Attention Games - Barbara Sher - E-Book

Attention Games E-Book

Barbara Sher

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If you want to focus children's attention, you first have to capture their interest. Attention Games is filled with interesting and child-tested activities that can help children of all ages become better at focusing and paying attention. By sharing the upbeat, joyful activities in Attention Games, you can enhance your child's intelligence, boost his confidence, increase his ability to concentrate on one thing for long periods, and show that you care. Developed by Barbara Sher--parent, teacher, play therapy specialist and pediatric occupational therapist--these activities are specially designed to encourage kids to expand their powers of attention in ways that will help them throughout their lives.

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Seitenzahl: 208

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2010

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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
How to Contact the Author
PART ONE - Games for Infants
Follow My Face
Stick Out Your Tongue
The Glory of Hands
Sock on a Bottle
Perfect Rattles
First Exercises
Visually Amused
A Light Touch
Can You Hear What I Hear?
A Very Merry Unbirthday
Pokey Pudding Hole
Dangling Toys
Bat the Ball
High Chair Fling
Ice Cube on a Tray
If It Doesn’t Hurt—It’s a Toy
A Spotlight in the Dark
What’s out There?
Where’d It Go?
PART TWO - Games for 1- to 3-Year-Olds
Bracelet of Leaves
The Enchantment of Water
Follow the Floating Feather
The Knocking Game
Ping-Pong Balls and Coffee Cans
Surprise Me
The Feely Game
What Is That Sound?
From Beginning to End
Being a Radio
Catch a Falling Scarf
Instant Picture
You’ve Got Mail
Magnet Hunt
Put a Lid on It
Ooh–Smell This!
What’s in the Sock?
PART THREE - Games for 3- to 6-Year-Olds
My Story Is the Best Story
Another Viewpoint
Art de Deux
Batting Practice
The Happening Book
Lessons from the Rocks
Mismatched Tea Party
Plenty Peanut Hunt
Regroup Time
Shadow Games
Deck of Cards
Hand on Top
How Many?
Indoor Picture Hunt
Mexican Yo-Yo
Going on a Monster Hunt
Paint the World
The Perfect Gifts
Sounds Right
Word Matching
PART FOUR - Games for 6- to 12-Year-Olds
All the Things You Can Think Of
Back Writing
Belly Counts
Expanding Interest
Focused Fidgeting
Guess How Old
How Do You Look?
Junk Box Art
Name the Sounds
Police Report
Ring of String
Shelf Paper Story
Thinking Box
I’m the Teacher
My Mind Is a TV Screen
Paper Plethora
Potato Puppets
Sensory Matching
Tile Painting
Backwards Time Management
Toe Stepping
Toothpick Art
PART FIVE - Games for Teens
Accentuate the Positive
Achy Breaky Heart
Annoyed with the Flower Bud
Five Good Moments
Getting the Priorities
My Special Things
I’m Like That Sometimes
Imagine That!
Send Joy to Bulgaria
Life Is a Movie, and You Are the Star!
List Your Options
Name the Consequences
Postcard Diaries
Ten Breaths
The Home Videographer
Waiter, Take My Order
Flip-Flop Stamps
Word Puzzles
Copyright © 2006 by Barbara Sher. All rights reserved. Illustrations copyright © 2006 by Ralph Butler. All rights reserved.
Published by Jossey-Bass
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sher, Barbara.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-73654-7 (alk. paper)
1. Educational games. 2. Attention in children. I. Title: 101 fun, easy games that help kids learn to focus. II. Title: One hundred and one fun, easy games that help kids learn to focus. III. Title. LB1029.G3S.33’7—dc22
This book is dedicated to all the unique children I have had the joy and honor of working and playing with.
To make a book, an author needs a publisher, editors, an artist, and a production crew. For this I have my very able editor, Kate Bradford; her competent assistant, Connie Santisteban; a creative illustrator, Ralph Butler; and a production crew headed up by the very capable Justin Frahm. I’m grateful for them all.
To come up with ideas for the text, an author needs inspirational coworkers and friends who are equally interested in the world of children. For this I have the “Dream Team” at the Special Education/Early Childhood Program in the Northern Mariana Islands of Saipan—namely, Dora Palacios-Won, Mark and Patty Staal, Jerry Diaz, Fidelia Ruben, Tracy Nance, Mercy Tisa, Ataur Rahman, Judy Hawkins, Yollanda Lelly, and Rita Olopai. I appreciate and adore them all.
To take pleasure in the writing process, an author needs loving support from friends and family. For this I have many wonderful people: Marissa and Mark SherKenney; Roxanne Sher-Skelton, Ehren Olson; Anna Sher; Fran Simon; Trisha and David Ferlic; Shirley Sher; Don Cohen; Monty Sher; Glo Harris; Bonnie, Jenna, Marc, Jacob, and Leslie Wilson; Maxwell, Griffin, Jessica, and Stewart Evans; Jenny Slack; Nolan and Manny Mariano; Rita Bonnici; Susan Book; Jill Derickson; Ericka Frink; and all my precious Humboldt County buddies. I love them all back.
But to make my book have heart, this author needed children to field test the games. My deep appreciation goes to all the children I play with every day in my work, especially the ones who show me that there really is something special about being “special.” Thank you for teaching me that humans come in many flavors. And they are all good.
If you want to focus children’s attention, you first have to capture their interest. In this book, I’ll show you how to get children’s attention with fun and interesting games and how to help them expand their powers of attention in ways that will benefit them throughout their lives.
Everyone is paying attention to something. What that something is and how long the attention is captured are the variables.

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