Brat's Fickle Mommy: Taboo Erotica - Kristin Sharkey - E-Book

Brat's Fickle Mommy: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Kristin Sharkey

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Lisa stood in the doorway, enjoying the way Sam Mallo's mouth fell when he saw her open the door. He had been expecting her mother because Lisa had neglected to tell him Gail had gone away for the weekend. Now, as Sam stepped into the small apartment, shutting the door behind him, Lisa broke the news to him. Anger immediately clouded his brow.
"Why didn't your mother tell me before this?" Sam wanted to know.
"I was supposed to come to your store and tell you, last Tuesday," Lisa said, smiling. "For obvious reasons, I didn't."
"Hey, now wait a minute, Lisa. You're a pretty girl, and I like you a lot, but if you think I'm going to do something here in your apartment, especially, well, I mean . . . "
"You mean especially since you've been making mom happy here?" Lisa asked. "Look, Sam. I sneaked up the fire escape one night, and I saw what you did with mom. And I think it's only right you do the same thing with me."
"Hey, wait a minute. You don't understand. Lisa, that's the way babies are made. You could become pregnant."
"Well my mom seems to be keeping herself from having any babies."
"Yeah, well your mom knows how."

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Brat's Fickle Mommy

Kristin Sharkey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 1

Gail had gone out with Sam Mallo a half-dozen times, now. The first time he had simply walked her to her door and said good-night. The second time he had kissed her gently. The third time he had kissed her passionately, and she had liked it. The fourth time, they had kissed in his car, and his hand had touched her firm breasts under her dress. The fifth time she had let him dip his finger between her thighs, managing to keep him from going further by promising she would willingly give him everything on the next date. And this was it.

Gail had a eighteen-year-old daughter, Lisa. Lisa was as tall as her mother, with long, straight, dark-brown hair. Her face had an innocent, babyish quality about it that captivated almost every male who saw her.

Gail had been careful about Lisa's upbringing to the point of prudishness. She forbade her daughter's taking part in any physical fitness programs because she didn't want Lisa undressing and showing her naked body to anyone; not even other girls. So Lisa was also excluded from hygiene classes and sex education courses. And since Lisa was a loner, not associating with other girls in school, she learned nothing from them, either. When it came to sex, Lisa knew absolutely nothing, and Gail intended keeping her ignorant until the young girl was finally married, which ought not to be for many years, yet.

Knowing what was going to happen between Sam and herself, Gail had insisted Lisa spend the night at her grandmother's house, a few blocks away. Gail's mother was just as strict as Gail, so the women knew Lisa would be under constant supervision.

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