TOGAF® Version 9.1 - A Pocket Guide - Andrew Josey - E-Book

TOGAF® Version 9.1 - A Pocket Guide E-Book

Andrew Josey



Note: This book is available in several languages: Brazilian Portuguese, English, Spanish, French. This is the official Open Group Pocket Guide for TOGAF Version 9.1 and is published in hard copy and electronic format by Van Haren Publishing on behalf of The Open Group. TOGAF®, an Open Group Standard, is a proven enterprise architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency. It is the most prominent and reliable enterprise architecture standard, ensuring consistent standards, methods, and communication among enterprise architecture professionals. Enterprise architecture professionals fluent in TOGAF standards enjoy greater industry credibility, job effectiveness, and career opportunities. TOGAF helps practitioners avoid being locked into proprietary methods, utilize resources more efficiently and effectively, and realize a greater return on investment.

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The Open Group Publications available from Van Haren Publishing

The TOGAF Series:TOGAF® Version 9.1TOGAF® Version 9.1 - A Pocket GuideTOGAF® 9 Foundation Study Guide, 2nd EditionTOGAF® 9 Certified Study Guide, 2nd Edition

The Open Group Series:Cloud Computing for Business — The Open Group GuideArchimate® 2.0 Specification (Publishes 2012)

The Open Group Security Series:Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3)Open Enterprise Security Architecture (O-ESA)Risk Management — The Open Group Guide

All titles are available to purchase from:www.opengroup.orgwww.vanharen.netand also many international and online distributors.


TOGAF® Version 9.1 – A Pocket Guide

A publication of:

The Open Group


Andrew Josey

Rachel Harrison

Paul Homan

Matthew F. Rouse

Tom van Sante

Mike Turner

Paul van der Merwe


Van Haren Publishing, Zaltbommel,


978 90 8753 678 7


First edition, first impression December 2011

Layout and Cover design:

CO2 Premedia, Amersfoort-NL


Wilco, Amersfoort – NL


© 2008 - 2011 The Open Group

All rights reserved


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those of any particular member of The Open Group.

In the event of any discrepancy between text in this document and the official TOGAF documentation, the TOGAF documentation remains the authoritative version for certification, testing by examination, and other purposes. The official TOGAF documentation can be obtained online at

TOGAF® Version 9.1A Pocket GuideDocument Number: G117

Comments relating to the material contained in this document may be submitted to:

The Open GroupApex Plaza, Forbury RoadReadingBerkshire, RG1 1AXUnited Kingdom

or by electronic mail to: [email protected]




About the Authors


1       Introduction

1.1     Introduction to TOGAF

1.2     Structure of the TOGAF Document

1.3     What is Architecture in the Context of TOGAF?

1.4     What kinds of Architecture does TOGAF deal with?

1.5     What does TOGAF Contain?

1.5.1     The Architecture Development Method (ADM)

1.5.2     ADM Guidelines and Techniques

1.5.3     Architecture Content Framework

1.5.4     The Enterprise Continuum

1.5.5     TOGAF Reference Models

1.5.6     The Architecture Capability Framework

2       The Architecture Development Method

2.1     What is the ADM?

2.2     What are the Phases of the ADM?

2.3     The ADM in Detail

2.3.1     Preliminary Phase

2.3.2     Phase A: Architecture Vision

2.3.3     Phase B: Business Architecture

2.3.4     Phase C: Information Systems Architectures

2.3.5     Phase D: Technology Architecture

2.3.6     Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions

2.3.7     Phase F: Migration Planning

2.3.8     Phase G: Implementation Governance

2.3.9     Phase H: Architecture Change Management

2.3.10   Requirements Management

2.4     Scoping the Architecture Activity

3       Key Techniques and Deliverables of the ADM Cycle

3.1     Tailored Architecture Framework

3.2     Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture

3.3     Architecture Principles

3.3.1     Developing Architecture Principles

3.3.2     Defining Architecture Principles

3.3.3     Qualities of Principles

3.3.4     Applying Architecture Principles

3.4     Business Principles, Business Goals, and Business Drivers

3.5     Architecture Repository

3.6     Architecture Tools

3.7     Request for Architecture Work

3.8     Statement of Architecture Work

3.9     Architecture Vision

3.10   Stakeholder Management

3.10.1   Steps in the Stakeholder Management Process

3.11   Communications Plan

3.12   Business Transformation Readiness Assessment

3.13   Capability Assessment

3.14   Risk Management

3.15   Architecture Definition Document

3.15.1   Business Architecture

3.15.2   Information Systems Architectures

3.15.3   Technology Architecture

3.16   Architecture Requirements Specification

3.16.1   Business Architecture Requirements

3.16.2   Information Systems Architectures Requirements

3.16.3   Technology Architecture Requirements

3.16.4   Interoperability Requirements

3.17   Architecture Roadmap

3.18   Business Scenarios

3.19   Gap Analysis

3.20   Architecture Viewpoints

3.21   Architecture Views

3.21.1   Developing Views in the ADM

3.22   Architecture Building Blocks

3.23   Solution Building Blocks

3.24   Capability-Based Planning

3.25   Migration Planning Techniques

3.25.1   Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix

3.25.2   Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix

3.25.3   Architecture Definition Increments Table

3.25.4   Transition Architecture State Evolution Table

3.25.5   Business Value Assessment Technique

3.26   Implementation and Migration Plan

3.27   Transition Architecture

3.28   Implementation Governance Model

3.29   Architecture Contracts

3.30   Change Request

3.31   Compliance Assessment

3.32   Requirements Impact Assessment

4       Guidelines for Adapting the ADM

4.1     Introduction

4.2     Applying Iteration to the ADM

4.3     Applying the ADM across the Architecture Landscape

4.4     Security Architecture and the ADM

4.5     Using TOGAF to Define and Govern SOAs

4.5.1     Using TOGAF for SOA

5     Architecture Content Framework

5.1     Architecture Content Framework Overview

5.2     Content Metamodel

5.2.1     Core and Extensions

5.2.2     Catalogs, Matrices, and Diagrams

5.3     Architectural Artifacts

5.4     Architecture Deliverables

5.5     Building Blocks

6       The Enterprise Continuum

6.1     Overview of the Enterprise Continuum

6.1.1     The Enterprise Continuum and Architecture Re-Use

6.1.2     Using the Enterprise Continuum within the ADM

6.2     Architecture Partitioning

6.3     Architecture Repository

6.3.1     The Enterprise Repository

7       TOGAF Reference Models

7.1     TOGAF Foundation Architecture

7.1.1     Technical Reference Model (TRM)

7.2     Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM)

8       Architecture Capability Framework

8.1     Establishing an Architecture Capability

8.2     Architecture Governance

8.3     Architecture Board

8.4     Architecture Compliance

8.5     Architecture Skills Framework

Appendix A Migration Summary




This Document

This is the Pocket Guide to TOGAF®, an Open Group Standard, Version 9.1. It is intended to help architects focus on the efficient and effective operations of their organization and senior managers understand the basics of TOGAF. It is organized as follows:

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