Brat's Pet Peeve: Taboo Erotica - Roxanne Emerson - E-Book

Brat's Pet Peeve: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Roxanne Emerson

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Melissa Tolan stood behind the counter of her father's pet salon and boarding kennel rubbing her thighs together.

"Ooooo!"  she cooed almost silently, feeling the creamy fuck juices in her young pussy squish inside her virgin cunt. "Ooooo!  I'm hot."

It was getting worse every day, the nights even more terrible. She swooned, her hands going down to her crotch. She stroked her teen-age pussy through her tight jeans, her knees buckling.  She leaned against the counter for support, wishing the itch would go away, but knew it wouldn't. Even her fingers at night only quenched the desire in her cunt for a brief period. It had become an every-night ritual with occasional lapses like now, when she couldn't even think straight.

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