Brat In Hot Pants: Taboo NC Erotica - Irene Booth - E-Book

Brat In Hot Pants: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Irene Booth

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

"Hey, where did that sweet little cunt come from?" the new tenant asked as a curvy little brunette swung past them and walked through the apartment complex. "Oooooh, wouldn't I like to run my cock into that little tail."
"Stay clear of that piece," his friend cautioned. "That's off limits. She's the owner's daughter."
"So she's John Phillips' daughter," the first snapped back, "so what? John fucks every unmarried cunt around and half the married ones. I hear his son does the same."
"Sure, sure," his sandy-haired companion soothed, "but his delicious little daughter is not part of the game around here. Old John protects her like she was the Virgin Mary herself."
"A few more years," the taller man commented, "and I expect that little piece of tail is going to have her own ideas. You see the way she walked? You see how she swung that ass for us? You see the way she sticks out those luscious tits? That little lady is ready to be fucked!"

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Brat In Hot Pants

Irene Booth

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 1

"Stay clear of that piece," his friend cautioned. "That's off limits. She's the owner's daughter."

"So she's John Phillips' daughter," the first snapped back, "so what? John fucks every unmarried cunt around and half the married ones. I hear his son does the same."

"Sure, sure," his sandy-haired companion soothed, "but his delicious little daughter is not part of the game around here. Old John protects her like she was the Virgin Mary herself."

"A few more years," the taller man commented, "and I expect that little piece of tail is going to have her own ideas. You see the way she walked? You see how she swung that ass for us? You see the way she sticks out those luscious tits? That little lady is ready to be fucked!"

Mikki Phillips heard only a part of the conversation behind her. She heard the first comment of the tall, good-looking man. That was enough to bring an expression of distaste to the girl's face. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That's all they ever thought about! She clenched her teeth and walked rapidly along the walk, ignoring the slow tinge that rippled through her cunt.

The new tenant must be Mr. Davidson. She'd heard her dad and brother talking last night about Mrs. Davidson's appearance. Both the men in her life were looking forward to having the slender young blonde wife as part of the apartment community. The girl smiled as she imagined how Giselda up in 12-B would feel about having another sexy blonde about. Giselda was her dad's regular girl friend, at least when he wasn't screwing one of the other women. He always came back to Giselda, tough. He might lay someone else during the day, but he could always be found up in 12-B at night.

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