Found In The Web Of Lust - Kristin Sharkey - E-Book

Found In The Web Of Lust E-Book

Kristin Sharkey

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…

"Ohhh, lover, I knew you were the dude for me," Violette purred sexily. She lay back on the luxurious vicuna, folded her hands behind her head, and looked up into the ceiling mirror intently.

First, I playfully caressed and kissed the soreness, talking to her as if she were a little injured child. "Poor baby, her teeny footsie got all hurtsy." Then I licked sensually upward over the heavy, smooth leg, nipping lightly with my teeth on the inner surface of her tender white thighs. Violette grabbed my hands and pressed them onto the mounds of her full breasts. Inhaling deeply, I pushed my nose into the curly, soft, blonde triangle that enclosed the musky-scented vagina. Her groin twitched uncontrollably as my darting tongue swirled up and down teasingly on the protruding, wet lips.

"Ohhh, you're too good, kid," Violette murmured, spreading her legs wider.

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Found In The Web Of Lust

Kristin Sharkey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 1

"Hi, Prentiss, I've been waiting," she welcomed me, her voice wavering with uncertainty. I walked past her into the little room. I noticed a tall, homely girl sitting on the couch staring at me suspiciously, her arms folded tightly across her huge bosom. "Prentiss, you remember Jodi, my roommate," Mona said, closing the door. "I think you met her at class. Jodi's not interested in acting, but she loves the work backstage. Maybe it's because she's got it all to herself-too many stars out front," she laughed.

"Yeah, sure, hello there." I tried to sound friendly, as Jodi gave me a sour half-smile in return.

"Thanks for coming over to rehearse with me," Mona chattered on. "I'm kind of anxious to get this scene down pat. This production we're in is going to be a real showcase, and we've got to be the best skit of the night. But, oh, honey, do all the other gals hate me, because we were paired together!" She looked toward Jodi. "Don't you think he's the sexiest thing we've ever had in class?"

I laughed, a little embarrassed, running my hands through my thick, blond hair.

"Really," Jodi commented coolly.

"Sit down." Mona gestured to me as she picked up a script from the coffee table. I plopped down on the couch next to Jodi, who was sitting primly in one corner. "You can't imagine how much Jodi has been helping me memorize this scene for class next week. She's been doing the man's part."

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