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Passing grades in two years of algebra courses are required forhigh school graduation. Algebra II Essentials For Dummiescovers key ideas from typical second-year Algebra coursework tohelp students get up to speed. Free of ramp-up material, AlgebraII Essentials For Dummies sticks to the point, with contentfocused on key topics only. It provides discrete explanations ofcritical concepts taught in a typical Algebra II course, frompolynomials, conics, and systems of equations to rational,exponential, and logarithmic functions. This guide is also aperfect reference for parents who need to review critical algebraconcepts as they help students with homework assignments, as wellas for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just needa refresher of the core concepts. The Essentials For Dummies Series Dummies is proud to present our new series, The Essentials ForDummies. Now students who are prepping for exams, preparing tostudy new material, or who just need a refresher can have aconcise, easy-to-understand review guide that covers an entirecourse by concentrating solely on the most important concepts. Fromalgebra and chemistry to grammar and Spanish, our expert authorsfocus on the skills students most need to succeed in a subject.
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Seitenzahl: 221
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2010
Table of Contents
About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Chapter 1: Making Advances in Algebra
Bringing Out the Best in Algebraic Properties
Making short work of the basic properties
Organizing your operations
Enumerating Exponential Rules
Multiplying and dividing exponents
Rooting out exponents
Powering up exponents
Working with negative exponents
Assigning Factoring Techniques
Making two terms factor
Factoring three terms
Factoring four or more terms by grouping
Chapter 2: Lining Up Linear Equations
Getting the First Degree: Linear Equations
Solving basic linear equations
Eliminating fractions
Lining Up Linear Inequalities
Solving basic inequalities
Introducing interval notation
Absolute Value: Keeping Everything in Line
Solving absolute value equations
Seeing through absolute value inequality
Chapter 3: Making Quick Work of Quadratic Equations
Using the Square Root Rule When Possible
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Factoring quadratic binomials
Factoring quadratic trinomials
The Quadratic Formula to the Rescue
Realizing rational solutions
Investigating irrational solutions
Promoting Quadratic-like Equations
Solving Quadratic Inequalities
Keeping it strictly quadratic
Signing up for fractions
Increasing the number of factors
Chapter 4: Rolling Along with Rational and Radical Equations
Rounding Up Rational Equations and Eliminating Fractions
Making your least common denominator work for you
Proposing proportions for solving rational equations
Reasoning with Radicals
Squaring both sides of the equation
Taking on two radicals
Dealing with Negative Exponents
Factoring out a negative exponent as a greatest common factor
Solving quadratic-like trinomials
Fiddling with Fractional Exponents
Solving equations by factoring fractional exponents
Promoting techniques for working with fractional exponents
Chapter 5: Forging Function Facts
Describing Function Characteristics
Denoting function notation
Using function notation to evaluate functions
Determining Domain and Range
Delving into domain
Wrangling with range
Counting on Even and Odd Functions
Determining whether even or odd
Using even and odd functions in graphs
Taking on Functions One-to-One
Defining which functions are one-to-one
Testing for one-to-one functions
Composing Functions
Composing yourself with functions
Composing with the difference quotient
Getting Into Inverse Functions
Finding which functions are inverses
Finding an inverse of a function
Chapter 6: Graphing Linear and Quadratic Functions
Identifying Some Graphing Techniques
Finding x- and y-intercepts
Reflecting on a graph’s symmetry
Mastering the Graphs of Lines
Determining the slope of a line
Describing two line equations
Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines
Coming to Terms with the Standard Form of a Quadratic
Starting with “a” in the standard form
Following “a” with “b” and “c”
Eyeing a Quadratic’s Intercepts
Finding the one and only y-intercept
Getting at the x-intercepts
Finding the Vertex of a Parabola
Computing vertex coordinates
Linking up with the axis of symmetry
Sketching a Graph from the Available Information
Chapter 7: Pondering Polynomials
Sizing Up a Polynomial Equation
Identifying Intercepts and Turning Points
Interpreting relative value and absolute value
Dealing with intercepts and turning points
Solving for y-intercepts and x-intercepts
Determining When a Polynomial Is Positive or Negative
Incorporating a sign line
Recognizing a sign change rule
Solving Polynomial Equations
Factoring for roots
Taking sane steps with the rational root theorem
Putting Descartes in charge of signs
Finding Roots Synthetically
Using synthetic division when searching for roots
Synthetically dividing by a binomial
Chapter 8: Being Respectful of Rational Functions
Examining Rational Functions
Deliberating on domain
Investigating intercepts
Assigning Roles to Asymptotes
Validating vertical asymptotes
Finding equations for horizontal asymptotes
Taking vertical and horizontal asymptotes to graphs
Getting the scoop on oblique (slant) asymptotes
Discounting Removable Discontinuities
Finding removable discontinuities by factoring
Evaluating the removals
Looking at Limits of Rational Functions
Determining limits at function discontinuities
Finding infinity
Looking at infinity
Chapter 9: Examining Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Computing Exponentially
Getting to the Base of Exponential Functions
Classifying bases
Introducing the more frequently used bases: 10 and e
Exponential Equation Solutions
Creating matching bases
Quelling quadratic patterns
Looking into Logarithmic Functions
Presenting the properties of logarithms
Doing more with logs than sawing
Solving Equations Containing Logs
Seeing all logs created equal
Solving log equations by changing to exponentials
Chapter 10: Getting Creative with Conics
Posing with Parabolas
Generalizing the form of a parabola’s equation
Making short work of a parabola’s sketch
Changing a parabola’s equation to the standard form
Circling Around a Conic
Getting Eclipsed by Ellipses
Determining the shape
Finding the foci
Getting Hyped for Hyperbolas
Including the asymptotes
Graphing hyperbolas
Chapter 11: Solving Systems of Equations
Looking at Solutions Using the Standard Linear-Systems Form
Solving Linear Systems by Graphing
Interpreting an intersection
Tackling the same line
Putting up with parallel lines
Using Elimination (Addition) to Solve Systems of Equations
Finding Substitution to Be a Satisfactory Substitute
Variable substituting made easy
Writing solutions for coexisting lines
Taking on Systems of Three Linear Equations
Finding the solution of a system of three linear equations
Generalizing with a system solution
Increasing the Number of Equations
Intersecting Parabolas and Lines
Determining if and where lines and parabolas cross paths
Determining that there’s no solution
Crossing Parabolas with Circles
Finding multiple intersections
Sifting through the possibilities for solutions
Chapter 12: Taking the Complexity Out of Complex Numbers
Simplifying Powers of i
Getting More Complex with Complex Numbers
Performing complex operations
Performing complex division by multiplying by the conjugate
Simplifying reluctant radicals
Unraveling Complex Solutions in Quadratic Equations
Investigating Polynomials with Complex Roots
Classifying conjugate pairs
Making use of complex zeros
Chapter 13: Ten (Or So) Special Formulas
Using Multiplication to Add
Factoring in Factorial
Picking Out Permutations
Collecting Combinations
Adding n Integers
Adding n Squared Integers
Adding Odd Numbers
Going for the Geometric
Calculating Compound Interest
Algebra II Essentials For Dummies®
by Mary Jane Sterling
Algebra II Essentials For Dummies®
Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774www.wiley.com
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About the Author
Mary Jane Sterling has been an educator since graduating from college. Teaching at the junior high, high school, and college levels, she has had the full span of experiences and opportunities to determine how best to explain how mathematics works. She has been teaching at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, for the past 30 years. She is also the author of Algebra II For Dummies, Trigonometry For Dummies, Math Word Problems For Dummies, Business Math For Dummies, and Linear Algebra For Dummies.
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Here you are, perusing a book on the essentials of Algebra II. You’ll find here, as Joe Friday (star of the old Dragnet series) said, “The facts, ma’am, just the facts.” For those of you too young to remember Dragnet, just think of this essentials book as being the Twitter version — not too detailed but with all the necessary information. In this book, you find the information you need with enough examples to show you the processes, but not a bunch of nitty-gritty details that tend to get in the way.
About This Book
A book on Algebra II isn’t a romance novel (although I do love math), and it isn’t science fiction. You could think of this book as a cross between a travel guide and a mathematical laboratory manual. How do travel and math go together? Let me try some situations that may fit:
You just finished working through Algebra I and feel eager to embark on a new adventure.
You haven’t worked with algebra in a while, but math has always been your strength, so you think that a little prepping with some basic concepts will bring you up to speed.
You’re helping a friend or family member with Algebra II and want just the most necessary information — no frills or extra side-trips.
Even though I’ve pared the material in this book down to the basics, I haven’t lost sight of the fact that other math areas are what drive Algebra II. Algebra is the passport to studying calculus, trigonometry, number theory, geometry, and all sorts of good mathematics. Algebra is basic, and the algebra you find here will help you grow your skills and knowledge so you can do well in math courses and possibly pursue other math topics.
Conventions Used in This Book
To help you navigate this book, I use the following conventions:
I italicize special mathematical terms and define them right then and there so you don’t have to search around.
I use boldface text to indicate keywords in bulleted lists or the action parts of numbered steps. I describe many algebraic procedures in a step-by-step format and then use those steps in an example or two.
Foolish Assumptions
Algebra II is essentially a continuation of Algebra I, so I need to make some assumptions about readers of this book.
I assume that a person taking on Algebra II has a grasp of working with operations on signed numbers, simplifying radical expressions, and manipulating with rational terms. Another assumption I make is that your order of operations is in order. You should be able to work your way through algebraic equations and expressions using the ordering rules. I also assume that you know how to solve basic linear and quadratic equations and can make quick sketches of basic graphs. Even though I lightly cover these topics in this book, I assume that you have a general knowledge of the necessary procedures.
If you feel a bit over your head after reading through some chapters, you may want to refer to Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (Wiley), or Algebra II For Dummies (Wiley) for a more complete explanation of the basics. My feelings won’t be hurt; I wrote those, too!
Icons Used in This Book
The icons that appear in this book are great for calling attention to the hot topics when doing algebra.
This icon provides you the rule or law or instruction on how to proceed whenever encountering the particular mathematical situation. The algebra rule given is “the law” — it always applies and always must be followed.
When you see the Example icon, you know that you’ll find the result of an attempt at working out an equation or concept. An example often has a hidden agenda — it shows you more of a process than a basic rule can get across by itself.
This icon is like the sign alerting you to the presence of something special to watch out for on your adventure. It can save you time and energy. Use this information to cut to the chase and avoid unnecessary detours.
This icon helps you bring back information that you may have misplaced along the way. The information is needed to get you from here to the goal.
This icon alerts you to common hazards and stumbling blocks that could trip you up — cause accidents or get you into trouble with the math police. Those who have gone before you have found that these items can cause a big problem — so pay heed.
Where to Go from Here
You can use the table of contents at the beginning of the book and the index in the back to navigate your way to the topic that you’re most interested in. You may want to start with some problem solving — in the form of equations or inequalities. If that’s the case, then look at Chapter 2 for linear equations and inequalities or Chapters 3 and 4 for quadratic and other degree equations. Chapter 5 is your destination if you want to see what constitutes a function and its characteristics. And specific functions such as linear and quadratics are found in Chapter 6; polynomials are found in Chapter 7, rationals in Chapter 8, and exponentials and logs in Chapter 9. I saved the imaginary for last, in Chapter 12. But you could stop off and look at conics in Chapter 10, if those curves are of interest. Also, systems of equations incorporate several types of functions, and you find them in Chapter 11.
And, if you’re more of a freewheeling type of guy or gal, take your finger, flip open the book, and mark a spot. No matter your motivation or what technique you use to jump into this book, you won’t get lost because you can go in any direction from there.
Chapter 1
Making Advances inAlgebra
In This Chapter
Making algebra orderly with the order of operations and other properties
Enlisting rules of exponents
Focusing on factoring
Algebra is a branch of mathematics that people study before they move on to other areas or branches in mathematics and science. Algebra all by itself is esthetically pleasing, but it springs to life when used in other applications.
Any study of science or mathematics involves rules and patterns. You approach the subject with the rules and patterns you already know, and you build on those rules with further study. In this chapter, I recap for you the basic rules from Algebra I so that you work from the correct structure. I present these basics so you can further your study of algebra and feel confident in your algebraic ability.
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