Castle Of Slaves: Taboo BDSM Erotica - Kristin Sharkey - E-Book

Castle Of Slaves: Taboo BDSM Erotica E-Book

Kristin Sharkey

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I lay totally exhausted at his feet. My body utterly battered, beaten and bruised. My hands were still tied underneath my back, my legs were widely spread as ordered as Doug began to speak in a quiet, hushed voice as his toes dove in and out of my spread cunt lips and occasionally he would curl his toes and pull on my pubic hairs as I wreathed at his feet.

"You know, Chrissy, if I could obtain about ten more like you I could start fulfilling my dream."

His toes curled around again and pulled some of my soaked hairs and as the delightful pain swept through me, I asked, "What dream, Master?"

"My dream for Chattel Castle."

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Castle Of Slaves

Kristin Sharkey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Castle Of Slaves

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

I lay totally exhausted at his feet. My body utterly battered, beaten and bruised. My hands were still tied underneath my back, my legs were widely spread as ordered as Doug began to speak in a quiet, hushed voice as his toes dove in and out of my spread cunt lips and occasionally he would curl his toes and pull on my pubic hairs as I wreathed at his feet.

"You know, Chrissy, if I could obtain about ten more like you I could start fulfilling my dream."

His toes curled around again and pulled some of my soaked hairs and as the delightful pain swept through me, I asked, "What dream, Master?"

"My dream for Chattel Castle."

"And what is Chattel Castle?"

"Well, right now it just a dream. I remember the first time I dreamed it. I was all of eighteen."

"I had just dropped off Maryann after a delightful date. Maryann was always one to experiment and that night she had asked me to spank her ass."

"At first I thought she was joking, but then she assured me that she wasn't. And to be honest the thought of hitting her gorgeous ass with my hand sent a thrill through me. So I did."

"I flipped her over my lap and brought my hand down to her waiting ass cheeks."

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