Education Quality Impacts the Employment Generation - Meeta Nihalani - E-Book

Education Quality Impacts the Employment Generation E-Book

Meeta Nihalani

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Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2011 in the subject Pedagogy - Job Education, Further Education, Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur (Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology, Jodhpur), language: English, abstract: The power of human excellence lies on applying human intention to explore potential connections so as to create interactions with more valuable knowledge to build the academic wealth of the country. The education is the soft wealth of any country because it develops the intellectual capital of the economy to foster the development and growth of the economy. The government can only make people prosperous by giving them the right education to cultivate the skills and competencies to design their destinies and employment to live a dignified lie. The employment potential of the economy can be increased but converting the masses into the trained human resources to develop the options and opportunities to harness the resources to foster the growth and development of the country. The aim of the papers is to design the strategic framework for developing the education to cultivate the right the right competencies to grow in an empowered way

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