Talent Development Through Educational Institutes Of Rajasthan - Meeta Nihalani - E-Book

Talent Development Through Educational Institutes Of Rajasthan E-Book

Meeta Nihalani

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Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2011 in the subject Pedagogy - Higher Education, Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur (Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology, Jodhpur), language: English, abstract: The social capital gives the faith and trust to the society to cultivate the economic wealth for any country. The people need to work on the professional and technical skills for creating the business and economic systems to generate wealth. The technical skills are the basis for creating the assets and wealth of the country. The higher education is needed to build the ability of the people to harness the resources and convert them into the valuable products and services for the society. The education can grow the business and the production system of the country to manufacture the advanced products based on the technical knowledge. The aim of the paper is to build the strategic framework for studying the impacts of educational institutes in providing the technical education to develop the skills for the growth and development of the students.

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