ArchiMate® 3.1 - A Pocket Guide - Andrew Josey - E-Book

ArchiMate® 3.1 - A Pocket Guide E-Book

Andrew Josey



ArchiMate®, an Open Group Standard, is an open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture that is supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. The ArchiMate language enables Enterprise Architects to describe, analyze, and visualize the relationships among architecture domains in an unambiguous way. This Pocket Guide is based on the ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification. It gives a concise introduction to the ArchiMate language. What’s more, it’s authoritative with material derived from the official ArchiMate documentation. Topics covered include: • A high-level introduction to the ArchiMate Specification and its relationship to Enterprise Architecture • The high-level structure of the ArchiMate language, including an introduction to layering, and the ArchiMate Framework • The Generic Metamodel for the language • The relationships that the ArchiMate language includes to model the links between elements • The Motivation Elements, which includes concepts such as goal, principle, and requirement • The Strategy Elements, which includes concepts such as resource, capability, and course of action • The Business Layer, which includes the modeling concepts relevant in the business domain • The Application Layer, which includes modeling concepts relevant for software applications • The Technology Layer, which includes modeling concepts relevant for system software applications and infrastructure • The Physical Elements, which include concepts relevant for the modeling of physical concepts like machines and physical installations • The relationships between different layers of the language • The Implementation and Migration Elements, which include concepts to support modeling Enterprise Architecture-enabled transformation • A summary of the changes from ArchiMate 2.1 to ArchiMate 3.1 • A Glossary of terms

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ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification – A Pocket Guide

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ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification – A Pocket Guide


The Open Group Series


Andrew Josey et al.


Van Haren Publishing, ’s-Hertogenbosch,

ISBN Hard copy:

978 94 018 0518 6

ISBN eBook (pdf):

978 94 018 0519 3


978 94 018 0522 3


Fourth edition, first impression, November 2019

DTP and Cover design:

Coco Bookmedia, Amersfoort – NL


© The Open Group 2012-2019 All rights reserved


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

The views expressed in this Pocket Guide are not necessarily those of any particular member of The Open Group.

In the event of any discrepancy between text in this document and the official ArchiMate documentation, the ArchiMate documentation remains the authoritative version for certification, testing by examination, and other purposes. The official ArchiMate documentation can be obtained online at

Document Number: G196

Published by The Open Group, November 2019.

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Chapter 1   Introduction

1.1   Introduction to the ArchiMate Specification

1.2   ArchiMate Specification Overview

1.3   The ArchiMate Language and Enterprise Architecture

1.3.1   The ArchiMate Language and the TOGAF ADM

Chapter 2   Language Structure

2.1   Top-Level Language Structure

2.2   Layering of the ArchiMate Language

2.3   Use of Colors and Notational Cues

2.4   The ArchiMate Core Framework

2.5   The ArchiMate Full Framework

Chapter 3   Generic Metamodel

3.1   Behavior and Structure Elements

3.1.1   Active Structure Elements

3.1.2   Behavior Elements

3.1.3   Passive Structure Elements

3.2   Specializations of Structure and Behavior Elements

3.3   Motivation Elements

3.4   Composite Elements

3.4.1   Grouping

3.4.2   Location

Chapter 4   Relationships

4.1   Structural Relationships

4.2   Dependency Relationships

4.3   Dynamic Relationships

4.4   Other Relationships

4.5   Relationship Connectors

4.6   Examples

4.6.1   Composition Relationship

4.6.2   Aggregation Relationship

4.6.3   Assignment Relationship

4.6.4   Realization Relationship

4.6.5   Serving Relationship

4.6.6   Access Relationship

4.6.7   Influence Relationship

4.6.8   Association Relationship

4.6.9   Triggering Relationship

4.6.10   Flow Relationship

4.6.11   Specialization Relationship

4.6.12   Junction

4.7   Derivation of Relationships

Chapter 5   Motivation Elements

5.1   Motivation Elements Metamodel

5.2   Motivation Elements Summary

5.3   Examples

5.3.1   Stakeholder, Driver, and Assessment

5.3.2   Goal, Outcome, Principle, Requirement, and Constraint

5.3.3   Meaning and Value

5.4   Relationships with Core Elements

Chapter 6   Strategy Elements

6.1   Strategy Elements Metamodel

6.2   Strategy Elements Summary

6.3   Strategy Elements Examples

6.4   Relationships with Motivation and Core Elements

Chapter 7   Business Layer

7.1   Business Layer Metamodel

7.2   Active Structure Elements

7.3   Behavior Elements

7.4   Passive Structure Elements

7.5   Composite Elements

7.6   Examples

7.6.1   Business Active Structure Elements

7.6.2   Business Behavior Elements

7.6.3   Business Passive Structure Elements

7.6.4   Business Composite Element: Product

Chapter 8   Application Layer

8.1   Application Layer Metamodel

8.2   Active Structure Elements

8.3   Behavior Elements

8.4   Passive Structure Concepts

8.5   Examples

8.5.1   Application Active Structure Elements

8.5.2   Application Behavior Elements

8.5.3   Application Passive Structure Elements

Chapter 9   Technology Layer

9.1   Technology Layer Metamodel

9.2   Active Structure Elements

9.3   Behavior Elements

9.4   Passive Structure Elements

9.5   Examples

9.5.1   Technology Active Structure Elements

9.5.2   Technology Behavior Elements

9.5.3   Technology Passive Structure Element: Artifact

Chapter 10   Physical Elements

10.1   Physical Elements Metamodel

10.2   Active Structure Elements

10.3   Behavior Elements

10.4   Passive Structure Elements

10.5   Physical Elements Example

Chapter 11   Relationships between Core Layers

11.1   Alignment of Business Layer and Lower Layers

11.2   Alignment of Application and Technology Layers

11.3   Cross-Layer Relationships Example

Chapter 12   Implementation and Migration Elements

12.1   Implementation and Migration Elements Metamodel

12.2   Implementation and Migration Elements

12.3   Implementation and Migration Elements Example

12.4   Relationships

12.5   Relationships to Other Aspects and Layers

Chapter 13   ArchiMate Viewpoints

13.1   Architecture Views and Viewpoints

13.2   Viewpoint Mechanism

Appendix A

Changes from Version 3.0.1 to Version 3.1




This Document

This is the Pocket Guide to the ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification, a standard of The Open Group. It is intended to help architects by providing a reference for the ArchiMate graphical modeling language and also assist managers in understanding the basics of the ArchiMate language. It is organized as follows:

•   Chapter 1 provides a high-level introduction to the ArchiMate Specification and its relationship to Enterprise Architecture

•   Chapter 2 describes the high-level structure of the ArchiMate language, including an introduction to layering, the ArchiMate Core Framework, and the ArchiMate Full Framework

•   Chapter 3 describes the Generic Metamodel for the language

•   Chapter 4 describes the relationships that the ArchiMate language includes to model the links between elements

•   Chapter 5 describes the Motivation Elements, which includes concepts such as goal, principle, and requirement

•   Chapter 6 describes the Strategy Elements, which includes concepts such as resource, capability, and course of action

•   Chapter 7 describes the Business Layer, which includes the modeling concepts relevant in the business domain

•   Chapter 8 describes the Application Layer, which includes modeling concepts relevant for software applications

•   Chapter 9 describes the Technology Layer, which includes modeling concepts relevant for system software applications and infrastructure

•   Chapter 10 describes the Physical Elements, which include concepts relevant for the modeling of physical concepts like machines and physical installations

•   Chapter 11 describes the relationships between different layers of the language

•   Chapter 12 describes the Implementation and Migration Elements, which include concepts to support modeling Enterprise Architecture-enabled transformation

•   Chapter 13 introduces the concept of ArchiMate Viewpoints

•   Appendix A contains a summary of the changes from ArchiMate Version 3.0.1 to ArchiMate Version 3.1

•   A Glossary of terms and Index are provided

The audience for this document is:

•   Enterprise architects, business architects, IT architects, application architects, data architects, software architects, systems architects, solutions architects, infrastructure architects, process architects, domain architects, product managers, operational managers, and senior managers seeking a first introduction to the ArchiMate modeling language

After reading this document, the reader seeking further information should refer to the ArchiMate documentation1 available online at

Conventions Used in this Document

The following conventions are used throughout this document in order to help identify important information and avoid confusion over the intended meaning:

•   Ellipsis (…)Indicates a continuation; such as an incomplete list of example items, or a continuation from preceding text.

•   BoldUsed to highlight specific terms.

•   ItalicsUsed for emphasis. May also refer to other external documents.

In addition to typographical conventions, the following convention is used to highlight segments of text:

A Note box is used to highlight useful or interesting information.

About The Open Group

The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards. Our diverse membership of more than 700 organizations includes customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tools vendors, integrators, academics, and consultants across multiple industries.

The mission of The Open Group is to drive the creation of Boundaryless Information Flow™ achieved by:

•   Working with customers to capture, understand, and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies, and share best practices

•   Working with suppliers, consortia, and standards bodies to develop consensus and facilitate interoperability, to evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies

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Further information on The Open Group is available at



1   ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification, a standard of The Open Group (C197), published by The Open Group, November 2019; refer to:


ArchiMate®, DirecNet®, Making Standards Work®, Open O® logo, Open O and Check® Certification logo, OpenPegasus®, Platform 3.0®, The Open Group®, TOGAF®, UNIX®, UNIXWARE®, and the Open Brand X® logo are registered trademarks and Agile Architecture Framework™, Boundaryless Information Flow™, Build with Integrity Buy with Confidence™, Dependability Through Assuredness™, Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge™, DPBoK™, EMMM™, FACE™, the FACE™ logo, IT4IT™, the IT4IT™ logo, O-AAF™, O-DEF™, O-HERA™, O-PAS™, Open FAIR™, Open Platform 3.0™, Open Process Automation™, Open Subsurface Data Universe™, Open Trusted Technology Provider™, O-SDU™, Sensor Integration Simplified™, SOSA™, and the SOSA™ logo are trademarks of The Open Group.

A Guide to the Business Architecture Body of Knowledge® and BIZBOK® are registered trademarks of the Business Architecture Guild. UML® and Unified Modeling Language® are registered trademarks and BPMN™ and Business Process Modeling Notation™ are trademarks of the Object Management Group.

All other brands, company, and product names are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks that are the sole property of their respective owners.

About the Authors

Andrew Josey

Andrew Josey is VP Standards and Certification, overseeing all certification and testing programs of The Open Group. He also manages the Standards Process for The Open Group. Since joining the company in 1996, Andrew has been closely involved with the standards development, certification, and testing activities of The Open Group. He has led many standards development projects including specification and certification development for the ArchiMate®, TOGAF®, IT4IT™, POSIX®, and UNIX® programs.

He is a member of the IEEE, USENIX, and the Association of Enterprise Architects (AEA). He holds an MSc in Computer Science from University College London.

Marc Lankhorst, BiZZdesign

Marc Lankhorst is Managing Consultant and Chief Technoloy Evangelist at BiZZdesign. He is responsible for market development, consulting, and coaching on digital business design and Enterprise Architecture, and spreading the word on the ArchiMate modeling language for EA. His expertise and interests range from Enterprise Architecture and business process management to agile methods, portfolio management, and digital business design. Previously, Marc was a Senior Member of Scientific Staff at Novay (formerly Telematica Instituut), where he managed the collaborative R&D project that developed the initial version of the ArchiMate language. He leads the core team of The Open Group ArchiMate Forum that has defined the new version of the standard.

Iver Band, Cambia Health Solutions