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With its use of multiple variables, functions, and formulas algebracan be confusing and overwhelming to learn and easy to forget.Perfect for students who need to review or reference criticalconcepts, Algebra I Essentials For Dummies provides contentfocused on key topics only, with discrete explanations of criticalconcepts taught in a typical Algebra I course, from functions andFOILs to quadratic and linear equations. This guide is also aperfect reference for parents who need to review critical algebraconcepts as they help students with homework assignments, as wellas for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just needa refresher of the core concepts. The Essentials For Dummies Series Dummies is proud to present our new series, The Essentials ForDummies. Now students who are prepping for exams, preparing tostudy new material, or who just need a refresher can have aconcise, easy-to-understand review guide that covers an entirecourse by concentrating solely on the most important concepts. Fromalgebra and chemistry to grammar and Spanish, our expert authorsfocus on the skills students most need to succeed in asubject.
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Seitenzahl: 217
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2010
Table of Contents
About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Chapter 1: Setting the Scene for Actions in Algebra
Making Numbers Count
Facing reality with reals
Going green with naturals
Wholesome whole numbers
Integrating integers
Behaving with rationals
Reacting to irrationals
Picking out primes and composites
Giving Meaning to Words and Symbols
Valuing vocabulary
Signing up for symbols
Going for grouping
Operating with Signed Numbers
Adding signed numbers
Subtracting signed numbers
Multiplying and dividing signed numbers
Dealing with Decimals and Fractions
Changing fractions to decimals
Changing decimals to fractions
Chapter 2: Examining Powers and Roots
Expanding and Contracting with Exponents
Exhibiting Exponent Products
Taking Division to Exponents
Taking on the Power of Zero
Taking on the Negativity of Exponents
Putting Powers to Work
Circling around Square Roots
Chapter 3: Ordering and Distributing: The Business of Algebra
Taking Orders for Operations
Dealing with Distributing
Making Numbers and Variables Cooperate
Relating negative exponents to fractions
Creating powers with fractions
Making Distributions Over More Than One Term
Chapter 4: Factoring in the First and Second Degrees
Making Factoring Work
Facing the factoring method
Factoring out numbers and variables
Getting at the Basic Quadratic Expression
Following Up on FOIL and unFOIL
Making UnFOIL and the GCF Work Together
Getting the Best of Binomials
Facing up to the difference of two perfect squares
Creating factors for the difference of perfect cubes
Finishing with the sum of perfect cubes
Chapter 5: Broadening the Factoring Horizon
Grabbing Onto Grouping
Getting the groups together
Grouping and unFOILing in the same package
Tackling Multiple Factoring Methods
Beginning with binomials
Finishing with binomials
Recognizing when you have a quadratic-like expression
Knowing When Enough Is Enough
Recruiting the Remainder Theorem
Getting real with synthetic division
Making good choices for synthetic division
Factoring Rational Expressions
Chapter 6: Solving Linear Equations
Playing by the Rules
Solving Equations with Two Terms
Depending on division
Making use of multiplication
Reciprocating the invitation
Taking on Three Terms
Eliminating a constant term
Vanquishing the extra variable term
Breaking Up the Groups
Nesting isn’t for the birds
Distributing first
Multiplying before distributing
Focusing on Fractions
Promoting proportions
Taking advantage of proportions
Changing Formulas by Solving for Variables
Chapter 7: Tackling Second-Degree Quadratic Equations
Recognizing Quadratic Equations
Finding Solutions for Quadratic Equations
Applying Factorizations
Zeroing in on the multiplication property of zero
Solving quadratics by factoring and applying the multiplication property of zero
Solving Three-Term Quadratics
Applying Quadratic Solutions
Calling On the Quadratic Formula
Ignoring Reality with Imaginary Numbers
Chapter 8: Expanding the Equation Horizon
Queuing Up to Cubic Equations
Solving perfectly cubed equations
Going for the greatest common factor
Grouping cubes
Solving cubics with integers
Using Synthetic Division
Working Quadratic-Like Equations
Rooting Out Radicals
Chapter 9: Reconciling Inequalities
Introducing Interval Notation
Comparing inequality and interval notation
Graphing inequalities
Performing Operations on Inequalities
Adding and subtracting numbers to inequalities
Multiplying and dividing inequalities
Finding Solutions for Linear Inequalities
Expanding to More Than Two Expressions
Taking on Quadratic and Rational Inequalities
Using a similar process with more than two factors
Identifying the factors in fractional inequalities
Chapter 10: Absolute-Value Equations and Inequalities
Acting on Absolute-Value Equations
Working Absolute-Value Inequalities
Chapter 11: Making Algebra Tell a Story
Making Plans to Solve Story Problems
Finding Money and Interest Interesting
Investigating investments and interest
Greening up with money
Formulating Distance Problems
Making the distance formula work for you
Figuring distance plus distance
Figuring distance and fuel
Stirring Things Up with Mixtures
Chapter 12: Putting Geometry into Story Problems
Triangulating a Problem with the Pythagorean Theorem
Being Particular about Perimeter
Triangulating triangles
Squaring up to squares and rectangles
Recycling circles
Making Room for Area Problems
Ruminating about rectangles and squares
Taking on triangles
Rounding up circles
Validating with Volume
Prodding prisms and boxing boxes
Cycling cylinders
Pointing to pyramids and cones
Chapter 13: Grappling with Graphing
Preparing to Graph a Line
Incorporating Intercepts
Sliding the Slippery Slope
Computing slope
Combining slope and intercept
Creating the slope-intercept form
Graphing with slope-intercept
Making Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Toe the Line
Criss-Crossing Lines
Turning the Curve with Curves
Going around in circles with a circular graph
Putting up with parabolas
Chapter 14: Ten Warning Signs of Algebraic Pitfalls
Including the Middle Term
Keeping Distributions Fair
Creating Two Fractions from One
Restructuring Radicals
Including the Negative (Or Not)
Making Exponents Fractional
Keeping Bases the Same
Powering Up a Power
Making Reasonable Reductions
Catching All the Negative Exponents
Algebra I Essentials For Dummies®
Mary Jane Sterling
Algebra I Essentials For Dummies®
Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774www.wiley.com
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About the Author
Mary Jane Sterling has been an educator since graduating from college. Teaching at the junior high, high school, and college levels, she has had the full span of experiences and opportunities to determine how best to explain how mathematics works. She has been teaching at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, for the past 30 years. She is also the author of Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition; Algebra II For Dummies; Trigonometry For Dummies; Math Word Problems For Dummies; Business Math For Dummies; and Linear Algebra For Dummies.
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One of the most commonly asked questions in a mathematics classroom is, “What will I ever use this for?” Some teachers can give a good, convincing answer. Others hem and haw and stare at the floor. My favorite answer is, “Algebra gives you power.” Algebra gives you the power to move on to bigger and better things in mathematics. Algebra gives you the power of knowing that you know something that your neighbor doesn’t know. Algebra gives you the power to be able to help someone else with an algebra task or to explain to your child these logical mathematical processes.
Algebra is a system of symbols and rules that is universally understood, no matter what the spoken language. Algebra provides a clear, methodical process that can be followed from beginning to end. What power!
About This Book
What could be more essential than Algebra I Essentials For Dummies? In this book, you find the main points, the nitty-gritty (made spiffy-jiffy), and a format that lets you find what you need about an algebraic topic as you need it. I keep the same type of organization that you find in Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition, but I keep the details neat, sweet, and don’t repeat. The fundamentals are here for your quick reference or, if you prefer, a more thorough perusal. The choice is yours.
This book isn’t like a mystery novel; you don’t have to read it from beginning to end. I divide the book into some general topics — from the beginning vocabulary and processes and operations to the important tool of factoring to equations and applications. So you can dip into the book wherever you want, to find the information you need.
Conventions Used in This Book
I don’t use many conventions in this book, but you should be aware of the following:
When I introduce a new term, I put that term in italics and define it nearby (often in parentheses).
I express numbers or numerals either with the actual symbol, such as 8, or the written-out word: eight. Operations, such as + are either shown as this symbol or written as plus. The choice of expression all depends on the situation — and on making it perfectly clear for you.
Foolish Assumptions
I don’t assume that you’re as crazy about math as I am — and you may be even more excited about it than I am! I do assume, though, that you have a mission here — to brush up on your skills, improve your mind, or just have some fun. I also assume that you have some experience with algebra — full exposure for a year or so, maybe a class you took a long time ago, or even just some preliminary concepts.
You may be delving into the world of algebra again to refresh those long-ago lessons. Is your kid coming home with assignments that are beyond your memory? Are you finally going to take that calculus class that you’ve been putting off? Never fear. Help is here!
Icons Used in This Book
The little drawings in the margin of the book are there to draw your attention to specific text. Here are the icons I use in this book:
To make everything work out right, you have to follow the basic rules of algebra (or mathematics in general). You can’t change or ignore them and arrive at the right answer. Whenever I give you an algebra rule, I mark it with this icon.
An explanation of an algebraic process is fine, but an example of how the process works is even better. When you see the Example icon, you’ll find one or more problems using the topic at hand.
Paragraphs marked with the Remember icon help clarify a symbol or process. I may discuss the topic in another section of the book, or I may just remind you of a basic algebra rule that I discuss earlier.
The Tip icon isn’t life-or-death important, but it generally can help make your life easier — at least your life in algebra.
The Warning icon alerts you to something that can be particularly tricky. Errors crop up frequently when working with the processes or topics next to this icon, so I call special attention to the situation so you won’t fall into the trap.
Where to Go from Here
If you want to refresh your basic skills or boost your confidence, start with the fractions, decimals, and signed numbers in the first chapter. Other essential concepts are the exponents in Chapter 2 and order of operations in Chapter 3. If you’re ready for some factoring practice and need to pinpoint which method to use with what, go to Chapters 4 and 5. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 are for you if you’re ready to solve equations; you can find just about any type you’re ready to attack. Chapters 9 and 10 get you back into inequalities and absolute value. And Chapters 11 and 12 are where the good stuff is: applications — things you can do with all those good solutions. I finish with some graphing in Chapter 13 and then give you a list of pitfalls to avoid in Chapter 14.
Studying algebra can give you some logical exercises. As you get older, the more you exercise your brain cells, the more alert and “with it” you remain. “Use it or lose it” means a lot in terms of the brain. What a good place to use it, right here!
The best why for studying algebra is just that it’s beautiful. Yes, you read that right. Algebra is poetry, deep meaning, and artistic expression. Just look, and you’ll find it. Also, don’t forget that it gives you power.
Welcome to algebra! Enjoy the adventure!
Chapter 1
Setting the Scene for Actions in Algebra
In This Chapter
Enumerating the various number systems
Becoming acquainted with “algebra-speak”
Operating on and simplifying expressions
Converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions
What exactly is algebra? What is it really used for? In a nutshell, algebra is a systematic study of numbers and their relationships, using specific rules. You use variables (letters representing numbers), and formulas or equations involving those variables, to solve problems. The problems may be practical applications, or they may be puzzles for the pure pleasure of solving them!
In this chapter, I acquaint you with the various number systems. You’ve seen the numbers before, but I give you some specific names used to refer to them properly. I also tell you how I describe the different processes performed in algebra — I want to use the correct language, so I give you the vocabulary. And, finally, I get very specific about fractions and decimals and show you how to move from one type to the other with ease.
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