An Orgy Incest Style: Taboo Erotica - Lillith Vonderheide - E-Book

An Orgy Incest Style: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Lillith Vonderheide

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"No, Chuck, we really shouldn't.""Jesus, Pam, sometimes you act like a virgin.""Well, someone could see us. My mother could come out...""You ought to stop letting your mother control you." He lowered his lips to hers. "Honest, Pam, you're not a kid any more. There are teenagers who fuck around more than you do.""Oh, Chuck." The blonde touched her hand to the back of his neck and encouraged his kisses.At first his kisses were gentle, but after a moment his lips became insistent. His arms held her tightly and his hands fondled her tits."Give me your tongue," he said as he tried forcing his tongue into her barely parted lips.She couldn't resist, and in a moment her pointed tongue was buried in his mouth. 

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An Orgy Incest Style

Lillith Vonderheide

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












"Jesus, Pam, sometimes you act like a virgin.""Well, someone could see us. My mother could come out...""You ought to stop letting your mother control you." He lowered his lips to hers. "Honest, Pam, you're not a kid any more. There are teenagers who fuck around more than you do.""Oh, Chuck." The blonde touched her hand to the back of his neck and encouraged his kisses.At first his kisses were gentle, but after a moment his lips became insistent. His arms held her tightly and his hands fondled her tits."Give me your tongue," he said as he tried forcing his tongue into her barely parted lips.She couldn't resist, and in a moment her pointed tongue was buried in his mouth. "Oh, Chuck, you always do this to me," she said."Baby, if you'd go to a motel like normal women, we wouldn't have to do it in a car.""I can't go to a motel with you." His hand was inside her bra, caressing her bare tit.They were in the back seat of Chuck's car. He eased her down on the seat, his hard cock pulsating against her thigh. As usual he took her hand and lowered it to his prick. Even through his pants, the feel of his hard cock made her tremble.Pam Rider was twenty-eight, single, and lived with her widowed mother. Maggie Rider still treated her like a child, and in many ways she was one.She had been going with Chuck for two years, and, although they fucked at least twice a week, she never let him into her room. Since he lived with his mother too, the only alternative was a motel. Pam couldn't shake off her mother's admonitions, so they usually wound up fucking in the back seat of his Chevy.Now Chuck groaned as she squeezed his prick through his pants. "Take it out," he said.Her tongue streaked into his mouth. She glanced at her house and then at the one next door. Her brother and his family lived next door. Not only did she have her mother watching over her, she had her older brother Bob, too.Even now, as Chuck squeezed her naked tit, she thought about her mother's warnings. Soon Chuck would put his hand between her legs and touch her there. She could never resist that.One day they'll see us doing it in the car, and mother will kill me, she thought. Bob and his wife Judy had three children. Jimmy was the eldest, then Billy and Penny. Lately the teenagers had teased her about being an old-maid, and maybe they were right. Chuck wanted to marry her, but she kept putting him off. She liked him enough, but wasn't there more to life?Her tits tingled as he manipulated her nipples. He had unbuttoned her blouse, and was in the process of unhooking her bra."Someone might see us," she whispered as he cupped her tits in his hands."You say that every time. If you'd marry me, we wouldn't have to worry about being caught.""Oh, Chuck, don't start that again." She felt the warm wetness between her legs. At moments like this she was tempted to agree to his marriage proposal.The crotch of her panties had worked its way inside her cuntlips. She felt the friction on her clit and wriggled around frantically."Why not get married?" he said."Because I can't leave my mother, and you know it."He snickered. "Your mother lives next door to your brother. And besides, she's a pretty hip lady. She can take care of herself.""Just because she's so pretty and dresses so well doesn't mean she can live alone. She's really been lost since my father died."Chuck snorted. "Jesus, Pam, why can't you see what everyone else sees? Your mother is a sexy chick who gets plenty of cock."Pam stiffened. "Don't you talk about my mother like that!""Okay, okay, I won't, but I won't wait forever. One of these days your mother will find someone to marry and then she'll leave you. By then you might not be able to find someone who wants you. You're not getting any younger, you know."Her body screamed for relief, but his words turned her blood cold. "Damn you, Chuck, we're making love and all you can do is talk against my mother.""Jesus, Pam, it's so damn uncomfortable here in the car. If you'd marry me we could get our own place and do it on a nice comfortable bed.""Comfort! Is that all you think about? Your comfort? What about me?""I am thinking about you." He yanked his zipper down and grabbed her hand. "Here. Squeeze it."Angry as she was, she still couldn't resist taking his cock in her fist. "Well, don't nag me any more about marriage.""Okay, honey. Jesus, that feels good when you do that. Touch my cockhead here. Yeah, use your thumb on the ridge. Should I put it in now?""Not yet." Her pussy throbbed at the feel of his prick. She wanted it inside her, but she wanted to punish him too. It would serve him right if she only let him finger her. Yes, that was what she'd do. She'd give him a hand job. Then maybe next time he wouldn't nag her about Mother.Old memories flashed through her mind as she pumped his cock. When she was a teenager her mother had caught her in bed with a boyfriend."Slut!" Maggie had screamed. "You'll go to hell for this!"A week later, Pam had watched her mother getting her ass reamed. Maggie frequently brought men to the house after her husband died, but she pretended to be a virtuous, mourning widow. All this had affected the teenager. Now she was a grown woman with sexual hang-ups, still living under the thumb of her mother."Can I put it in now?" Chuck panted."Why do you always have to ask?" she hissed."Jesus, I'm only trying to do what you want.""Did it ever occur to you that you aren't aggressive enough?""I'm sorry, hon. Jesus, you sure know how to handle a cock.""Let me pump it a little longer."Her mind drifted back several years. "Boys have no respect for girls who are too easy," Maggie had said.Pam had bitten her lip and said nothing. Maggie had brought men home and sometimes they stayed all night. But mother and daughter never discussed it, and Maggie insisted she was living the life of a nun.Now Chuck straddled her, using his knee to force her thighs apart. "Careful," she said. "Bob's car isn't in the driveway. That means he's working late and might drive up any minute.""Your brother knows you're a big girl."He grappled with her panties, but she was still intent on teaching him a lesson. "Wait a minute, I'll do it," she said."Please, honey, let me put in inside you," he said."I think we better just use our hands tonight.""Aw, shit, a hand job is for kids." Again he tried prying her legs apart and again she squeezed them together."What if my brother finds us like this? I'd be humiliated.""Your brother knows the score. Aw, come on, hon. Let me put it in." He tried pushing his cock between her thighs, but she twisted to the side."No, just your finger.""Okay, if you insist."She sucked in her breath when he touched his fingers to her slit. One of his fingers separated her cuntlips and touched her slick folds."You're so wet, hon. Are you sure you don't want me to stick it in?"When he began climbing over her, she pushed his hand away. "No. Just your finger. You promised."Why do I do this to Chuck and more important why do I do it to myself? she thought. I want his prick inside me. I want it all the time, not just a few times a week. If only... oh, damn!"I feel your little clit, hon," he said. "It's like a little cock."She lurched up, thrusting her cunt at his hand. "Just keep rubbing it like that," she urged.His fingers slipped around her wet pussy. He pushed his index finger into her cunthole and rubbed her clit."That's nice," she said."Can't I put it in?" he whined.It was tempting, but she wanted to punish him. "No, only your finger."Why do I let Mother rule my life? she thought even as Chuck frigged her. I'm a grown woman, not a kid. Why do I make such a big deal about Chuck fucking me?But she knew she was under Maggie's spell. That was why she continued going with Chuck. She saw lots of men she found attractive, men whose eyes followed her on the street. But when they approached her, she backed off. She was frightened and needy at the same time.So here she was in the back seat of Chuck's car, about to come all over his fingers while Maggie was getting laid almost every night. It wasn't fair.Now Chuck moved a second finger into her snatch. "Is it good for you?" he said, his fingers knuckle-deep inside her."Yes," she admitted grudgingly, bucking her ass."Won't you let me fuck you?" he pleaded.Her long blonde hair tumbled around her face as she thrashed her legs in the air. "I said only your finger.""What about me?" he said. "My balls are turning blue.""Give me your cock." Fumbling around, she closed her fingers around his prick and started beating his meat."You give the best hand-job in town," he said.The blood and muscle comprising his prick pulsated in her fist. "How many girls in town have brought you off?"He flushed in the dark. "Aw, not many, Pam. You know you're the only girl for me."By now his piss-slit was leaking, wetting her hand and weakening her resolve. It's not fair, she thought. I'm taking my frustrations with Maggie out on Chuck. She squeezed his cock, moving his cockskin up and down his pole."I want it inside me," she whispered.He grinned. "You do," he said, beginning to mount her."But I can't let you do it tonight," she finished. "Move your fingers in and out faster. We can't stay here like this much longer."Frustrated, but blinded by love, Chuck corkscrewed his fingers in and out of the blonde's twat while his thumb flicked her clit.Trembling, she pushed her cunt against his hand as each moment brought her closer to orgasm. While he frigged her, she pumped his cock."Keep rubbing me," she panted. "Don't stop. Yes! Yes! Keep doing that!""Are you going to come, hon?""In a minute.""Aw, baby, you're so juicy and hot down there. I can even smell you. You smell so good and hot. Can't I even kiss you down there?""Not tonight."She tilted her ass back as her excitement mounted. She fumbled in the darkness in an attempt to caress his balls.As her pulse quickened, her pussy spasmed around his fingers. The contractions in her gash took her breath away and she cried out her passion."Oh, darling!" she hissed."Hon, keep pumping my cock!""Come on my hands," she said, pumping vigorously."Don't stop." His teeth clenched and his eyes were shut tight.He bucked his ass as he came, drenching her hand. She was sorry now that she hadn't let him fuck her. She loved it when he came inside her.It was all Maggie's fault. Oh, Mother, you're ruining my life!Some of his jism dripped onto her skirt. Maggie would be sure to see it and comment on what Maggie called her school-girl crush."Don't get it all over me," she said."Jesus, hon, I can't help it," he said.He collapsed on top of her, one leg on the floor and his face against her breast. "I can't breathe," she said, but his warm breath on her tits felt good so she didn't push him away."Are you okay, hon?" he said."I guess so, but my skirt..."He tried wiping the come from her skirt. "I'm sorry, babe. Maybe your mom won't notice it.""She always examines my clothes after I go out with you.""Jesus Christ, you're a grown woman.""Don't start that again." Using all her strength she pushed his head off her chest.He sat back while she straightened up and proceeded to arrange her clothes. They were silent, each wrapped up in their own thoughts."Saturday night a friend of mine is going out of town," he said after a while.She hooked her bra and buttoned her blouse."So?""We can use his apartment."Old memories flooded her again. Maggie cautioning her not to be too easy.Maggie warning her that girls who gave it away seldom got someone to marry them."I don't think so," Pam said now, patting the moist spot on her skirt. "It just wouldn't be right.""Aw, hon, we do it in the car all the time. What's so wrong about using a friend's pad?""What's wrong is that going to an apartment makes it all seem so planned.""But, hon, we fuck all the time.""But I'm just overcome, is all," she snapped. "I don't plan on doing it. It just happens."Silence. "I don't want to fight with you, hon.""Then don't," she said."I'm sorry about what I said about your mother."Her affection for him overcame her anger. "Please be patient a little longer," she said, opening the car door. "One of these days I'll be ready to marry you. Just give me a little more time."He kissed the tip of her nose. "Just don't keep me dangling too long, hon. I love you and I want to take care of you, but this car business is getting to me."They climbed out of the car. Chuck began following her up the walk, but she stopped him. "Mother's light is on," she said. "She doesn't like it when you come in at this hour."In truth she knew there was a man with Maggie. A man by the name of Roger. But she had no intention of telling Chuck."Goodnight, hon," he said."Goodnight, Chuck." She turned and began walking toward the house.She fumbled in her purse for her keys as he drove off. Bob still hadn't come home. As she opened the door she thought about her older brother. She looked upon him as a father figure as well as a brother. At times like this she even admitted she found him sexually attractive.Oh, Mother, you've really messed me up, she thought as she entered the house.It was quiet except for the sound of Maggie giggling upstairs. Roger never said much, but whenever he spent the night Maggie giggled incessantly.Weary, depressed and still horny, she climbed the stairs to her room. Her tits heaved as she breathed deeply. Maggie treated her like a child, but Maggie had a very active sex life. It wasn't fair. Chuck was right. Maggie was a hypocrite.Maybe I ought to have a talk with Bob, she thought. Yes, Bob will know what I should do. He's so wise to the ways of the world."Is that you, Pam, dear?" her mother trilled.Pam paused outside Maggie's room. "Yes, Mother, it's me.""Have you been out in the car with Chuck all this time? It's late, dear. You're going to ruin your reputation."Pam heard Roger chuckle and she flushed. Biting her lip to keep from retorting angrily, she tossed her hair back. "Don't worry about my reputation, Mother. I'm going to bed now. It is late.""Goodnight, dear," Maggie called out."Goodnight, Mother," Pam said wearily. "Sleep well." 

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