Algorithm of Steganography to Hiding Secret
Information within an Image File - Arzoo Sorout - E-Book

Algorithm of Steganography to Hiding Secret Information within an Image File E-Book

Arzoo Sorout

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Informatik - Theoretische Informatik, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: As the modern world growing fast, the new technologies has been developed with fast rate and the techniques of sending and receiving and displaying the secret information especially in public society or society places has faced many problems or challenges and has received more attention toward these modes of communication. Therefore, different types or methods have been proposed so far for hiding secret information within different types of cover medium. In this paper, the information is hiding inside an image file which acts as cover medium for secret information. There are two ways or methods for this process i.e. Encryption and decryption. There are two algorithms have been proposed for embedding or extracting the secret or hidden information which used the Steganography technique which is again the most popular technique now a days for hiding information within different cover medium. In this paper, we are using image file as a cover medium.

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