charming edible art - Dita Bichsel - E-Book

charming edible art E-Book

Dita Bichsel

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Cold Dishes prepared in a lovable way so that also children will enjoy healthy vegetables and juicy fruits.

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Seitenzahl: 17

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« charming edible art « is a creative attempt

…to produce a special dining experience for your guests

…to make healthy food such as vegetables and fruits more tasty for children, in a playful and amusing way and finally

…just to give you without many words some ideas that you can implement for many events.




1. Festive Events

1.1. Christmas

1.2. New Year's Eve / New Year’s Day

1.3. Easter

1.4. Halloween

1.5. St. Nicholas’ Day

1.6. National Holiday

1.7. Birthday & Valentine’s Day

2. Subjects

2.1. Animals

2.1.1. Dogs

2.1.2. Cats

2.1.3. Mice

2.1.4. Birds

2.1.5. Fish

2.1.6. Other animals

2.2. Flowers

2.3. Hats

2.4. Clowns

3. Faces

4. Big Invitations

4.1. Big Meat - & Vegetable Loaf

4.2. Big Iced - Vacherin

4.3. Juicy Berry Cake

5. Miscellaneous

5.1. Figures

5.2. Letters

5.3. Signs

6. Tips & Tricks



You can easily and identically reproduce all the small art works pictured step by step, because they are mainly made with cutters.

" charming edible art " will explain to you the secret of the amusing and charming expression of each art work.

The 3D levels will increase the attractiveness of the art works.

Before your guests start eating your art works, you should explain their meaning to them!

It is up to your imagination how to bring over your

culinary master - piece

to your guests, as everyone will interpret it in another way.

In this way you will increase the value of your work and also the desire to taste the goodies.


Good preparation is half the work!

The better you are prepared the faster you can work and the fresher your dishes will be.