Analysis and Identification of Time-Invariant Systems, Time-Varying Systems, and Multi-Delay Systems using Orthogonal Hybrid Functions - Anish Deb - E-Book

Analysis and Identification of Time-Invariant Systems, Time-Varying Systems, and Multi-Delay Systems using Orthogonal Hybrid Functions E-Book

Anish Deb

96,29 €

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This book introduces a new set of orthogonal hybrid functions (HF) which approximates time functions in a piecewise linear manner which is very suitable for practical applications.

The book presents an analysis of different systems namely, time-invariant system, time-varying system, multi-delay systems---both homogeneous and non-homogeneous type- and the solutions are obtained in the form of discrete samples. The book also investigates system identification problems for many of the above systems. The book is spread over 15 chapters and contains 180 black and white figures, 18 colour figures, 85 tables and 56 illustrative examples. MATLAB codes for many such examples are included at the end of the book.

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