Sex On The Farm: Taboo Erotica - Lillith Vonderheide - E-Book

Sex On The Farm: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Lillith Vonderheide

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Excerpt From This Full Length Erotic Novel:

It was ... the truth exploded in his head, and as quickly vaporized to nothing-incest! He was fucking with his daughter! He was not, came a howling counterattack inside. She was taking him.
"Ohhhh . . . Godddd! Please, Daddy, look at us." Her cry forced him to gape at the point of their bodies' joining and the sight was overwhelming. He knew in that magnetic second that, wrong or right, what he was seeing and feeling was a sensation to go to hell for. His organ had just begun to disappear through her wide-stretched pussy cleft. Tender flanges of sunshine pink flesh distended incredibly to admit the grotesque purplish colored monstrosity of his prick crown. Her torso writhed, then stiffened above him as she felt the full pressure of his size. It was a dazzling show of tantalizing hills and valleys, of shadows and bright highlights, of a woman gone mad for the sexual act.
"Don't go farther!" he gasped, fighting the impulse to ram his hugeness into her. "I could hurt you with it!"
"Hurt, me? With him?" Her eyes dilated wildly as they looked into his. "Do it! I want you to fill me with your monster, Daddy! I want him up my middle, straight to my boobies ... see them waiting?"

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Sex On The Farm

Lillith Vonderheide

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents









"Gentlemen and ladies, we are honored to have a Pantamonet alumnus as our guest in female form today."

Suzy repressed the urge to laugh. Peridot was still the same. Still trying to affect that females were only art forms to him, but she'd bet he was still one of the leading lechers on campus.

She glanced up at the high vaulted ceiling and the towering glass walls that gave maximum light to budding artists who used the room. It was almost like being out-of-doors which, she knew, was why she and a yet-to-be-met man had been invited as the first male and female ever to pose together in the nude for a Pantamonet art class.

"With that much sun on the scene," smirked one school trustee, voting agreement to the request, "can't anything be done that's remiss."

Looking from face to face as the elderly teacher led her past the half circles of easels, Susanna smiled at former classmates she recognized and fingered the tightly buttoned gray smock Peridot had asked her to wear till the posing began. There were more than thirty in the class, she guessed. About half guys, half girls. Good. The old man cleared his throat nervously when a titter reached him from one of the student sculptors and Suzy grimaced as his bony fingers tightened on her elbow.

"Don't be anxious, my dear," he said paternally and she glanced quickly at his hawkish, withered face, wondering that in all the years when she had been his student, she never had noticed the thickness of his glasses. He must be nearly blind. "Are you clad beneath your smock?" His voice was strangely tense for one who must have painted a thousand naked lady forms in his prime.

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