Chakras - The Awakening. Ancient knowledge woven into a magical adventure tale of the new era – for the inner children of people of all ages. - Nadja Allam - E-Book

Chakras - The Awakening. Ancient knowledge woven into a magical adventure tale of the new era – for the inner children of people of all ages. E-Book

Nadja Allam

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  • Herausgeber: tredition
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

There are countless chakra books out there, but none are like this one. This specialized book waves ancient knowledge into a magical adventure tale of the new era – for the inner children of people of all ages. Join Lina on her dream journey through the chakra worlds. Seven nights, seven dreams. Lina's chakras come to life, take shape, and enter into dialogue with her. Challenging. Loving. Funny. Get to know Lina's inner companions. They are yours, too. You will never again have to wonder which theme belongs to which energy center. You will know your chakras: their character, their energy, their meaning, and their lessons. You will build a relationship with them and with each dream your consciousness will expand. The purpose of this journey is not merely dreaming but awakening. Parents, teachers, therapists: Read it with your protégés, so they remember – or never forget – how wonderful they are. The chakra system is a tool that does not need to be acquired or earned. It was given to all of us. Chakras are energy and consciousness vortices in your subtle body. The transmission of chakra teachings comes from the Indian yoga tradition, but you do not need to be a yogi to perceive your energy centers. The seven main chakras vibrate along your spine and provide their energy to your various bodily functions, as well as your psychological and spiritual processes. Especially when you are on a quest for meaning and ask yourself, "Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I here for?", engaging with your energy system will help you sense the personal answers to these questions. Each chakra holds spiritual-energetic lessons for you. We are in transition to an age of higher consciousness – the knowledge of our energy centers should long be taught in school. You have come ino this world with a wonderful tool to help you become more aware of yourself and actively shape the future. Use it; it is your birthright. You are right. You are important. "You are needed, and now is your time." (Lee Harris)

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The chakra system is a tool that does not have to be acquired or earned. It was given to us all. Use it. It is your birthright.

You are right. You are important. "You are needed and now is your time."

(Lee Harris)

Nadja Allam

Chakras – The Awakening

Colors, energy, and meaning of the chakras. The magical journey into your higher consciousness.

First edition © 2023 Nadja Allam

Original title "Chakras – Das Erwachen"

Original language German

English editing by Dr. Angelika Selle


Printing and distribution on behalf of the author:

tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany









This work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the content. Any use is not permitted without the author's consent. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of the author, who can be contacted at:

Nadja Allam, Morgartenring 153, 4054 Basel, Switzerland, [email protected].



Title Page


The Surprise

The Root Cave

The Waters of Emotions

The Sun Meadow

Heart Magic

The Tree of Truth

The Seeing Mountain

The Cosmic Light

The Awakening


Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Solarplexus Chakra

Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Crown Chakra

Sources of Inspiration

Picture Credits

Nadja Allam, Author

Angelika Selle, English Editor


Chakras - The Awakening


Title Page


The Surprise

Picture Credits

Chakras - The Awakening
































































































































































The Surprise

"You want to send me away?"

She sat up straight in her bed, trying to process what her parents had just revealed to her.

Lina had always known she had a vivid imagination. From a young age, it had been easy for her to imagine things and paint them in the most vibrant colors. She was a dreamer, that much was clear to her. Her best friend always teased her about being an only child.

"If you had grown up like me with three demanding brothers, you wouldn't have had time to invent imaginary friends," she used to say.

There was certainly some truth to that. But Lina was never quite sure if she had actually imagined her companions as a little child or if they had been real on some level. She had outgrown her imaginary friends by now – one grew older and more sensible, after all. But her imagination had stayed with her and sometimes almost got her into trouble. Just recently, her English teacher had complimented her on her eloquent expressions and flawless spelling in her last essay. At the same time, he had sharply criticized her for her extravagant imagination, as he put it. He pointed out to her to stick to the facts, to reality, instead of inventing all sorts of imaginary characters. What could she do if her imagination sometimes got the best of her? If sentences popped into her head that she couldn't attribute to anyone, then she just invented a speaker. Somehow, the sentences must have come from somewhere, right? Someone must have said them, hadn't they?

Lina was a dreamer. But even in her wildest day or night dreams, she could not have imagined this journey.

The summer vacation had just begun. Lina enjoyed not having to set an alarm and being able to sleep in comfortably. She loved the warm season and had already imagined a lot of things she wanted to do. She would go swimming in the river with her friend, even with all three of her friend’s brothers if necessary. She wanted to ride bikes in the fields, maybe go camping for a few days, and in two weeks, there would be this dance event she had been looking forward to for a long time. She was in the midst of her waking dreams when her mom, Gaia, and her dad, Cael, knocked on her door and entered her room.

It was the day of the summer solstice, Gaia's cheeks were flushed with excitement, and Cael's bright blue eyes sparkled, competing with the morning light.

"Lina, dear," her mom said, "we have a surprise for you!"

"A surprise?" Lina's eyes widened with concern.

"Don't look so troubled, kiddo!" Cael grinned. "It's nothing bad."

"On the contrary, it's something wonderful!" Gaia confirmed.

Cael and Gaia exchanged a mischievous smile and then turned their gaze expectantly back to their daughter, as if she had something to say to them and not the other way around. Lina’s parents weren't usually so mysterious. Very strange! Why didn't they just tell her what it was about?

"What's going on?" Lina sat up. "Why are you beating around the bush? Do I need to worry about something?"

Gaia flinched. "Oh no," she assured her, "we don't want to scare you. Really not. We're just so excited about this journey that we don't know how to tell you about it."

"A journey?" Now excitement was also spreading in Lina. "We're going on a trip?"

Again, that conspiratorial look between her parents, upon which her father explained, "Not us, kiddo, you are!"

What?! Lina’s thoughts were racing. Her parents wanted to send her away. And they were actually looking forward to it! But she had plans! Had she done something wrong? Her imagination immediately began to establish the craziest connections. Maybe her English teacher had called her parents? Told them their daughter was losing touch with reality? Where are they sending me? To boarding school? To a sanatorium?

Lina felt the color draining from her face. Instead, a lump formed in her throat. She swallowed, and the lump moved down into her stomach.

"You want to send me away?" she asked softly. What did her parents have in store for her?

"Cael," Gaia scolded, "how can you make such a statement! Can't you see you're scaring your daughter?"

"I'm just stating the facts,” Cael replied. “If you weren't so hesitant, she would have known what it was about long ago."

"One has to proceed gently," Gaia replied, "otherwise the dreams won't even come about."

"The direct way is always the best, straightforward. She can handle it; she's a big girl."

Dreams? What on earth were they talking about?

Lina looked back and forth between her parents like in a ping-pong game. What is it that they should convey to her gently? What is it that she should be able to handle? She had thought it was about a journey. Dreams? What dreams?

Slowly, she was getting fed up: "Dad, Mom, could you please stop arguing and finally tell me what's going on?"

The two looked to the ground, embarrassed. Such disputes were part of everyday life. Lina knew her parents loved each other, but they were just so different. Like day and night, sun and moon, heaven and earth. Her father was direct, logical, demanding in his motivating way, active and powerful. Her mom, on the other hand, was calm within herself. She weighed things up, felt her way into a situation first, she was caring and nurturing and just as powerful in her own way. Cael had always set high goals for his daughter, whereas Gaia grounded her so she would be able to accomplish them.

Her mom was the first to compose herself: "Of course, dear, please forgive us. Come, let's sit in the garden. In the tranquility of nature, we'll tell you everything step by step."

"Tranquility of nature…" she heard her father snort.

But she was already up and on her way to the garden. It was a beautiful garden, full of wildflowers and shade trees. That was her mother's realm. Gaia loved nature. Her dad much preferred the rooftop terrace. For him, the sky couldn't be close enough. The sun, the clouds, the nightly sea of stars – here he felt at home, this was true life. Lina loved both equally. She just wanted to hear what her "surprise" was about – no matter where.

The three sat down on a blanket on the grass, and Cael said: "So, Gaia, since we're sitting on your earth, you might as well start."

"The journey does start with the earth. You'll get your turn," Gaia replied with a smile, turning to Lina.

"So, my dear, first of all: you have absolutely nothing to fear. We're not sending you away, of course not. The journey we're sending you on is a dream journey."

Lina's first sigh of relief was immediately followed by a big question mark in her mind.

"How, a dream journey?"

Gaia took a deep breath and began to explain: "Lina, you know and we know that sometimes you perceive things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Sometimes you see something, sometimes you hear something, sometimes you just feel a presence."

Had her teacher called after all?

"Don't look at me like that, I know it's true. And that's okay. You think you only have a vivid imagination – and you do! And that's beautiful. The most wonderful stories and ingenious inventions arise from the visionary abilities of people who dare to let their imagination run wild. Don't be ashamed of your imagination, it's a gift – but not only that. Many, many things that you perceive, they really exist."

Doubtfully, Lina looked at her dad. What was this all about?

But Cael just grunted in agreement, and so Gaia continued: "What we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our nose, taste on our tongue, and feel with our hands – all these are things of the three-dimensional world. But reality has much more than just three dimensions! The three-dimensional world is the densest, but there are also higher-dimensional worlds. What you see with your inner eye, hear with your inner ear, what you feel inside and around you, those are things of the higher dimensions. And they are equally a part of reality. Ultimately, everything in all worlds is energy and consciousness."

"Wait a minute, Mom. Energy and consciousness? What's all this really about?"

"Patience, dear, I'm trying to explain it to you. Everything in all worlds is consciousness and energy. Sometimes the energy is denser and sometimes lighter, depending on how high it vibrates. When the energy is very dense, it becomes a solid body that you can see and touch. That's the three-dimensional world you know – it consists of condensed energy. But in the higher-dimensional worlds, the energy is lighter. It is so fine and fleeting there that the human eye no longer perceives it. Then you only see it with your inner eye and feel it not with your hands, but with your inner sense."

Lina started to ponder. So a solid body – a stone, a tree, even a human being – was condensed energy? And if the energy was not so dense, then something didn't have a solid body, but it was still there?

Gaia gave her a moment for these thoughts, and then continued: "It's similar with consciousness. Everything that lives is imbued with consciousness. And the more you raise and expand your consciousness, the more you perceive. Do you understand about perception, dear? The higher your consciousness, the more things you can accept as true, perceive as true. Those who limit their consciousness to the three-dimensional, material things believe all too quickly that everything else is not true."

That was a lot of information all at once! Could that really be true? How often did she feel, still to this day, a tingling between her shoulder blades and had a very strong feeling that someone was there – even though no one was visible? How often did she ask questions and then suddenly have an answer in her head – even though she heard no one? How often did she just know something, even though no one had told her? Was it possible that she perceived all this because it was true?

"You're on the right track, kiddo," she heard her father say. "We all have voices within us and around us that accompany and support us when we pay attention. You know, there are many people who say they only believe what they see. But it's exactly the opposite: we all only see what we believe."

"We only see what we believe? What do you mean?"

"Quite simply, kiddo: if you believe that the three-dimensional world is the only one, if you believe that nothing exists beyond matter, then you won't even notice the more subtle, lighter worlds. You won't be open to them, won't perceive them. Or you'll dismiss your perception as a figment of your imagination. Only if you can imagine that all this is possible at all will you be able to recognize it when it happens. Do you understand? Your imagination, your ability to imagine, is a door to higher consciousness."

Lina nodded. That would explain so much!

"Yes, it somehow feels true," she said. "But how do you – how do you even know what I'm thinking? Can you suddenly read minds?"

Once again, Cael and Gaia smiled at each other.

"You're like an open book to us," Cael said, "so we don't need to be able to read minds."

Well, that wasn't exactly an answer, but Lina had more urgent questions.

"So, what's the deal with this dream journey?"

"Would you like to?" Cael asked Gaia.

"Of course," she replied, "back to energy! We believe you're ready to recognize yourself as the being you really are – the being that goes far, far beyond your three-dimensional body, the subtle, light being. The dream journey we want to send you on is a journey into the energy world and a journey into the higher dimensions. Your father took this journey in his youth as well, and I also experienced the adventure when I was your age. The journey lasts seven nights. Seven nights in which you will dream and realize. Would you like that?"

"Of course she would!" Cael interjected.

Lina had to grin – her father knew her well. It sounded way too exciting and way too crazy to say no. It wouldn't disrupt her nice holiday plans either, it was just about dreams. Dreaming for seven nights? She didn't have to think long.

"Of course, I'd love to," she confirmed, "when do we start?"

She saw the adventurous sparkle in her father's eyes and felt the anticipation gripping her, too.

"Tonight already," promised Cael.

The Root Cave

Finally! Today was the day, for sure. He could feel it in every bone, and he had always been able to trust that feeling. Oh, how excited he was!

He had told them all. Trust me, he had said, I can feel it when the time comes. They had almost made him a little nervous with their well-meaning advice. He should proceed carefully but purposefully, playfully but seriously, logically but emotionally. He forgave them. They knew how important he was, because he was the first. He was the foundation.

All would go well, he trusted that firmly. He would lay the foundation on which the others could then build. He cast a last glance at his preparations and grumbled contentedly. He was so happy!

Today was finally the day, for sure. Today she would come.


That evening, her mother placed a freshly picked bouquet of flowers in her room and laid a fresh nightgown on her bed. Lina was now a little nervous after all, brushed her teeth, put on the nightgown, and lay down in bed.

Gaia covered her, stroked her hair lovingly, and asked with concern, "Do you need anything else, dear? Should I bring you anything else? Should I perhaps leave a light on?"

"Mom, I'm not a little kid anymore," protested Lina, "and you're making me even more nervous."

Secretly, however, she was more than glad that her mom was there taking care of her. She felt Cael's soft laughter more than she heard it. He leaned in the doorway with his broad grin and said, "Come on, honey, let her be. Our little one is a big girl, she'll manage."

Gaia gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and whispered with a smile, "She'll definitely manage."

Arm in arm, her parents left her room and closed the door behind them.

"We're right next door," she heard her mom call out. And then it was quiet.

With her eyes wide open, Lina lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. She had no idea what to expect. Why hadn't she asked her parents even more questions? Where would her first dream lead her? And what if she didn't even dream at all? Could you fail on a dream journey?

How on earth was she supposed to fall asleep like this?

That was her last thought before her gaze was magically drawn to the open window. Wasn't it closed before? Now it was wide open, offering a view of a star-studded summer sky. Dad would like that, Lina thought.

Then she suddenly noticed a figure in the left corner of the window. What was that, a raven? Was she dreaming already? In the right corner, too, she caught sight of something, smaller and finer – some kind of insect.

But before she could look closer, her attention was drawn to the starry sky and a particularly large star. It shimmered reddishly and seemed to be getting bigger – or moving closer. Or maybe both? The star grew into an immense ball of light, which became brighter and brighter until Lina had to close her eyes because it was so very blinding, and even then she still felt the glaring light. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut until she felt like something had changed, that it had become darker around her. Very, very cautiously, she opened her eyes and realized that she was no longer lying in her bed.

She was still wearing her nightgown and was barefoot, but beneath her was not the soft mattress, but bare rock. It prickled a bit on her back, so she sat up and looked around. It wasn't very dark here, but it wasn't really bright either. A reddish shimmer surrounded her, and in its glow, she realized that she was in a long cave.

This must be a dream now, right?

She slowly stood up and turned around. The cave was large, and she couldn't really see the ceiling. It was pleasantly warm in here, and even her bare feet didn't feel the least bit cold. She looked down and realized that there was no rock there, as she had thought, but a sea of stones that she could curl her toes into. The stones were warm and seemed to glow from within, all in different shades of red. What had she learned in geology class? She recognized agates, garnets, even rubies. And here and there, a coral that seemed to breathe. The whole cave seemed somehow alive, as it glittered and sparkled in this red glow. A few steps further, a huge dripstone towered into the air, a stalagmite. It too was red, streaked with shiny veins. There, further back, was another one. And another one. They seemed to show her the way.

All right, then, here we go!

She followed the tall stalagmites and made her way further into the cave. The longer she walked, the warmer she felt. And the light also changed – it seemed to get brighter and gently pulsated. Now and then, she also encountered a stalactite hanging from the distant ceiling. Glittering droplets fell from it, sparkling, orange-colored beads that sang as they fell onto the stones and snaked away in small streams. Lina kept walking and felt that it was all somehow connected: the breathing of the corals, the pulsating light, the dripping of the stalactites, even her own steps – everything followed a common rhythm like an underground drum.

The stalagmites now described a straight line that seemed to lead to the center of the cave. That's where the brighter light was coming from, as Lina now realized. She walked toward it, while the cave slowly widened. And when she had rounded a particularly large stalagmite, she saw that the light was coming from a huge fire in the middle of the cave.

Suddenly she felt panic rising in her. I'm not safe here, she thought. I'm going to burn, I'm not going to survive this! Fear paralyzed her steps. She didn't know whether to continue or to run back quickly. Both seemed impossible to her. How on earth was she going to get back home?

Then she heard a voice.

The voice came from the fire, from the cave walls, from the stones on the ground, and somehow also from her own inner self. The voice sounded like earth, like a drum, like flowing lava, and it said, "Do not be afraid, dear, nothing will happen to you. Trust me!"


Only her mom called her that. The familiar nickname immediately calmed her, and the fear released its sharp claws from her. But she remained cautious. Slowly, one step at a time, she continued toward the big fire. She couldn't see anyone, so she gathered all her courage and called out, "Who are you? Show yourself!"

At first, she only felt a slight tremor of the ground under her feet. Then another one. And another one. Were those footsteps? In the middle of the fire, she thought she could see a shadow, a figure, but what kind? A figure emerging from the fire?

Really, now?

The earth continued to tremble rhythmically, and the figure condensed more and more as it approached. Lina recognized a head, a neck, and then a round, fiery red belly. And what was coming after that, was that a tail? Yes, a tail with spikes on it that ran up the entire length of its back. Was that a –?

"Allow me to introduce myself: Radix – I am your root dragon, dear," said the lava voice.

With her mouth agape, Lina tilted her head back, only to realize that the voice really did come from the throat of this red fire dragon, which was almost twice as tall as her and was grinning mischievously, but affectionately.

Overwhelmed with astonishment, Lina fell backwards and plopped down on her backside.

"Ouch," she cried out, "that was my tailbone!"

"Oh, well," said Radix, still grinning, "that's somehow part of it…"

"So, you're a – a root dragon?" asked Lina, still sitting on the stones.

"I am your root dragon," corrected Radix. "But come, let's sit by the fire and chat a bit. Would you like to have some pomegranate juice?"

"You're my – mine? I have a root dragon?" Lina continued to stare up in astonishment.

"What is a root dragon?"

"Well, me!" exclaimed Radix and laughed a rumbling laugh that sounded like an avalanche. His mighty belly shook rhythmically, and with every breath, a small cloud of smoke escaped from his throat.

"Come on, dear, get up! I have much more comfortable coral chairs by the fire. Shall I carry you there? I wouldn’t mind at all to do that!"

Lina didn't want to imagine climbing onto the spiky back of a root dragon. She quickly got up and declined with thanks. She wanted to stand on her own two feet. Radix nodded approvingly and led her around the fire. As she followed him, Lina noticed that Radix did indeed have wings. Leathery, folded wings grew on both sides of his crest.

This is really a dragon, she thought, amazed.

On the other side of the fire, the heat and light were somewhat muted. A sparkling ruby wall shielded the flames, and there stood two large, inviting coral chairs with a polished garnet table between them. One chair had an immense hole in the seat – for Radix's tail, as Lina immediately discovered. She sat in the other one and watched Radix as he reached for the carafe on the table. Two clay cups were already waiting, and Radix filled them with a red-gleaming liquid.

Her surprise must have been written all over her face because Radix explained with a smile:

"I have been expecting you. I have firmly trusted that you would visit me today. Pomegranate juice, dear?"

He handed her a cup, and Lina took a deep sip, the delicious liquid flowing down her throat.

"Thank you, it tastes great!"

"I'm glad," replied Radix, beaming at her.

Slowly, Lina began to trust.

"Radix, why do you call me dear? Only my mother calls me that."

"Well, it’s fitting," asserted Radix. "After all, she is also my mother."

Lina nearly choked on her juice.

"How… what? She is… you are… then you're my – brother?"

Radix chuckled his rumbling laugh.

"Not quite. I suppose I have a lot to explain to you, don't I?"

Lina looked at him expectantly.

"Where should I start?" mused Radix.

"My mom said the journey begins with the earth," Lina dared to suggest.

Radix nodded thoughtfully.

"Agreed," he smiled, "a good start! Because here in my – in our – cave, we are completely embedded in the energy of the earth. Here you feel the power of the earth best – this red, warm, glowing energy. Earth energy is nourishing, protective, supportive. It gives us support, stability, and security. Mother Earth carries you, always and everywhere. You can trust in that."

Lina hung spellbound on the words falling from Radix's lips. Well, does a dragon have lips? Whatever.

"Your mom probably told you that you are not only made up of your physical body?"

Lina confirmed.

"She hinted at something like that. Something about a subtle, light being."

Radix's eyes began to shine.

"Yes, yes, a light being – a light-being! That's exactly what you are. You have a subtle body, which consists of much higher vibrating energy than your physical body. In fact, your physical body could not survive without this higher energy – it is automatically part of it, part of the life package on earth, understand?"

"Somewhat," nodded Lina and then shook her head. "So, my body would be dead without this energy?"

"Exactly, dear! Your dense, earthly body would not be alive. We're talking about literal life energy here. Nothing can live without it. And part of this energy, part of your energy, is earth energy."

"What, all the earth energy here is my energy?" Lina wondered.

"Yes and no," replied Radix. "It's not like all the earth energy belongs to you alone. And yet, the earth is a part of you, just as you are a part of her, energetically speaking. You are a child of Mother Earth, just like every living being on this planet. Her energy permeates you and supports you and is part of your energy system. The more you connect with your root, the more strongly you will perceive the wonderful earth energy."

Lina listened attentively, but the questions were racing in her head. Which one should she ask first? She decided on this one: "What does it mean that I should connect with my root? I'm not a radish, after all!"

Radix laughed so hard he got hiccups. With every hiccup, a little smoke ring came out of his throat and once even a little tongue of flame.

Lina was startled.

"Can you really breathe fire?" she asked.

"Of course," replied Radix, after he had calmed down. "I carry the magnetic fire of the earth within me. After all, hic, I am a root dragon."

Then Lina remembered her question again. Thoughtfully she said, "When you say I should connect with my root, then that has something to do with this earth energy, right? And with you! You say you're a root dragon. Can you help me connect with my root – whatever that is?"

"That, dear, is my task and my greatest pleasure!"

The root dragon reached for the carafe and poured them both some pomegranate juice. After taking a big sip and the hiccups subsided, he continued, "Life energy flows through your physical body and makes it alive. Your subtle body, your energy body, is designed to absorb this life energy and channel it into your physical body. This way, it can flow into all the cells, all the muscles, and all the organs and make them alive. Isn't that wonderful?"

Lina nodded. It sounded like a really ingenious system.