Breathe Consciously, Live Intensely - Christina Koller - E-Book

Breathe Consciously, Live Intensely E-Book

Christina Koller



In her first book "BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY - LIVE INTENSELY" VAGUS FLOW® and the Art of Breathing, Christina Koller shares the insights and techniques she has developed over the years. Her principle "The quality of your breath determines the quality of your life" reflects her conviction that the breath plays a central role in our well-being. With VAGUS FLOW®, she shows how the breath helps us to stay anchored in our dynamic everyday lives and to de-stress through conscious breathing without having to step out of our active lives. Dr Ingfried Hobert, MD, aptly describes the impact and depth of Christina's work: "I am touched by the mindful honesty and authenticity with which Christina Koller takes us on a journey to ourselves through the "art of breathing". In a gentle way, she reveals the secrets of the refreshing and enchanting power of conscious and observant breathing and how we can use it together with special exercises to find deep self-awareness and calm, especially in stressful times. With the VAGUS FLOW® exercises she has developed, she shows us how we can strengthen our emotional resilience and thus our mental and physical health, reduce stress and find self-knowledge and self-love through a mindful connection of heart and mind." Christina's aim is to promote the health and well-being of her readers through practical approaches and interventions that are suitable for everyday use. VAGUS FLOW® is a method that can be used anywhere. It has a profound effect: it influences the autonomic nervous system directly via the breath, promotes resilience, supports positive thought patterns and helps to overcome negative thoughts more quickly. Through targeted training in breathing and body awareness, readers learn to sharpen their focus and recognise their inner strength and uniqueness. Christina emphasises that the greatest challenge lies in the regularity of the practice and the integration of conscious breathing into everyday life. Christina Koller's work is an invitation to discover the art of breathing and to experience its power. With "BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY - LIVE INTENSIVELY", she offers a practical guide to finding inner orientation, increased well-being and serenity through the breath.

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A Word at the Beginning

About Me

How it all began

My mission

Part 1 · Theory

Facts and Figures

Breath Therapy - 3 Types of Breath

The Philosophy of VAGUS FLOW®

The Breath as a Key

Vegetative Nervous System

Vagus Nerve

Emotional Component

Stress Breathing, Overbreathing and Hyperacidity

The Anatomical Processes of Breathing

External and Internal Breathing

Lung Capacity

Polyvagal Theory


Ventral Vagus – Green Area

Sympathetic Nervous System – Red Area

Dorsal Vagus – Blue Area

Terror Barrier



Panic Attacks




Analysing the Autonomic Nervous System

Various Breathing Techniques

Music, Breath and Movement


Everyday Tips

Values – a Path to Inner Peace

Non-Violent Communication

Part 2 · Exercises





Closing Words




In the course of our daily lives, we change our breathing rhythms unconsciously - again and again. Even back and forth, hectic or calm, prolonging or shortening life. At least always, otherwise we would no longer be here!

Our breath of life has been given a lot of attention in this book and it is worth rethinking how we deal with it.

It would be so important to (learn to) fill our own breath with much more awareness. This shows around and in our eyes, not just with a smile.

With my way of analysing the eyes and with the methods of the Polyvagal Theory (Stephen W. Porges), I always find my way back to the rhythm of the human breath in my working life. Expressly, when I am allowed to carry out an eye analysis. We humans can keep ourselves more tired or more active with the feedback mode of our own breath. Isn’t that marvellous? It is the vagal circuits of our own breathing frequency that can unleash unexpected forces or brakes within us. Every breathing frequency allows us to draw important conclusions about our current health. Visible in the sclera and iris of both eyes. Right eye sympathetic / left eye parasympathetic / comparison of both eye differences shows the current vagus state.

Healthy people breathe passively - on average 10 to 15 times per minute. This respiratory volume is 6 to 9 litres of air per minute; around 0.5 litres per breath. This equates to around 23,000 breaths and around 12 cubic metres of air per day. An enormous power that can be utilised if we want to!

In this book, Christina Koller shows us so beautifully how we can learn to re-calibrate our own breathing - how life will flow more smoothly again if we integrate the many exercises she has provided.

Enjoy reading, slow down, simplify and deepen.

Prof. Rita Fasel, Bü

I Dedicate this Book to

Till Akira


Luna Makena

„May VAGUS FLOW® give you the courage to face your deepest fears, pursue your highest dreams and live a life of authenticity and contentment.“

A Word at the Beginning

Dear Reader

In an everyday life that often leaves us hardly any time to breathe, I invite you to welcome every moment with open arms and an alert heart with „Breathe consciously - live intensively“ and the VAGUS FLOW® method. Your breath is your constant guide.

On my path, which has taken me through many years of in-depth training in social work, yoga and breathing therapy, I have gained deep insights into the human psyche, the body and its incredible ability to heal itself. I have completed each of these training programmes with a certificate, but the real certificate lies in the experiences and the changes I have been able to bring about in myself and others.

These insights and experiences lead to VAGUS FLOW®, a method that uses the power of your breath to harmonise you with yourself and the world around you.

The vagus nerve is a central player in your parasympathetic nervous system and is your key to deep relaxation and well-being.

With VAGUS FLOW® you get:

Exercises Suitable for Everyday LifeDiscover how a few minutes of mindfulness every day can stimulate your vagus nerve and significantly improve your overall well-being.

Strengthen your Emotional ResilienceRecognise how you can reduce stress, reduce anxiety and increase your emotional resilience through conscious breathing.

Improved Physical and Mental HealthExperience the positive effects on the cardiovascular system, digestion and immune system.

Deeper Self-KnowledgeFind self-knowledge and self-love through the mindful connection of body and mind.

My method is designed to integrate seamlessly into your everyday life. No special equipment or extraordinary circumstances are required. Whether at the beginning of your day, during a short break at work or as a quiet finale in the evening - VAGUS FLOW® is your constant companion as you take steps towards a safer and more fulfilling life.

Through my developed concept, VAGUS FLOW®, you will learn to breathe consciously, to be connected with your emotions and thus to live more intensely.

The inner journey is the greatest life adventure that makes you rich and shows you how to recognise every day as a special gift.

SUSTAIN, SIMPLIFY, DEEPEN – these principles lead you back to your natural rhythm and into the now. Life becomes easier when you are present. This presence invites you to relax and deepen your experiences.

RECOGNISE: Patience, mindfulness and perseverance will be your companions on this journey. Sometimes the mind may be faster than the heart, but trust that both will come into harmony to support you.

I recommend taking notes to intensify your thoughts and realisations. These notes are not only a tool for your personal development, but also a space for reflection, insight and growth.

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you and accompanying you on the path to your inner strength. May VAGUS FLOW® give you the courage to shape your life in an authentic and fulfilling way.

With best regards, Christina Koller

About Me

„Slow Down, Simplify and Deepen.“

At the age of 17, I left home to explore the world as a globetrotter. On my journey through life, I experienced highs and lows and gained valuable life experience.

After many hellish rides and low blows, I created the life that suits me from the depths. Harmful structures and behaviours, destructive people automatically lost access to me. Through this liberation, I was able to recompose and reorganise myself.

I now draw from the full and bring my experiences, combined with my expertise, to the outside world. I want to encourage and empower people to shed layer upon layer of their numbness and woundedness so that they can once again hear their very own rhythm, their heart’s voice, their needs and their dreams.

Over the past three decades, I have expanded and explored my knowledge and experience in tourism, social work, yoga and breathing therapy.

Three concepts move me and I always put them centre stage:

Slowing down, simplifying and deepening.

As a breath therapist, I am passionate about my values. I apply them in all areas of my life and constantly check whether I am being true to myself.

The holistic fascinates me deeply, as does the power of communication and the refinement of the choice of words. My life has been characterised by an intense preoccupation with people.

In the majestic Engadine mountains, my home, I find peace, inspiration and strength. This is where I recharge my batteries and find myself again.

The births of my two children were the most powerful moments of my life. Spending time with them is invaluable to me and enriches my life in a way that can hardly be put into words.

I am deeply grateful for the variety and diversity that life has given me. I allow myself to savour all these opportunities, knowing where my roots and my happiness are at home.

My horses are my faithful companions, they make me laugh and keep me healthy. I experience the freedom and wildness of the Engadin most intensely on long gallops through the woods. Endless forays through thickets and mountains are just as much a part of me as picking berries, mushrooms and plants. Nature is my retreat and my source of inspiration.

Breathing, meditation and physical work have kept me fit and helped me to connect with myself.

I enjoy being alone, reading, travelling, dancing and writing. But I also value the dialogue and inspiration I find in the company of others.

How it All Began

„There it was - that breath that changed my life.

A moment of the deepest disorientation and of darkness. Nothing on the outside could give me stability and support. And suddenly it flowed through me.

A quiet silver thread of hope and direction appeared before me.

It was this one breath that healed my world and reassembled me - resurrected me and breathed life into me.

I felt my body. Trust in myself returned, guided by the breath and a new confidence.“

The moment I described, the one deep breath that changed my life, symbolises the vital power that lies in every single breath.

Our breathing is more than just an automatic process. It is a gateway to our inner self, a tool to regulate our emotions and a way to improve our wellbeing. Conscious breathing unites the heart and mind.

The aim is to support you on your personal journey and give you tools to use your breathing as a source of healing and personal transformation. Be invited to be open to new experiences and allow yourself to explore your breath and your inner world in order to write your personal story.

The illustrations are simplified schematic representations of anatomy and physiology. They are intended to help you understand the VAGUS FLOW® theory and its effect on the body and psyche.

Have fun discovering and experiencing.

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My Mission

Hey you, yes, exactly you!

I am here to invite you on an exciting journey to your essence. As an experienced practitioner of the art of breathing and creator of the VAGUS FLOW® method, I am here to be your personal guide. Together we will awaken the courage within you to not only exist, but to shine and realise your full potential.

I am here to encourage you to not only recognise your uniqueness, but to live it!

Why the Breath?

Ah, the breath! So simple, so clear, so honest.

Imagine holding a magic wand in your hand - that’s your breath. It connects your body with your mind and chats non-stop with your autonomic nervous system. Every breath is a step on the path to you.

Your breath never lies - it is your personal compass that supports and guides you always and everywhere.

Jump with me into a life full of awareness, energy and natural, fulfilling breaths. With VAGUS FLOW®️, this is no longer a dream - it’s your new reality.

What you get from me and VAGUS FLOW®


I give you my extensive knowledge from around 25 years of work experience in accompanying and guiding people, the practice and teaching of yoga and breathing therapy, which I have gathered in my own centre.

Breath Awareness

Let me show you how you can let your breath awareness flow naturally into your everyday life. Inhale the essence of the world of breath with me.

Knowledge that Inspires

Discover the secrets of breath, vagus nerve, nervous system and more - everything you need to understand and harmonise yourself and your emotions.

Practical Magic

I don’t just give you theory, I equip you with real, life-changing and mind-opening practices.

Your Toolbox

Strengthen your breath awareness and body awareness with methods specifically designed to peel the onion and make you shine.

Emotional Navigator

Learn to recognise your emotions and to allow, endure, embrace and integrate them.

Goodbye Stress!

I’ll show you how to break the stress cycle and catapult yourself into a state of calm and regeneration or into healthy activity.

Live your Dream

Together we will pave the way for you to live your dreams and achieve your goals with joy.

Part 1 · Theory

In this chapter, we look at basic theories around breathing, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the vagus nerve. Our aim is to slow down, simplify and deepen these complex topics so that you can develop a sound understanding of the connections between breathing and the regulation of the ANS and the vagus nerve.

Breathing is a vital function of our body that is often automatic but can also be consciously controlled. In this chapter, we will explore how your breathing not only brings oxygen to your body, but also influences your mood and quality of life.

The vagus nerve, also known as the ‚wandering nerve’, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion and inflammatory responses. We will look at how purposefully slowing and deepening your breathing can help to promote the activation of your vagus nerve, thereby reducing stress, promoting relaxation and harmony.

By exploring various theoretical topics and the VAGUS FLOW® concept, we lay the foundation for understanding and applying the practical breathing techniques that we will explore later in the book.

„Breath – physical life begins with the first inhalation and ends with the last exhalation.“

Facts and Figures About Breathing

Breathing is an inconspicuous act, but it has an immense effect on our body and our biochemistry. To understand why breathing deserves so much attention, let these figures sink in:

The nose filters every breath (during nasal breathing). When you breathe in, it warms the air and filters out around 100,000 bacteria and 200,000 viruses. When you breathe out, it retains moisture in the body. This is one of the reasons why nasal breathing is so important.

Our outer skin has an area of 2 square metres, the lungs cover around 70 square metres and the intestines 250 to 400 square metres.

If the oxygen supply is cut off, we are brain dead within 30 seconds.

We excrete 70% of toxins via exhalation, 20% via the skin, 7% via the bladder and 3% via the intestines. In stress mode, exhalation and thus the elimination of toxins is reduced.

At rest, an adult breathes in 0.5 litres of air; conscious breathing takes in 2 to 5 litres. An asthmatic reaches up to approx. 15 litres (this is overbreathing and can lead to hyperventilation and even fainting).

The influence of breathing on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is significant, as it is the only area of the ANS that we can control voluntarily. It can have both a calming and a stimulating effect.

There is no right or wrong way to breathe. Your perception is always correct.

Every breath provides oxygen, which our body needs to produce energy. Without a sufficient supply of oxygen, various organs and tissues cannot function properly.

· A healthy diet and lifestyle are of little help if stress breathing is our norm.

Overbreathing is a condition in which we inhale more air than our body needs. Most people in our part of the world breathe too much and too quickly.

Through targeted breathing techniques, we can reduce stress, increase concentration and recognise our emotions. Regulation to the desired state becomes possible. This illustrates the close connection between our breathing and our mental well-being.

To Summarise