Algebra II - Mary Jane Sterling - E-Book

Algebra II E-Book

Mary Jane Sterling

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Practice makes perfect--and helps deepen your understanding of algebra II by solving problems 1001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies takes you beyond the instruction and guidance offered in Algebra II For Dummies, giving you 1001 opportunities to practice solving problems from the major topics in algebra II. Plus, an online component provides you with a collection of algebra problems presented in multiple choice format to further help you test your skills as you go. * Gives you a chance to practice and reinforce the skills you learn in Algebra II class * Helps you refine your understanding of algebra Whether you're studying algebra at the high school or college level, the practice problems in 1001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies range in areas of difficulty and style, providing you with the practice help you need to score high at exam time. Note to readers: 1,001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies, which only includes problems to solve, is a great companion to Algebra II For Dummies, 2nd Edition which offers complete instruction on all topics in a typical Algebra II course.

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1,001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies®

Published byJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ

Copyright © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

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About the Author

Mary Jane Sterling is the author of several For Dummies titles: Algebra I For Dummies, Algebra II For Dummies, Trigonometry For Dummies, Math Word Problems For Dummies, Business Math For Dummies, and Linear Algebra For Dummies. She has also written many supplementary workbooks and study aids.

Mary Jane continues doing what she loves best: teaching mathematics. When not teaching or writing For Dummies books, she loves spending her time reading murder mysteries and fishing for her dinner.


The author dedicates this book to her son, Sgt. James T. Sterling, USMC, and the other members of the 4th Air/Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, Det Juliet (part of Operation Enduring Freedom 2012). Jim and the others in his unit have our utmost respect and appreciation.

Author’s Acknowledgments

The author issues a big thank you to project editor Tim Gallan, who has taken on the huge challenge of creating this new product. He has taken a lot of raw material and made it into this wonderful, finished workbook. Thank you so much for your hard work and patience.

Also, a heartfelt thank you to the math editors, Suzanne Langebartels and Amy Nicklin. As careful as I may be to do all the problems correctly, there is always that chance of a silly error. The editors keep me honest!

And, of course, a grateful thank you to acquisitions editor Lindsay Lefevere, who again found me another interesting project.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments at For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.

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1,001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies®

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Table of Contents


What You’ll Find

How This Workbook Is Organized

Part I: Questions

Part II: Answers

Beyond the Book

What you’ll find online

How to register

Where to Go for Additional Help

Part I: The Questions

Chapter 1: Reviewing Algebra Basics

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 2: Solving Quadratic Equations and Nonlinear Inequalities

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 3: Solving Radical and Rational Equations

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 4: Graphs and Equations of Lines

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 5: Functions

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 6: Quadratic Functions and Relations

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 7: Polynomial Functions and Equations

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 8: Rational Functions

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 9: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 10: Conic Sections

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 11: Systems of Linear Equations

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 12: Systems of Nonlinear Equations and Inequalities

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 13: Working with Complex Numbers

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 14: Matrices

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 15: Sequences and Series

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 16: Sets

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 17: Counting Techniques and Probability

The Problems You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Part II: The Answers

Chapter 18: The Answers

Cheat Sheet
End User License Agreement


One-thousand-one algebra problems: You must wonder what inspired such an endeavor.

One possibility for the inspiration is 1,001 Arabian Nights. (Okay, I’m really stretching here, but why not?) 1,001 Arabian Nights is a collection of stories and folk tales, compiled over several centuries. Likewise, 1,001 Algebra II Practice ProblemsFor Dummies is a collection of math problems and explanations, and some of them involve interesting stories. This book wasn’t compiled over centuries (though my editors say it seemed to take that long), but the concepts and ideas involved took mathematicians centuries to develop.

Practice makes perfect. Unlike other subjects where you can just read or listen and absorb the information sufficiently, mathematics takes practice. The only way to figure out how the different algebraic rules work and interact with one another is to get into the problems — get your hands dirty, so to speak. Many problems appear to be the same, on the surface, but different aspects and challenges have been inserted to make the different problems unique. The concepts become more set in your mind when you work with the problems and have the properties confirmed with your solutions.

Yes, whether it’s 1,001 algebra problems or 1,001 mathematical adventures, you’ll find them here. Enjoy!

What You’ll Find

This book contains 1,001 algebra problems, their answers, and complete solutions to each. There are 17 problem chapters, and each chapter has many different sets of questions. The sets of questions are sometimes in a logical, sequential order, going from one part of a topic to the next and then to the next. Other times the sets of questions represent the different ways a topic can be presented. In any case, you’re given brief instructions on doing the problems. And sometimes you’re given a particular formula or format to use. Feel free to refer to other algebra books, such as Algebra II For Dummies, to give you ideas on how to solve some of the problems.

Instead of just having answers to the problems, you find a worked-out solution for each and every one. Flip to the last chapters of the book for the step-by-step processes needed to solve the problems. The solutions include verbal explanations inserted in the work where necessary. Sometimes an alternate procedure may be offered. Not everyone does algebra exactly the same way, but this book tries to provide the most understandable and success-promoting process to use when solving the algebra problems presented.

How This Workbook Is Organized

This workbook is divided into two main parts: questions and answers. But you probably figured that out already.

Part I: Questions

The questions chapters cover many different topics:

Review ofbasic operations: The chapter takes you through some of the main concepts from Algebra I that are essential to working in Algebra II. You’ll find problems on powers of binomials and patterns in those powers. Solving linear equations and linear inequalities are fairly straightforward tasks, but it doesn’t hurt to review these types of problems to bring your skill level up to speed. Two other topics covered here are radicals and complex numbers. Each topic is special in its own way, but similarities crop up — such as the use of conjugates when simplifying the expressions.

Solving nonlinear equations and inequalities: Quadratic equations are by far one of the most used and referred-to equation types in secondary mathematics. That’s why you’ll find techniques such as factoring (with the multiplication property of zero), the square root rule, the quadratic formula, and completing the square to be the main methods covered here.

Throw in some radical equations (square roots, cube roots) and rational equations (fractional expressions), and you have more tricks and techniques to practice to increase your repertoire.

Graphing lines: A line is a very basic structure and is easy to graph when you have two points. You’ll also find lines to graph when you’re given their equations and then equations to write when you’re given information about the line. You get to consider lines that are parallel to one another and others that are perpendicular. The graphing part is simplified when you recognize the basics: a point on the line and the line’s slope.

Functions: A function in mathematics has a very specific definition. You can have a function when you have a relationship between sets of numbers and the relationship is described with mathematical operations. The operations take input values and produce output values based on the rules created with the operations. What’s particularly special about functions is that there’s only one output for every input. The functions you’ll find include linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic. There are more functions out there, but you get a really good start right here.

Systems of equations and inequalities: When you have two or more statements or equations and want to know whether there are any solutions common to both or all of them at the same time, you’re talking about solving systems. The equations can be linear, quadratic, exponential, and so on. You’ll use algebraic techniques as well as matrices to solve some of the linear systems.

Sequences,sets, and counting techniques: Getting ready for future studies in probability and statistics, you’ll want to practice problems involving lists, counting, sets, and set notation. You’ll use Venn diagrams and make lists of elements in sets. You’ll also write the terms in sequences and add up the terms in series.

Part II: Answers

This part provides not only the answers to all the questions but explanations of the answers as well. So you get the solution, and you see how to arrive at that solution.

Beyond the Book

This book gives you plenty of Algebra II problems to work on. But maybe you want to track your progress as you tackle the problems, or maybe you’re having trouble with certain types of problems and wish they were all presented in one place where you could methodically make your way through them. You’re in luck. Your book purchase comes with a free one-year subscription to all 1,001 practice problems online. You get on-the-go access any way you want it — from your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Track your progress and view personalized reports that show where you need to study the most. Study what, where, when, and how you want.

What you’ll find online

The online practice that comes free with this book offers you the same 1,001 questions and answers that are available here, presented in a multiple-choice format. The beauty of the online problems is that you can customize your online practice to focus on the topic areas that give you the most trouble. So if you need help with graphing or solving quadratic functions, then select these problem types online and start practicing. Or, if you’re short on time but want to get a mixed bag of a limited number of problems, you can specify the quantity of problems you want to practice. Whether you practice a few hundred problems in one sitting or a couple dozen, and whether you focus on a few types of problems or practice every type, the online program keeps track of the questions you get right and wrong so that you can monitor your progress and spend time studying exactly what you need.

You can access this online tool using a PIN code, as described in the next section. Keep in mind that you can create only one login with your PIN. Once the PIN is used, it’s no longer valid and is nontransferable. So you can’t share your PIN with other users after you’ve established your login credentials.

How to register

To gain access to additional tests and practice online, all you have to do is register. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Find your PIN access code:

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3. Find your product (1,001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies) and then follow the on-screen prompts to activate your PIN.

Now you’re ready to go! You can come back to the program as often as you want — simply log on with the username and password you created during your initial login. No need to enter the access code a second time. For Technical Support, please visit or call Wiley at 1-800-762-2974 (U.S.), +1-317-572-3994 (international).

Your registration is good for one year from the day you activate your PIN. After that time frame has passed, you can renew your registration for a fee. The website gives you all the important details about how to do so.

Where to Go for Additional Help

The written directions given with the individual problems are designed to tell you what you need to do to get the correct answer. Sometimes the directions may seem vague if you aren’t familiar with the words or the context of the words. Go ahead and look at the solution to see whether that helps you with the meaning. But if the vocabulary is still unrecognizable, you may want to refer to the glossaries in algebra books, such as Algebra I For Dummies or Algebra II For Dummies, written by yours truly and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

This book is designed to provide you with enough practice to become very efficient in algebra, but it isn’t intended to give the step-by-step explanation on how and why each step is necessary. You may need to refer to Algebra II For Dummies or Algebra II Essentials For Dummies (also written by me) to get more background on a problem or to understand why a particular step is taken in the solution of the problem.

Algebra is sometimes seen as being a bunch of rules without a particular purpose. Why do you have to solve for the solutions of a quadratic equation? Where will you use that again? The answers to all these questions are more apparent when you see them tied together and when more background information is available. Don’t be shy about seeking out that kind of information.

You may become intrigued with a particular topic or particular type of problem. Where do you find more problems like those found in a section? Where do you find the historical background of a favorite algebra process? There are many resources out there, including a couple that I wrote:

Do you like the applications? Try Math Word Problems For Dummies.

Are you more interested in the business-type uses of algebra? Take a look at Business Math For Dummies.

If you’re ready for a another area of mathematics, look for a couple more of my titles: Trigonometry For Dummies and Linear Algebra For Dummies.

Part I

The Questions

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In this part . . .

You get to tackle 1,001 Algebra II problems. Have fun! Here are the general types of questions you’ll be dealing with:

Algebra basics, quadratic equations, and graphing lines (Chapters 1 through 4)

All kinds of functions (Chapters 5 through 9)

Conic sections and linear and nonlinear equations (Chapters 10 through 12)

Complex numbers, matrices, sequences, series, and sets (Chapters 13 through 17)

Chapter 3

Solving Radical and Rational Equations

Aradical equation is one that starts out with a square root, cube root, or some other root and gets changed into another form to make the solving process easier. The new form may have solutions that don’t work in the original equation, but this method is still the easiest. A rational equation is one that involves a fractional expression — usually with a polynomial in the numerator and denominator. These equations are also changed in order to solve them, and they also carry the concern of an extraneous or false root.

The Problems You’ll Work On

In this chapter, you’ll work with radical and rational equations in the following ways:

Solving radical equations with just one radical term

Solving radical equations with two or more radical terms

Checking answers for extraneous roots

Solving rational equations by forming proportions

Solving rational equations by finding a common denominator

What to Watch Out For

Don’t let common mistakes like the following ones trip you up when working with radical or rational equations:

Forgetting to check for extraneous solutions

Squaring a binomial incorrectly when squaring both sides to get rid of the radical

Distributing incorrectly when writing equivalent fractions using a common denominator

Eliminating solutions that create a 0 in the denominator

Solving Rational Equations

131–150 Solve the rational equations for x.





















Taking on Radical Equations Involving One Radical Term

151–180 Solve the radical equations.































Solving Radical Equations with Multiple Radical Terms

181–190 Solve the radical equations involving two or more radical terms.









