Incest Sandwich: Taboo Erotica - Lillith Vonderheide - E-Book

Incest Sandwich: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Lillith Vonderheide

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"Well, I hope he's not planning on staying forever!" Fran said, her lips pursing in a half-pout. The attractive 29 year old housewife was looking in her dressing table mirror, brushing her hair before going to bed. Her long blonde curls shone magnificently. Fran was proud that she had kept her looks and her figure so well since her erstwhile career as a model in New York. She hadn't modeled for very long, but she had been popular and all the photographers as well as the agency she'd been with had assured her that she had a splendid future in the business.
Fran had given it all up for Brint Cooper, however, a fact that she was beginning to regret more and more, especially recently. And now that Brint's unemployed brother was coming to live with them - heaven knew for how long - Fran was beginning to feel more trapped than ever.
She brushed furiously, letting the electricity the brush created snap and crackle around her head, her eyes reflecting the frustration and anger she felt at the course her life was taking. It had to happen now, too ... just when their daughter Jeanie was getting old enough to require less parental attention from Fran ... just when Fran was beginning to feel that she could breathe again. She'd been considering getting a job, something glamorous which would require her to go into New York fairly often, something which would allow her to escape from the dull Queens community of bored housewives and uninteresting husbands.

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Incest Sandwich

Lillith Vonderheide

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents










Fran had given it all up for Brint Cooper, however, a fact that she was beginning to regret more and more, especially recently. And now that Brint's unemployed brother was coming to live with them - heaven knew for how long - Fran was beginning to feel more trapped than ever.

She brushed furiously, letting the electricity the brush created snap and crackle around her head, her eyes reflecting the frustration and anger she felt at the course her life was taking. It had to happen now, too ... just when their daughter Jeanie was getting old enough to require less parental attention from Fran ... just when Fran was beginning to feel that she could breathe again. She'd been considering getting a job, something glamorous which would require her to go into New York fairly often, something which would allow her to escape from the dull Queens community of bored housewives and uninteresting husbands.

Now, of course, all her plans were ruined. There'd be another mouth to feed, more meals to cook ... and men were helpless in the kitchen, or at least she'd never met one who wasn't. Fran knew for a fact that Brint's younger brother was a spoiled brat, even though he was 20 years old by now, and she knew that he would expect to be waited on hand and foot, just as her husband himself did!

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