummm," the girl moaned, reaching down so she could cup the swinging sack of her brother's dangling balls as she rolled farther back upon her shoulders. Her thin legs lifted, and as Elizabeth watched in helpless stasis, Charlene wrapped them about the small of Jody's slim and pumping back, crossing them at the ankles and tightening as if she meant to plunge the boy's entire body Into the narrow, heaving slot of her churning pussy.

She wanted it, Elizabeth realized, needed it with a wild and unreasoning urgency, and what's more, seemed to be madly enjoying the steady back-and-forth penetration of her vagina. With an effort, Elizabeth forced her hand to drop away from the doorknob, and although she swayed, retained her balance and began to once again take control of her own body.

"I'm c-coming!" Charlene shrieked softly, her entire body bucking and twisting upon the faster hammering of her brother's stiff pole. "Oh, Jody-I'm coming, coming!"

"Shake that beautiful ass, baby!" the boy panted, ramming his thing home time after time with punishing strokes that made the bed bounce. "Yeah-yeah, I feel your pussy grabbing at my cockhead, eating up my prick, all juicy and tight-yeah, oh yeah! mm coming, too. Uh-uh-UHH!"

Entranced, Elizabeth stared at the way Jody's testicles leaped, at the contraction of them, and she could vividly Imagine the hurtling of semen up through the rounded stiff meat that was buried to the stem within his sister's vagina. The geysering of that sticky stuff had always seemed repulsive to her, as If she was being soiled, and she could barely wait for her husband to sigh away from her before hurrying to the bathroom to rinse the clinging liquid away.

But Charlene gasped: "Ahh! It's so good and bubbly, flooding my cunt. I love It, Jody-oh, how I love your come in me!"

No, Elizabeth thought, managing to back one dragging step at a time from the doorway, no! It wasn't like that at all; she knew, she knew. Echoes of them murmuring endearments to each other followed her as she fled down the hall toward the stairs, running blindly, not really knowing where she was going, but realizing that she had made a terrible mistake taking these terrible children into her clean home.

By the time she reached the lower floor, Elizabeth had decided to call the welfare people and report the horrible incident. But the other boy was standing there in front of the phone, little Timothy Goodall, with only a towel wrapped about his slim waist-and there was a nasty bulge showing.



Elizabeth slowed and tried to put on a stern face. "Timothy what are you doing down here, naked like that? Get back upstairs at once."

The boy's blue eyes slid over her. "You saw them didn't you? You saw Jody and Charlene screwing.

"I-I " Elizabeth wet her dry lips. "Do as I say, Timothy. You're obscene, standing around like that." There was a bulge in the towel; she could see his thing pushing out, obviously a little smaller than his brother's. Somehow, she had invited a trio of young sex maniacs into her home; somehow, she had to get them out.

"You're going to fink on them," Timothy said. "They'll come get us and put us back in the home."

"Please Elizabeth said, "don't make it more difficult. I-you're not really children, It seems, but something else. Now, get away from that phone."

The boy didn't move; and his eyes were insistent, probing at her clothing, sliding through her shapeless dress to touch her clammy skin. "You know, you're really a fine-looking chick I can see your knockers trying to stand out, and I dig the way your ass wiggles when you walk, and you've got real crazy legs. Why do you hide all that, and pretend it's not there?"

"Don't-don't talk to me like that," Elizabeth stuttered. "I never-"

Timothy edged toward her, that ominous erection threatening to pull the towel free of his narrow hips. The boy's skin was pale and flawless, his chest hairless, his tummy flat. He said, "The only chick I ever fucked is my sister. I never got to put my cock into a grown-up woman's pussy. I'll bet your pussy is real soft and deep, with plenty of farout black hair on it. Does your old man Luck you much?"

Stunned, Elizabeth backed away, the forbidden words hammering at her, cutting through her determination and making her defenseless. "S-stay away from me. Don't come any closer, do you hear?"

"Your tits Jiggle when you breathe hard," the boy said, keeping on with his slow march. "They've got big nipples, too. Does your old man suck on your nipples, or maybe rub his prick in between your knockers? I really like tits, but Charlene's are little things."

"I'll scream," Elizabeth threatened. "There'll be police-"

Behind her, the voice said quietly, "No fuzz, lady."

She whirled to see Jody at the foot of the stairs, with the girl only a step behind her brother. Both of them were still naked, without shame; the boy's sex organ was still standing out, Its awful head glistening wetly with left-over semen, all pink and swollen. Jody said, "Ease up. I was going to get to you next; but ever since they put us away, I never had a piece of ass, and I was so horny for Charlene's sweet cunt that I just couldn't wait. Now, you want to come up to bed with me, or make it down here?"

Elizabeth gasped. "Never! What makes you think-"

His smile was slow and white and wise. "I felt it, first time I saw you, Mrs. Anderson. I can feel It reaching out to me right now. You need it, lady; you need to be Lucked real bad."

"N-no!" she snapped, and spun to try for the front door.

Timothy caught her arms from behind, clamping his bands upon her elbows with surprising force. Then the other two were leaping at her, so naked, so obscenely nude, and Elizabeth was swept down before their onslaught. On the carpet; she kicked and twisted, trying to scream against the palm that muffled her mouth, panic racing through her body and freezing her mind. They couldn't mean to-they wouldn't-

But they held her and worked at her dress, and although she struggled weakly, it was lifted over her head and thrown aside. She kicked, but the girl pinioned her threshing ankles, and Elizabeth nearly choked as her bra was torn loose. Her freed breasts swelled out, big and olive tinted, their large nipples darkly flaccid.

"Man," Jody sighed, "look at those fine tits. They're big and soft as pillows, and rye never seen nipples like those. Wow!"

"Get her pants off," Timothy said. "She's frying to get her arms loose."

Arching her back, Elizabeth fought them as best she could, her mind spinning insanely and her body on fire with humiliation. She felt Jody's fingers hook into the top of her plain sensible panties, and trembled when his one hand peeled them down from her lunging hips and over her thighs. Her mound was exposed to all of them now, open for their staring eyes, and Elizabeth knew horror.

Over her knees, her calves and, as the girl let go, one ankle at a time, the panties were gone; Elizabeth Anderson was totally nude among strangers, for the first time in her sheltered life. Before she could get over the shock, Jody was suddenly between her legs, and although she twisted and turned, she could not force out his slim, warm body.

"Oh hell," Timothy said, pinning down her wrists. "I thought l was going to fuck her first."

"Later," his brother promised. "Our foster mother here had big eyes for me right away, only she wouldn't admit It. Hold her tight, Timmy-she still doesn't know how bad she wants to be screwed."

"That's a real beautiful pussy," Timothy commented. "It looks so black and soft, and I'll bet she's turning nice and greasy inside."

"A beautiful pussy," Jody agreed, and Elizabeth flinched as his free hand explored the tenderness of her opened thighs, sliding warmly over the taut, smooth skin. She tried to bite his hand when the boy's fingertips felt gently around the outline of her mound, tickling into the thick wealth of her midnight pubic hair. Sharp tremors shook her body as he touched the sensitive zone, as his fingers felt down through the shaggy barricade to discover the recoiling of her labia.

"Soft and fine," Jody breathed, and through eyes very nearly squeezed shut, Elizabeth could see the hungry throbbing of the boy's glans, the eager pink gleaming of that distended head with its blunt point and the terrifying flanges. Was there a tiny droplet of pre-seminal fluid beginning to form at the little mouth? She shuddered and told herself that this simply could not be happening, that she was caught up in some horrible dream.