Amorous Family: Incest Erotica - Dorian Verner - E-Book

Amorous Family: Incest Erotica E-Book

Dorian Verner

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After sipping his, he collapsed back against the couch and sighed, "God, it's great to be home." He looked at his wife with hungry eyes-eyes that made her flush. He turned to Judy and marveled, "My God, you're beautiful, girl! And all grown-up. Almost as beautiful as your mother."

Judy blushed and sat up straighter, her young breasts pushing out the crisp, white blouse she wore.

He looked next at Tom. "I can see you're no boy any more. Not at your size."

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Amorous Family

Dorian Verner

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Amorous Family

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

As she turned toward the kitchen, musing at the strength of the love that had kept the marriage together, the back door crashed open and Judy and Tom, the twins, dashed for the refrigerator in a welter of sun-tanned legs and arms. By the time the screen door had slammed closed with its usual bang, they had the door to the refrigerator open and were rifling the shelves.

"Hey, Mom, what time do you think Dad will be home?" Tom's already manly voice muttered around a leftover chicken leg.

"His letter didn't really say for dinner. And go easy on that ice cream, young lady," Janet ordered, viewing with alarm the dish being loaded by Judy.

Judy patted her flat, tan midriff, exposed between the short shorts and halter top she was wearing. "Don't worry, Mom, I won't get fat."

Janet smiled. "That I'm not worried about. But that ice cream is for tonight, so go easy on it. And speaking of tonight, have you two got your signals straight?"

"Oh, Mom, don't worry. Judy and I'll get out of your way." Tom reached for the container of milk. "All you have to say is poof and we'll disappear."

"Right," Judy agreed. "We know darn well you haven't seen Dad in ten years." She smiled. "And we'll plug our ears. You know how thin these walls are."

"That's enough, young lady." Janet blushed slightly. She had tried to raise the twins with a less puritanical upbringing than she had had. In that she had succeeded, but they could easily make her blush.

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