Brat's Orgy: Taboo Erotica - Roxanne Emerson - E-Book

Brat's Orgy: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Roxanne Emerson

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

She tried to picture the two of them together in bed, Rusty's slim young thighs wrapped snugly around Paul's waist, while he plowed that big, handsome cock of his into her wet little pussy. The longer she held the picture in her mind, the more turned-on she became, until, suddenly it wasn't Paul with Rusty any more. Now she was rolling back and forth on the bed with her daughter, fucking her long tongue into that creamy young slit.
Valerie hadn't had any good pussy in a hell of a long time, not since that delicious brunette had come around last year, selling cosmetics door-to-door.
Valerie was seated in the living room that Saturday afternoon, trying to figure out a safe way to approach Rusty, when her young daughter came in from outside.
Rusty also had a problem, actually the same one her mother had. Paul had been telling her some pretty wild stories about some of the sessions he'd had with their mother and had shown her some magazines be bad. The pictures in the magazines were of various people performing wonderfully obscene sex acts. One in particular contained nothing but color close-ups of lovely girls and women together, usually giving each other head.
Paul had sucked her pussy often enough, but the thought of having another girl do it was especially thrilling to the sluttish teenager. Naturally, as soon as she thought of another woman, she thought of her mother. From what she'd seen with her own eyes, and from what Paul told her, it was certain that she was wanton enough to be more than willing to go down on her own daughter.

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Brat's Orgy

Roxanne Emerson

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents














She met him at the door, a martini in her hand and a lewd smile on her moist, ripe lips."Hello, darling," she whispered, moving, into his arms and squirming her body temptingly against his. "I was feeling so horny, I thought you might like a nice fuck before dinner!"Valerie Andrews was thirty-six years old. She'd married young and quickly had two children. Their son, Paul, was now eighteen, while his sister, Rusty, was a year younger. In all the years of their marriage, Valerie had never lost her sensual beauty or her ever-ready outlook on sex. It sometimes seemed to Ken that his lovely wife was in a constant state of wanton excitement."That's the best idea I've heard all day!" Ken said, taking a deep sip of the martini and grinning at her. He coiled his free arm around her slim waist and cupped the bare cheek of her fleshy ass in his hand."Oh, lover..." she moaned. She began unfastening his tie. "I'm sure glad you're not one of those husbands who comes home from the office too exhausted to fuck his little wifie!"In point of fact, Ken had been feeling tired before he'd walked in the door, but the sight of his hot-assed wife at her sexiest had, as always, given him a raging hard-on. Now, he stood sipping his drink, thinking of nothing but her delicious body while she pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, unbuckled his belt and pushed down his pants. She did it all with expert skill, born of long practice."Where're the kids?" he asked."Out," she answered shortly."Well, just in case one of 'em comes home suddenly, what say we go to our bedroom?"Valerie squealed in anticipation and led the way eagerly.Once they were in bed, and Ken was completely undressed, Valerie rolled over onto her back and arched up towards him, stretching like a contented kitten."Hurry up, lover!" she groaned throatily. "I want that big cock in my cunt as fast as you can get it there!"Ken's thick cock was throbbing with the same wish. She had already stripped off her nightie, and now her entire body was totally revealed. Her sweet little navel seemed to wink at him impishly. He could feel his own heartbeat through the stiff meat of his cockshaft.He stretched out next to her and she rolled into his arms, pressing her soft, warm flesh against his. He cupped the firm, shapely cheeks of her ass in his palms as they kissed, sucking hungrily on each other's tongues. She slipped one of her hands down between their bodies and found the huge shaft of his prick."Oh, sweet Jesus," she moaned softly as her fingers closed around the fat cock. "I've been wantin' this all day!"Ken's desire was heightened by the way she was rubbing her gorgeous body firmly against his. Her tight little fist jacked up and down the length of his rigid cock. She stroked the bloated head of it against the slippery lips of her cunt."Oh, Val, you sweet little bitch!" he grunted. Holding her tightly around the waist, he rolled over onto his back, bringing her over on top of him. She parted her thighs and straddled his lower belly, cuddling her drooling pussy against him. His prick rested comfortably along the crack of her ass.The early evening sunlight streamed in through the bedroom window, throwing a patch of white on the floor near the foot of the bed. Neither of them saw the shadow of the head and shoulders of their young daughter as she pressed her pretty face tightly against the window.The sunlight reflected off Valerie's luscious body as she fumbled between their bodies for a few seconds, inserting the swollen head of Ken's cock into the tight slit of her slobbering cunthole. The shapely housewife was always horny, but now she was completely dominated by the need to have her snug cunt stuffed with her husband's stiff prick. It was for moments like this that she lived.Ken's fat prick was lodged just inside the clutching mouth of her cunt. All she need do was drop down onto it. But first, she teased the both of them by squirming and bouncing against his hot, sweaty body. She wanted to fuck so bad she could taste it, but she knew from long experience that the longer she waited, the more enjoyable that fuck would be."Oh, lover," she whispered, her lips soft and wet against his ear. "You're so big and hard!" Her smooth, fluttery belly quivered against his.She kissed him again, her tongue licking his. Ken kneaded her wiggly asscheeks with his strong fingers, trying to pull her hairy crotch downward. Her ass clenched and flexed under his hands as she squirmed and twitched against him. His cock slid another quarter of an inch up into her oily cunthole. He could feel her plump pussylips pulsate and grasp his sensitive cock."Oh, Ken, lover! Fuck me now! Please, lover, fuck me!""Are you sure you wouldn't rather fool around a couple more hours?" he asked, teasing her now. "Maybe we should wait until after supper.""Damn you," she groaned. "If you don't get busy, right now, there'll be no supper!""Well, okay. If you're sure.""Oh, for God's sake!" she whimpered. "Fuck me! Now!"Cupping her massive tits in both hands, he pushed her upward until she was kneeling upright, straddling his groin, his aroused, meaty cockshaft poised just inside the fleshy lips of her cunt. Valerie's lovely face was tense with longing. She squirmed and whined with excitement.Gripping her tightly by the waist, he began to ease her down over his mammoth prick, stretching the tight lips of her pussy open. Valerie grunted and hissed through clenched teeth as the smooth, slick walls of her cunt sucked his long, rubbery cock in welcome.She shivered and gasped with pleasure. The knobby tip of his cock was pressed firmly inside her cunt. The lush mounds of her ass squeezed his itching balls. She was completely and thoroughly impaled."Oh, Christ, Ken, lover, that's good!" she babbled. "That's so fuckin' good!" To Valerie, the greatest pleasure in the world was the pleasure of having a thick, stiff, long cock buried up her itchy little cunt.Ken remained still, lying on his back, looking up, at the fuck-crazed face of his voluptuous wife, letting his massive cockmeat soak in the greasy juices of her cunt. Then, he began humping his ass up at her, moving slowly at first, but with gradually increasing speed and strength, plowing his prick in and out of her drooling pussyhole, getting deeper and deeper with every thrust."Oh, yeah, lover!" Valerie giggled. She felt his thick, rigid cock drilling into her sensitive cunthole, scraping across her stiff little clit. "Oh, shit, how I love to fuck!"Bouncing her cock-stuffed pussy up and down, the sluttish wife felt hot, eager lust ripple and pour from her body.Rusty, pressed her face eagerly against the glass and watched with wide, glistening eyes. She'd never seen anything like this before in her whole life, and the fact that it was her own patents fucking up a storm only added to the perverted sense of excitement that was stiffening her nipples and making her tiny pink clit quiver and throb.Valerie's wails and groans of delight filled the bedroom. She lurched up and down frantically as Ken drove his huge cock in and out of her creamsoaked cunthole. Her asshole was tight and oily around his invading finger. She felt her clit begin to tingle and itch with the orgasm that was rapidly approaching.It seemed to her that Ken's mammoth cockshaft was plowing deeper and deeper into her slobbering cunt with each long stroke. He was wiggling his finger around against the snug walls of her asshole. She found herself wishing that the finger up her shitter was another cock, long and thick and able to fill her asshole with the same creamy jism that would spurt wildly up her cunt sooner or later.She leaned forward, her mouth coming down over his, her big, stiff-nippled tits mashing onto his chest. She arched her ass a little, giving him even more freedom with her juicy shitter and rubbing her clit more firmly against his drilling cockshaft.Ken's massive prick jerked and twitched against the slippery walls of her fuckhole. The entire length of her snug cunt was quivering with delicious sensations of pure joy. Her tight cuntlips were pushed in and pulled out by the width of his thrusting cock as it stroked back and forth.He could feel his balls squirm around inside the tight, crinkly sac, eager to squirt his cum into her hot pussy. He tried to hold back, tried to delay his climax as long as possible. Instead, he concentrated on matching the tempo of his cock to the speed of his finger."Oh, fuck me, Ken, fuck me!" Valerie cried. "I'm almost ready, lover! I'm gonna cum!"She bounced wildly on his cock, getting closer and closer to what she wanted most in life. Her gooey little pussy was hot and hungry as it squeezed deliciously at his slashing cock. Her long, smooth thighs clenched and flexed strongly as they lifted and dropped her hairy cunt, slamming the bloated head of his cock brutally with every pounding stroke.She lurched and pumped against him, overjoyed by the burning friction of his enormous cock as it fucked in and out of her. Then she suddenly tensed, her body stiffening from head to toe with thrilling ecstasy."I'm cummin'!" she sobbed. "Oh, God, I'm cummin'!"Ken pulled his finger out of her asshole with a loud, wet noise and gripped her hips tightly in both hands, pulling her down onto his crotch, grinding her brutally against him. He continued to skewer his big cock into her cum-flooded cunthole. She cooed and whimpered with excitement before finally collapsing over him.Ken let her rest for a few moments, keeping his stiff cock firmly embedded in her pulsating cunthole. Then, as she slowly caught her breath, he began moving his prick in and out of her pussy again, holding her lovingly around the waist and shoulders.Valerie lay on top of him, her body cuddled over his body. Then, when she realized that he hadn't cum yet, she squealed in delight and began to squirm around, trying to match the growing speed and strength of his thrusts.Kissing her and feeling her soft, ripe lips slurp against his, Ken rolled his wife over onto her back, settling himself between her raised knees, his cock still driving in and out of her frothy cunt.From above her, Ken braced himself on his knees and pounded down into her cunt with all his strength, every inch of his hard cockmeat alive with the delicious sensations of being in her wet, clinging pussy. He fucked faster and plowed deeper with every thrust. His balls twitched. His prick throbbed. He mashed his mouth down onto hers, sucking and licking her busy little tongue."Oh, fuck me, lover!" she wailed. "I'm gonna cum again!"Ken could feel his own jism bubbling and surging in his nuts. He knew it was only a matter of seconds now."Harder, lover, fuck me harder!" Valerie cooed! "I'm gonna cum! Oh! Oh, Christ! I'm cummin', I'm cummin' again!"Suddenly Ken felt his hot jism erupt from his balls and shoot down the length of his plunging cockshaft. It spurted into his wife's fuckhole in hot, thick jets, splattering the thirsty walls of her cunt.Valerie's orgasm was even more shattering than her first. She clutched at him wildly, hugging him tightly with arms and legs, squealing and gasping loudly as his rich, greasy jism spurted and flooded her sloshy cunt."Oh, sweet Jesus," she murmured as they held each other close, panting for breath. "We have to do this more often!""It can't be too often for me," Ken whispered. Outside the window, Rusty stepped back away from the house and rubbed her hand absentmindedly against the damp crotch of her denim cut-offs. She moved slowly to the other side of the back yard, lost in thought, and sat down under the old elm tree, leaning back against the trunk and closing her eyes.She thought back to what she had just seen.Rusty was still a virgin, although she'd done her share of petting and necking. That was the first actual fucking she'd ever seen, and she found it a thrilling sight.She'd been coming home from school, taking a short-cut through the back yard, when she'd heard the strange sounds from the partly opened bedroom window.What she'd seen had been the result of a fortunate accident.But, she promised herself, next time it wouldn't be an accident. It would be deliberate! 

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