Being Unique - Nicole Luck - E-Book

Being Unique E-Book

Nicole Luck

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Nicole Luck gives us a unique, inspiring anthology of deeply inspiring poetry with relevance for all mankind. These poems carry a message of hope for all of us, no matter our colour, creed, religion or spiritual persuasion. The amazing thing is that she puts her finger precisely on universal themes, emphasising issues such as kindness, compassion, truthfulness and above all, love. A thread is her emphasis on being your own person, speaking with your own, unique voice and following your destiny. With a deft hand she switches between such universal issues and the lives of the humble postman and the train driver, showing their links with us all. When you read these poems, you can't help feeling that she is speaking directly to you, your soul and to your situation in life. What a pleasure!

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Seitenzahl: 50

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