Energy of Uniqueness - Nicole Luck - E-Book

Energy of Uniqueness E-Book

Nicole Luck

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From author Nicole Luck comes Energy of Uniqueness, a beautiful poetic anthology on the themes of love, honesty, individuality, and compassion. Luck contemplates the varied and hitherto unexpected problems and changes in the self, the community, and the gravity and urgency of life which the early 2020s have brought upon us, and ponders over their solutions in this thoughtful and charming work.

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Seitenzahl: 31

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Imprint 4

Entrance 5

Hollow 6

Verge 7

Skilful 8

Convey 9

Inability 10

Accountable 11

Thrive 12

Wonder 13

Guidance 14

Masquerade 15

Energizer 16

Worth 17

Achiever 18

Lifeless 19

Silky 20

Plenty 21

Stroll 22

Grounded 23

Constraints 24

Uneasy 25

Walls 26

Close 27

Deserted 28

Dawn 29

Dire 30

Race 31

Time 32

React 33

Cope 34

Strategies 35

Ignore 36

Cost 37

Lost 38

Remain 39

Move 40

Alive 41

Understand 42

Explain 43

Burden 44

Afraid 45

Hold 46

Succumb 47

Dream 48

Passage 49

Part 50

Bigger 51

U-turns 52

Contribute 53

Love 54

Deep 55

Lies 56

More 57

Suppress 58

Live 59

Defy 60

Cease 61

Reach 62

Hold 63

Unknown 64

Mind 65

Unique 66

Sacrifice 67

Life 68

Component 69

Both 70

Jigsaw 71

Potential 72

Presence 73

Fear 74

Footsteps 75

Conflict 76

Positive 77

Cheerfulness 78

Frighten 79

Forgotten 80

Trial 81

Risk 82


All rights of distribution, also through movies, radio and television, photomechanical reproduction, sound carrier, electronic medium and reprinting in excerpts are reserved.

© 2021 novum publishing

ISBN print edition: 978-3-903861-79-4

ISBN e-book: 978-3-903861-80-0

Editor: Ashleigh Brassfield, DipEdit

Cover images: Pitris |

Cover design, layout & typesetting:novum publishing


Enter the kingdom of light.

For there you will find peace and harmony.

For that is your soul.

The entity.

The energy that flows thru all of us.

To be unique.

For we are unique.

For that is the beauty of being alive not only within but all around us.

The soul.

It is a combination of time, space and more.

The soul.

Oh, the soul.

For without you, where would we be.

Everywhere and nowhere.


Do you feel it.

I can’t explain it.

It’s in the atmosphere.



The energy that flows thru me.


How to explain this feeling.

For even I cannot put it into words.

I just sense it.

Its like the universe is holding its breath.

In anticipation.

For what?


We are on the verge of many new exciting things.

The verge where humans begin to look inside.

For the soul is wanting to expand.

For the time has come, has it not?

Can you feel it?

When you walk in nature, you can feel the earth beneath your feet.

The energy that flows thru constantly.

For the soul is on the verge of wanting to bring forth a message.

Oh, I can’t wait what it is for something wonderful.

Be patient and be open.


To be skilful.

Requires skill in being able to convey what you are wanting to say.

To have that skill to lead.

For not all have that skill which leaders need.

For there are those among us who have the courage to be strong.

For they have learned the art of being among many.

For it takes patience, a calmness within, a sense of justice to all mankind and more.

To be skilful.

Do you have the necessary skills?


To convey the truth.

For many have the inability to do so.

To be upfront.

For it takes courage.

Courage to be honest.

For humans have a difficulty in accepting the truth.

Even thou they like to be told the truth then the opposite.

But often times they prefer to be lied to for it helps to ease the pain.

Am I wrong to say this?

I don’t know.

Its just a feeling I have.

For I would prefer to be told the truth then to be lied to.



That inability to be truthful.

For there are creatures in today’s world who would rather blame others then themselves.

That inability to look within and sort thru their life experiences.