Bullied into Love - Ingrid Illia Haugerud - E-Book

Bullied into Love E-Book

Ingrid Illia Haugerud



The masters say; The purpose of this book is to help you get past old obstacles you have experienced in this life, so that you can manage and progress as a person and soul. Everyone will benefit from reading this book, because it explains very clearly how our thoughts and feelings are created growing up. And how we can get past this and move forward in our development as souls and not just as people. Not only as an ego in the head and finding the meaning of life. The book is about Ingrid Illia's journey from being "bullied into love". How she was able to move on from being in a victim role, with help of wisdom. How she then managed to move on and become one with the soul in her heart.

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For many months I have been on a very special journey, where great masters from other realities and planets have channelled their wisdom.

Channelling means that I hear voices with both the outer and inner ear.

The masters say that their channelling should not be edited because then the underlying energy in the messages to our souls disappears.

On each date there may be several masters channelling.

When the different masters speak to us, they address us differently.

Some say we, some you and some say yours and ours.

I thought it was so strong and strange when I first experienced the channelling, so I forgot to ask who I was talking to.

The most important ones are named throughout the book.

The first 8 chapters are about me and my life where the masters share their wisdom along the way.

From Chapter 9, the Masters channel, we have conversations throughout the rest of the book.

My experiences are also depicted between the channelling and the conversations.

I have chosen to use bold to highlight the masters wisdom so that you can easily distinguish between the words of the masters and my words. The normal lettering here is mine.

Remember that not everyone is open to their psychic abilities, but please be open to believe in more than just the physical. No one can see a thought or feeling, but they certainly exist.

The most important thing about this book is that you get in touch with your soul. It’s only when we are one with our soul that we can save the earth.

That’s how important each one of you are for the survival of the planet and mankind.

Be patient and kind to yourself, taking the exercises as you feel ready for them.

Exercises 1-13 from the masters, have been collected last in the book.

I share my experiences in the exercises inside the book, so that you know what can happen whilst performing the exercises.

The Divine light exercise 7 is magical. When you send the light through your body you are healed a little each time, on all levels.

We all have this Christ light/divine spark of life in us and do not need to take in any other light from outside! Because you never know what kind of energy and souls can follow the light from outside.

It pays to start slowly and get to know one exercise at a time. I got the exercises every few weeks. In the beginning especially there was a long interval between receiving the exercises.

All I want is for you to have a better and easier life.

You get a lot of my personal spiritual journey and experiences in the book. The masters think it is important to have it in the book, so that you can understand what a spiritual journey can be like.

So that it will be easier for you to go your own unique way home, to become one with your soul.

Wishing you good and uplifting experiences in the book.

Introduction from the masters:

We masters from other realities are thankful for Ingrid’s part in our mission to save the earth and humanity.

Ingrid is our voice on earth right now and it's a very important time for our planet and mankind.

Channelling is a good way to receive message from the other side. From our divine reality down to humanity, so you all can get help to grow as souls.

We would all love to help mankind to develop further because we love you so much. Because you are part of us and we are part of you.

We want you to read this book with an open mind, because Ingrid has opened her life for us all to see and that is a really great thing to dare to do. So treat her as the master she really is for us and for you all.

You are all part of this rescue of Mother Earth and you are all equally important in this process. So dare to believe in something completely out of the ordinary, it will help the earth.

We have included in the book the exercises we have given Ingrid to wake up and grow and we have chosen to share them with you, because you are so important to us and to the earth and the very survival of humanity on this planet.

With humble reverence, thank you for walking the path of your soul Ingrid.

One day in 2010, I was sitting on the sofa and noticed that there was someone in the room.

I heard a voice say:

My name is Leo, I'll help you write a book. Furthermore, Leo said, «when we are in the physical body we are divided into three parts».

1. Body

2. Soul

Being in the now brings all three together!

Leo says «I'm here for myself and for others.

I am a catalyst for humanity, so that everyone can walk the path into the heart».

Leo says I shall publish this book about my journey in life. He tells me the name of the book and the titles of all the chapters.

He asks me to be in the now or the oneness when I channel to be sure that it is the highest wisdom I hear.

The book should be called:

«Bullied into Love».


My journey from birth to school.

Bullying begins

Becoming powerless

The decent into self-pity

Life's tunnel towards death

Waiting for death

Surprised by life

Elves and other beings

The birth of consciousness


Journey towards the light

The road to love


1. My journey from birth to school.

The masters say:

We acquire reality through understanding our history.

Your history is acquired through the experiences you go through in life. These are experiences you yourself have asked for, before you took up residence in this body.

Everything is decided by you – even your physical appearance and stature – before you descend into a body; which you've chosen carefully based on family, suitable for your journey in the physical reality you are going to.

How you experience life depends on the conditions of your upbringing. Conditions growing up affect you, either by supporting you or not supporting you.

If you grow up without support, misunderstood and invisible, it is something you have chosen for yourself.

You have selected your parents to suit your journey in this physical life. So later in life you shall be influenced by this, to meet exactly what you need to grow as a soul.

When we are born into this reality, we carry with us the memory of paradise.

When children experience the adults lack of paradise, we begin longing to return home.

Therefore, everything from life between lives is erased when we reach a certain age, so that the grief will not be too overwhelming for us.

We enter our bodies as light beings, energy bodies, pure divine beings; created by the light waves of love.

When we take up residence in a body we have already chosen our parents, who fit the regulations regarding the life we should have in order to acquire the understanding we need. We are also exposed to the untruths we need to experience to wake up from ego hibernation, where we just listen to the head.

We are assigned exactly the body we need to meet our destiny. To meet what we are going to meet in this life, to attract the life events and people we are destined to encounter, we must us look one way or the other.

So we have chosen everything ourselves to experience GOD in a physical form and find our way back to where we came from before birth.

We came from love and our path to find our way back to GOD (unconditional love) has been a long and arduous journey.

When we are born some souls enter the body early. They then choose to include all thoughts and feelings from their mother.

Then this is what the child needs in terms of thoughts and feelings to acquire that understanding.

Some enter the physical body as late as one year old.

Everyone chooses differently based on what they have as luggage on their journey in this life. For we are light souls until we are born into the physical body. So we have chosen everything ourselves to experience GOD in a physical form and to be able to find our way back to where we came from.

It can feel heavy as a child to be misunderstood and anonymous. The child feels or remembers that there should be a lot of love present in their life, but there is not much love here on earth.

Love is only found in the heart of every single person.

So if we do not open our hearts to that love, we will not move forward in the development on the path to becoming one with our soul.

We are on this earth journey to understand what it is like to be God in a physical form.

But then our ego, in our head, has taken all the attention from the soul, and we forget why we are here and who we are.

This is why we are born again, life after life here on earth.

To find our way back to our soul, the spark of God in our heart.

Children are very sensitive and come into contact with intuition very easily. If they are not encouraged to listen to it, then it becomes harder and harder to hear. So it’s very important to tell the children that intuition is the voice of the soul.

Our core is divine, so we grow up and take the words of others as our truth. In children, a lie or nonsense do not exist, and others are our mirrors.

Thought by thought, feeling by feeling, breaks down our realisation that we are children of God. That we are perfect, is being shifted day by day by our adopted thoughts and feelings from other people. Which says the opposite of that we are perfect and have created the illusions we have lived with until now.

We are all from one place where everything exists in eternal being, where we create what we want, uplifted by the divine love.

When we were born in this body, we forgot everything. Old knowledge about the limitation of thought was forgotten.

I saw much as a small child, as today I had angels, beings, and dead people I talked to.

As a child, I had contact with everything in the spirit world and other realities.

I loved sitting in front of the window alone and traveling with my friends from other planets, dimensions, and realities.

"Seeing" became difficult at one point, because no one believed what they could not see with their physical eyes. I knew that what I saw was reality, at least for me. So early on I got a very lonely feeling when I had no one to share my experiences with.

Most people only believe what they can see with their physical eyes. One view that they in turn have been influenced by their parents, family and friends.

In this way, their view of reality is transmitted to the children, who believe everything that is said.

I see that many children are still not met, believed in when they talk to friends from other realities that many others do not see.

These children have then themselves decided that they should experience not being believed in, in this life.

They then close their own reality, and accept the adults limited view of reality as truth.

So please believe what children say, because young children have not yet learned to lie.

If you do not understand, then say so.

Maybe the child can teach you something new, and possibly open your eyes to something more than the physical reality.

2. Life's journey into school time and bullying.

How you transform your abilities depends on what help you get, and how it is organised in childhood.

Everything has to do with childhood. There we make everything possible for everything to be adapted to our lives that we need to experience.

Ingrid has taken on a heavy life with lots of burdens and emotions that will push her down, and keep her down long enough until the world is ready to receive her and accept her as the channel, she is for us on the other side.

I was clever as a child, and read books from before I started school, and I can thank my big sister for that. When she started school 2 years before me, I swallowed everything she learned. So when I started school as a 6 year old, I knew everything the first few years.

This made me stand out, I could read when I was 5 and started school at 6. I was also very creative, so I made the most beautiful borders that we drew at school at that time, and everything else creative was also easy for me.

I also stood out physically, because I was small in stature. For me, the years at school were not easy and I experienced a lot of bullying. I was simply different.

I was going to experience being bullied, it was something I had decided to experience before I took up residence in this physical body.

Had my mother told me they were jealous, I probably would never have cared about the bullying.

I was very sad and did not quite understand what the children got out of that bullying. I thought we should be friends and have a good time, but no that should not be my destiny.

I have now been channelled that the wise men in the universe have kept me down with a small body, so that I would not seem threatening when I start to go my soul's path and follow my life task.

Through illness in recent years, I was in bed almost constantly for two years. The wise say that I needed it to begin the journey of my soul.

Where I lay, I used the fever to travel into my body. Every day I made contact with my body and my physical problems. On the right side of my aura, I found a little girl about 7 years old.

She was what we call abnormal, deformed in the body and dead!

She was sent to me because I was going to take in her thoughts to manifest those thoughts into my reality.

From there I got my thoughts that my body was not normal, which has again manifested itself in the emotions and the body.

This is how we create our "reality"!

We accept the truths/untruths of others because we are in each other's aura/energy field that can be many meters out from the body.

So when we are in each other's thoughts and feelings, we adopt them to us. We think it's our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

So I quickly absorbed the thought and feeling that I was abnormal, because of that dead girl in my aura. She was so close, she sat leaning next to my leg, then it is natural that I heard her thoughts and feelings and thought it was mine.

This is how we adopt from others around us things that are not ours, but we believe in what we hear in our head and feel.

So then it becomes our truth, which creates our reality.

Instead of experiencing the real reality.

Many have fled their bodies for various reasons, of both physical and mental abuse.

As a child, I ran away from my body because I did not want this little body.

I just couldn't stand this body that had so many bad thoughts and feelings that it was much easier to go outside.

That's how I stayed out there, and became more and more unconscious.

So they have placed dead children and adults around me to keep me down, so as not to wake up spiritually too soon.

Not to wake up until the people are ready to receive the message of the masters.

Then I heard their thoughts and thought they were mine, then their truth became my supposed truths that characterized me to what I should experience in this life, which I have decided before I went down into this body.

So where is the free will?

Yes, the masters say, it allows me to choose to follow the voice of the heart, my soul. Or follow the voice of the ego in my head and go against my soul.

Being bullied is a terribly devastating experience.

My little body made it easy to find something to bully me for. I quickly developed a feeling of not being good enough.

Luckily, I had my creativity, and I was good with my hands.

I could already in the toddler classes draw ladies in swimsuits and bikinis for the other girls because they could not draw bodies.

It was so modern with paper dolls, and everyone wanted a paper doll to make clothes for.

When I look back at primary school and the friends I was with then, I see that many were victims of bullying. I felt at home there among the "losers" as some call those who do not follow the crowd or have traumas that push them down.

Bullying is very destructive to self-esteem and self-worth.

But I only got what I needed in this life to wake up as a soul.

But before you know this, life as a victim of bullying is terribly heavy.

Every time I was bullied I cried, and it seems like the bullies thought that was fun.

When I came home and told my mother, she just said “take back”.

But I was not a bully, I just wanted everyone to be happy and have a good time.

Getting out of bullying has taken me over 50 years.

I felt like a victim, and the role of victim is a very degrading role and difficult to get rid of.

Many people struggle to come to terms with the fact that they are not good enough.

If I hadn’t had my creativity, I don’t know where I would have been today?

My creativity has kept me in the belief that I'm pretty good on one level.

It is a challenge to grow up to stand out, because it’s so easy to unconsciously point out the difference.

I have felt looked at all my life, so when someone looked at me, I always thought it was because I was little, 143cm.

As an adult, I also met those who unknowingly press the old bully button, and say: oh, you’re so sweet and tiny.

And then all the feelings from the bullying came back to me and made me feel bullied again.

Feeling that meeting this in my life, was the universe's way of saying, look here, you still do not love yourself and your body.

It was because I still could not accept myself as good enough and stuck in the victim role.

Could not like my body because it was too small.

After a lot of work with the mind, I have now managed to accept my body and height as perfectly OK. So now I no longer meet those who say oh, you are so sweet and tiny, and stroke my head.

But I still notice that it touches me when people look at me, I feel watched.

The feelings of being different are not over, because I am still out of the crowd. But emotions do not prevail as they did before. It is also much easier to be small now, when we have so many small women from the East.

The masters say:

Children will always bully as long as the adults assign words to people.

“Look how fat she is, look how weird he is”.

“Oh, how drunk he is”! Or any other remark, when you are with children. It makes the children think that this is the way to talk about others.

Children are pure divine beings, until they learn something else at home. When you notice things I people, you pull the children out of the present and the oneness and they end up in the ego by judging and naming everything.

They say, “look at that bird” instead of saying “look over there, looks like the bird is having a nice time”.