The Weak Husband - Dorian Verner - E-Book

The Weak Husband E-Book

Dorian Verner

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description. ******* Beneath him, feeling his semen flowing out of her still passion hushed vaginal lips, Rita bit on her lower lip to hold back the tears she could feel welling up. Once again, Owen had failed to bring her to orgasm, something that was becoming more and more the norm rather than the exception.

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The Weak Husband

Dorian Verner

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents








Beneath him, feeling his semen flowing out of her still passion hushed vaginal lips, Rita bit on her lower lip to hold back the tears she could feel welling up. Once again, Owen had failed to bring her to orgasm, something that was becoming more and more the norm rather than the exception.

The lovely blonde woman lifted her head and watched her husband dress, wanting to say something, but failing to find the words. If there was anything Owen prided himself on, it was his masculinity, and Rita could sense that no matter what she said, he would take it the wrong way. His hard-muscled body rippled with the regular work-outs he did, and his close cropped red hair made him look something like a male god from ancient Greece. That had been what attracted Rita, as well as a thousand other girls, to Owen ... that and the fact that he was the starring Quarterback for the University of Buffalo football team. He had virtually single handedly led the college to a State championship with his brilliant playing, and he was both skillful and friendly. If there was anyone who had no enemies in the world, it would be Owen. Rita, a cheerleader in college, had fallen under the spell of the strong man, and even though she herself had made the first move toward him, her role as aggressor had soon been over shadowed by Owen's ability to take charge when the situation called for a strong person.

That had been early in their senior year, and by the time of their graduation, there was no doubt that they would be getting married. Rita knew she was the envy of every girl she knew. Even though she had been a virgin when she married him, Owen had taken several of her friends to bed with him, and all of them told the lovely petite blonde that she was getting one hunk of man.

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