Angels Of the element - Ingrid illia Haugerud - E-Book

Angels Of the element E-Book

Ingrid Illia Haugerud



The elements and the wonderful conversations we had lifted me to new heights of consciousness, also through the healings I have experienced during the creation of the book. Even though my journey in self-development started about 40 years ago, their wisdom is completely unknown to me.

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Ea: The angel of water


Fria : Angel of the air

Arakto Angel of fire

The channeled books


About me, I was born in east/south Norway in 1950. Since 2020 I have lived in unity with my soul/higher self and travel all around the world and perform my life callings.

To follow any religions or tradisjon have never come into my mind.

Since birth I have been in contact with other realities and dimensions.

Talking with angels I hav done all my life, and started channelings with my angel friends and other masters in 2018 and we have together created 5 books.

For me it was important to let them deside the books titels and cover.

Welcome to my magical world, where I have conversations with my higher self/soul, archangel Seraphim. He is the guardian angel of the Muslims, just as Christianity has archangel Michael.

And my life mission soul Osiris, who sends me on journeys across the earth to cleanse negative energy and help the dead home after the wars. And to introduce the unity back into nature, while creating lines around the earth, to keep the earth in its oval journey in our universe around our star the sun.

Osiris also takes me traveling with my consciousness into the different universes.

(Osiris was the Egyptian god who landed in the desert of Egypt in a UFO from the planet Sirius, and he says it was about 8000 years ago.)

Everything in the book is conversations recorded on my phone.

I choose to use regular font for my words, and I use bold for the words of my souls and the Elements.

The conversations are directly transferred to the book as my souls ask me to, so you may be able to sense their energy.

Sometimes they say us, we and you.


Journey through the heart of Osiris into another reality!

A big explosion is shown to me.

What is it Osiris, is it "The Big Bang" I see?

That's it, dear.

Now we're going to travel into another reality, Illia, that you haven't been to before, but don't be afraid because there's nothing dangerous there. It's just beautiful there, Illia.

Thank you, Osiris.

I see we are approaching a fog. A pink, foggy mass.

It’s just as if I’m melting in my body. Just as if my body is falling into place, into a new place.

Here the reality is pure love, Illia, nothing but pure.

Am I becoming one with the Divine light of love I have seen?

You are in it now, Illia.

There are many here, so magical!

So strange, just as if everyone is in their own little love cell.

And the love here is so strong, it transforms my body, Osiris.

Say hello to everyone around you, Illia, you will recognize them.

Do I, Osiris?

No, this is Seraphim speaking now.

You will recognize them, Illia, they are your sisters and brothers in other realities.

Oh, there I see Araka the elf queen.

Hello dear friend, dear sister.

I have been waiting for you to come here and become one with me.

I am just another part of you.

Are you, Araka?

You are our great goddess, Illia, you are the archangel Seraphim, you know. The greatest of them all, and we are one with you.

I can't quite understand it, Araka.

I can understand that, Illia, it's many-faceted you see. There is a many-faceted reality here with us, but we are all separate beings.

Who is in the next bubble, is it you, Fria?

Angel of the air, are you under Seraphim?

All the elements are under Seraphim, Illia.

Oh, I see you, Fria, angel of the air, your beautiful long, flowing hair. How beautiful.

Razul angel of the earth, is there too.

Oh God, how strong this is, Osiris.

I know, Illia, you needed this, you see, to get higher.

Hello Razul and hello Ea, and the moon goddess Serafa, too.

Is there anyone else you want me to see?

That's enough for now.

Thank you, dear Osiris, thank you dear Seraphim. So strong, I feel shaken and filled with love deep in my heart now.

We can understand that dear Illia, it is important that you understand how important you are, you see. You hold the entire nearest universe together Illia, as you are the archangel Seraphim.

(When we are born in a feminine body, our higher self/soul is usually masculine, unless you have chosen to experience the imbalance by being gay or lesbian, or other forms of gender. And it’s the opposite with a masculine body, feminine angel. Yin and yang in the same being.)



I am now beginning the channeling of the book "ANGELS of the ELEMENTS" where I channel the spiritual beings/angels of all the elements:

Earth - Razul

Water - Ea

Air - Fria

Fire - Arakto


Angel of the Earth

I am told by my higher self/soul archangel Seraphim that I should start the book with the angel of the Earth.

I have always thought of the angel of the earth as feminine, Yaya, and then I call her by saying out loud, dear Yaya!

Suddenly I feel a strong force, and right in front of me stands a large masculine angel. He says in a loud voice:

My name is Razul!

I jumped at the power of his voice, which was incredibly strong.

Greetings angel of the earth, Razul, what would you like to share with us about your being?

I want to share with you the being of my consciousness, and being a caretaker, the one who takes care of earth as a planet and consciousness in its position in the universe.

That sounds exciting, Razul.

I want to say that existence is something that moves us deeply. To be a being in the whole, in the totality of the universe is a magical experience.

How do you feel that experience, Razul, what can you tell us about it?

I feel it as a flow of love and excitement, in my consciousness.

Being one with everything, but still being the earth.

I had to stop after a short channeling, it was such a powerful transformation when Razul used my voice, so I only managed three minutes!


Razul says I'm open now, so I'm really channeling well.

And when he speaks with my voice, it's like I hear his voice in my whole body, in all my cells.

The other angels I hear in my heart, but I hear his voice in my whole body! He fills the whole room I'm sitting in and the whole area around me with his powerful energy.

I am the greatest on earth, you know. I am the consciousness of the element earth. Like a big conscious ball I float in the universe.

And it's a magic ball, a magical planet, which is made up of many consciousnesses in its being.

Everything is unity, as you experience that everything is GOD.

It becomes very strong when you use my voice, Razul, it moves my whole body.

Yes, you are a strong master, Illia.

Thank you, I can't quite feel it, Razul, but I'm working on feeling valuable, feeling good enough. But there are still remnants of my limitations and inferiority.

Take part of my energy, Illia, and it will disappear.

Now my back twitched really hard and uncomfortably. I have never been pulled so hard in early healings during a channeling.

This is strong stuff, Illia. My element is a being in motion, it’s continuous movement like all other energy and consciousness is perpetual movement towards something new.

People are so worried that so many races are disappearing from earth, but new races are coming which have not been seen before.

Because there are new changes coming to earth and it's also coming into your bodies. Your bodies are also renewed together with nature, but you need to stop the pollution.

You can't go on with it any longer, you know. Do as Illia and buy everything from the health store, shampoo and soaps for your body and house.

It's important, because there you pollute a lot, into the water and into earth's consciousness.

And the air is important, so drive a car as little as possible and take the bus.

Public transport is designed to save the environment, so use your legs and bicycles.

I hope people can wake up and become more aware, and take care of not only their house, but everything around them as a whole.

Yes, Illia, everything is connected as a whole.

Not many people realize this, Razul.