Cringing Chrissy - Irene Booth - E-Book

Cringing Chrissy E-Book

Irene Booth

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"Go prepare yourself for your punishment. And I had better not be kept waiting for you to comply."

"Yy... yes, sir," she responded in the only acceptable way as she felt the unmistakable sexual rush she always got when he said similar words to her. With as much grace as she could summons, she turned and as she hurried down the hallway leading to what she considered the punishment room, her fingers were already unbuttoning her childish blouse.

Opening the door, she walked in and closed the door behind her. Placing her blouse on the assigned table at the side of the room, her eyes could not stop themselves from looking over at what she considered the whipping post.

From floor to ceiling, it was constructed of a smooth wood measuring a good six inches on all four sides. Shinning chrome chains hung from hooks driven into the ceiling. Leather padded cuffs hung from both of them. Another set of cuffs rested on the floor, their hooks embedded in opposing walls.

Disrobing as fast as her shaking fingers would allow her, Chrissy's gaze refused to leave the whipping post. How many times over the years had she been held by those leather bands? Hundreds?Or thousands? At least that many she concluded as she placed the last of her clothing on the table and walked to the post.

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Cringing Chrissy

Irene Booth

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Cringing Chrissy










"Go prepare yourself for your punishment. And I had better not be kept waiting for you to comply."

"Yy... yes, sir," she responded in the only acceptable way as she felt the unmistakable sexual rush she always got when he said similar words to her. With as much grace as she could summons, she turned and as she hurried down the hallway leading to what she considered the punishment room, her fingers were already unbuttoning her childish blouse.

Opening the door, she walked in and closed the door behind her. Placing her blouse on the assigned table at the side of the room, her eyes could not stop themselves from looking over at what she considered the whipping post.

From floor to ceiling, it was constructed of a smooth wood measuring a good six inches on all four sides. Shinning chrome chains hung from hooks driven into the ceiling. Leather padded cuffs hung from both of them. Another set of cuffs rested on the floor, their hooks embedded in opposing walls.

Disrobing as fast as her shaking fingers would allow her, Chrissy's gaze refused to leave the whipping post. How many times over the years had she been held by those leather bands? Hundreds?Or thousands? At least that many she concluded as she placed the last of her clothing on the table and walked to the post.

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