Case Study: A Study On Causes Of Stress In The Public Banks Of The Jodhpur City - Meeta Nihalani - E-Book

Case Study: A Study On Causes Of Stress In The Public Banks Of The Jodhpur City E-Book

Meeta Nihalani

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The modern era of liberalization is becoming tough and competitive. The growing need of specialization in the organization is increasing the demand for talent and competent people. The organization need to grow in a professional because go the global standards impacting work ethics to give better services and products to the market. The organizations have to concentrate on increasing productivity. Technology allows us to do things faster and on a much larger scale, but it also raises expectations of a rapid response and the availability of individuals to interact to meet business needs. This provides both opportunities and challenges for HR to influence how an organization makes best use of its human and organizational capital, without jeopardizing employee well-being and to sense of organizational justice. The impact of technology has impacted the human interactions and there is loss of quality time to share human emotions which is impacting the human stress. The stress management is essential and the employee needs to understand the work environment and cope with the stress levels.

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