Rural Wife: Taboo Erotica - Irene Booth - E-Book

Rural Wife: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Irene Booth

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Excerpt From This Full Length Novel:

"Come on, let's have the tape."
"I want to fuck first."
"All right," Jess laughed. "Still the same hot little twat, aren't you, baby. I'd have thought Harry took some of the steam out of your pussy last night."
"He was all right. Naive as hell. Oh, Jess-nobody can fuck like you, and you know it! God, I nearly raped you last niglit! If it hadn't been for that damn Sheila ..."
"She's not here now," he said thickly.
"Then fuck me, Jess! Fuck me and fuck me!"
Their voices dimmed. Harry's ear went bloodless as he mashed it up against the door. He could hear them still talking, and he visualized them going into the bedroom.
His heart pounded. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. A tape! What tape? What were they to each other? And all her moaning and groaning last night ...all fraud?

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Rural Wife

Irene Booth

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

Harry hadn't fucked her for two weeks least. In fact, he hadn't done a proper job of it for longer than she cared to remember. Just those quick jabbing sessions that left her more frustrated than before she'd let him climb on top of her, Cassie sighed shakily. She shifted slightly on the chaise and felt the warm sun toast her dainty little body to an even deeper tan. She wondered wryly if that was the way it was with all the girls with deep tans. So bored and frustrated there was nothing to do but lie around baking.

She parted her thighs slightly and felt the material of her bikini panties stick for a moment to her left pussy lip and pull the puffy fold of sweet flesh from the right one, making her cunt hole open moistly inside the panties.

She shivered. She wasn't cold. God, she was sweating. She shivered because of the tingling sensations running through her body. They were becoming terribly strong ...nearly more than she could stand to ignore much longer.

She felt her tight, conical tits swell and harden inside the cups of the white halter. She lifted her knee and settled herself again. She looked at the even, golden tan she was getting. A whisp of her silky hair blew over her shoulder, and she saw that the dark blond was light straw now, because of the sun.

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